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Hey guys,

Here's the next update for Uncommon Breed! This is Gear chapter :)

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Lust Update:

Apologies for the radio silence on Lust. I've had my nose to the grindstone for the most part. Here are some updates ^_^

1) Made a short promotional sex scene with Sabre and Salem to practice animation for Lust sex scenes. From this demo I was able to gather I can do the animations myself if needed. This means I can probably add more then if I was purely reliant on others to do so ^_^

2) Raffled a character to be added to Lust via Twitter and Discord (Make sure to enter if you haven't already!)

3) Added and animated 3 characters to the game. Salem, Sabre, and Apheru:

4) Added 70+ spells to the game. Each has a unique FX but I'd like to improve on these in the future :) 


5) Initially I said I didn't want to add relationships until later in the game. I decided, because of the way the story is going, I wanted to add them in now. There is a relationship status on characters now that is impacted by leveling them up and doing quests for them. This will be required for some sex scenes.

6) Enabled individual relationship story progression with each character. Before quests were the only way to advance anything. Think WoW quest giver that enables cutscenes. It felt static and soulless. So now you can talk to characters in town, ask for dialogue, quests, or shop. While quests will still be the main form of progression, the extra dialogue capabilities will allow for more fun stuffs.

7) Enabled recruiting main characters from town after available and dismissing them (they stay in town) if you need.

8) Finished animating the first draft of the first animated sex scene for Lust ;]

9) Worked with Salem to start on some juicy static sex scenes for Lust.

10) Reworked the intro story / dialogue. It felt a little too serious. I want Lust to be fun and sexual with RPG elements.

11) Worked on optimizing and stylizing the dungeons a bit

12) Worked with Fuzzamo to explore Spine with some frame by frame animation mixed in. This is honestly where my interest of doing my own sex animations started. The face stuff here is especially cool :3

13) Fixed a bunch of bugs. 

These are just the things I can think of at the moment. I think I'll start writing down what I do as I do them because I probably missed some stuff.

Anyways, hope yall enjoy the update and thanks for the continued support and patience on Lust!

Promise I'm working hard to get something out you'll love as soon as possible <3

~ Sabre




Uncommon breed keeps crashing on my phone. Is that normal? Is there a way I can fix it?