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Hey guys,

I've been working on some super secret stuff on the side and I want yall to be the first to see! It's not ready for play yet but when it's test ready you'll be the first to know!

Don't worry! Uncommon Breed is going to continue. I'm not sure how I'll be handling LUST in regards to releases/support (I'm working with a whole new team) but I wanted to share the hype!

So, without further ado, LUST!

(p.s. all the artwork except the background art is placeholder / taken from the net)

Thank you so much for your support! Because of you, I've gotten to take my skills to the next level and pursue my dream in becoming an indie game dev in an incredibly niche but supportive community!

Love you all

- Bytez

(I'll be posting some more info soon)
