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Android build broken (working on it!), more story, B art added, other neat stuff coming soon.


Hi all, I'm a bit sick so this is probably going to be a shorter post then usual. 

Android Build

I've been working on figuring out why the Android version won't build properly for a couple days and decided it'd be best if I release the other versions while I continue to investigate. Sorry to anyone who can only play on Android. I'll get it fixed as soon as possible.


B's art has been added to the game. More to come for this rhino soon ;]


This release focuses a bit more on the backstory of each character with  focus on Reinhard and Juleon.

Upcoming stuff

Combat changes (both GUI and mechanics), Filling in the black silhouettes with actual characters, and... 


Anyways, sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoy all the new stuff.

Ok, bye!





Omg... he wants belly rub!!


Can we transfer our old saved data to the new one?


Old save files should continue without extra effort on your part with the exception of the Android version.


The fight with the lion with the book and the one-eyed bear is still difficult. It took me 24 attempts to get past them, most of the other battles could be done on the first try.<br><br>PS I always put my points on Rein, except for a few that go to Juleon. I think I'm getting all the points there are.


Agreed, can't get past them... i already tried like a dozen times... and sometimes when the battle starts my team already have like 50% of hp...


You always start at full health. I think.


So... are we ever getting another free to play update or...?


The Lion+Bear fight is basically impossible due to turn order nonsense. It always seems like the bear brings my entire team down to half, then the lion finishes one off. Since the party gets hit for 9 each, and you can only heal up to 3 damage with the party heal, it just feels way, way too stacked against you. I almost always lose a character per round, with no real way to stop it. (it sometimes happens before I even get to have a single turn) I get a tip to use combat love point triggers, but it's never adequately explained how to do this. You never see any options in combat akin to what the tutorial gives you. Am I totally missing something?


Okay, I finally won, but that was only through sheer turn order luck. It let me stack multiple heals in a row without doubling up on enemy attacks. It seems like turn order and attack/healing numbers could use some work. The non-combat parts of the game are really fun!


I'm really liking the game so far, but I have a 2 pretty big issues with the combat. The first is turn order. From what I can tell, it's completely random. You can't use strategy when you can't predict who's going next. It can completely unbalance certain fights, sometimes giving the enemy 3 turns in a row, killing half the party with no way to respond to it. A second issue is sometimes enemies regain a TON of health with no indication. Most abilities aren't clear on what they do in general, displaying numbers that don't scale with the invisible Love Points. Other than that is pretty great. Keep up the good work!

jovuan Jackson

I'm stuck at the riddle part in day 5 help?


Cool =)