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TLDR: Been getting some new artists on board for event based sex scenes. Been animating some of the completed sex scenes , writing story, and getting the new forest area ready.


Hey guys,

I wanted to make a post to let ya know what I've been doing these past couple of weeks but I also don't want to spoil content for you so. Here's your chance to leave...

~~~Minor Content spoilers ahead!~~~

You agree to minor spoilers then...


Ok! So you're down for some spoilers. 


These next two animation teasers were not commissioned to be animated lol. I ended up doing it on a whim because I thought yall would like it. This slowed my progress down a little but I think it's gonna add a lot of hotness to the game! Plus it gave me experience in getting things animation ready even if they weren't made to be.

Artist - https://twitter.com/barmaku_art 

Artist - https://twitter.com/lewdbeans 

New Area

Here's the new forest area I'm trying to add (part of main story) without killing yalls computers (grass eats FPS!) This will likely need tweaking after I release and get your feedback. I plan on adding loot, random events, and roaming Deviants here.

In the works

Here are some more things I've got comin for content ;]

Artist - https://twitter.com/mystikfoxdraws 

Artist - https://twitter.com/KindofABigSeal 

Artist - https://twitter.com/barmaku_art

I have more but I don't wanna spoil everything ^_^

Personal Note

I know I say it a lot but really... thank you. You have no idea what your support means to me. 

Every day brings new challenges but also new reasons to smile. Just yesterday I spent hours animating a butthole for a sex scene and when I was done I just sat back and thought 'damn... this is literally my job'. 

That's the most funny and awesome job I can think of. Pair that with coding and getting to meet / interact with yall... it doesn't seem real. I feel like I jumped into another timeline where I get to be happy. And that's because of you. 

So I give you no choice but to accept my shower of love and thanks <3



Lemme know if you enjoy these kind of dev logs. I'm still figuring out what works :)



Best boi🥰😋. I love him so much.