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Hey guys,


Uncommon Breed

Uncommon Breed 33 (Rein Update) is up! 


The group continues to prepare to face their new enemies in their own ways.



So I want to try and be pretty transparent with Lust since some of you are supporting because of it and it doesn't have a build yet so here are some things I've worked on / finished.

I've focused heavily on getting every character I have the sprites for animated and stuck into the game. These characters were mainly the recruit able monsters. I've attached some of those to this post.

In total I've animated 10 characters this month (idle, damage, and attack). 

I've also added these characters to the game in a customizable way (each body part is a game item) so in the future, some parts are optional (tails, wings, clothing ect...) and I can add new skins!

As I wait for completed characters to animate I'll be working on revamping the talent trees to feel less random and have better synergy with each tier of a particular tree. 

If you're interested in nerdy spell stuff, here is the revamped blood tree that I've added to the game. (Spells can be found in the world / bought and learned through talent points)


After the talents have been revamped (and the 5 in-progress characters have been animated) I'm going to polish up the questlines for the beta and add some more randomized dungeon rooms / loot. 

Then to some extra polishing and hopefully a beta after. No set date yet but it's definitely progressing! Thanks for being patient.

Ok Bye!




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