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TLDR: New everything!

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New art

Enjoy the new character art created by Esonver!

New GUI 

Much of the GUI was improved by TAIKAH 

PUB (Dating World)

A new segmented section of the game becomes accessible once you have enough Love Points with a single character. Upon reaching said requirement you will receive a notification (blinking yellow text that says “PUB”). Click it.

While in the PUB you can navigate between rooms and chat with your favorite characters! More chat unlocks as you gain Love Points with each character. 

This system is very early beta! Eventually, I’d like to add additional rooms, town areas, unlockable quests and dialogue.

Finally, your actions still affect things in this world but you’re not gonna receive any fancy hearts for saying the right things. Good luck! 

Improved Combat

Individual Love Points now effect combat a bit more heavily. Static damage and chance on cast abilities are significantly tied to how many love points you have rather then having enough to get an ability modification. 

Example: 1 love point on Reinhard = +2 damage on his attacks (this is not the real algorithm).

This allows you to improve your entire team, even if your focusing on building a relationship with one particular character.

Save Pictures!

You’ve been asking for pictures on your saves for a while and it’s finally done! 

There’s probably a bunch of stuff I’m missing but the entire game went through a rehaul. Let me know if you run into any issues.

Ok, Bye!





Hot guys!))


gotta say i'm really impressed with new improvements, its nice seeing this little project grow like it has.


Love the new artwork and combat style! Could use a few improvements... like being able to see turn order. I still can't beat that last fight either goddamn.


I've considered adding a turn table but the HUB world proved to be quite the endeavor :3 It's something on the backlog though.


im stuck at that boss that life steals for billion damage what heck


And the game works in Linux too :) with Wine obviously ..


Link doesn't seem to be working for me? Getting 404


Keep your healer shielded and next best dps shielded when he is :) Also pray for Gear Double Damage haha


loving it so far but can the next version have the option to turn off auto save or have it not fill up all of your save slots. I ended having to delete saves and now I cant go back to get love points I may have missed.


Hey, use the arrow keys to switch between save pages :) I don't think there's a limit at the moment. Also, auto save only doesn't take a slot :3 u click the auto save button to use it


Thank you didn't know how to switch save pages


I've enjoyed past versions but the combat in this current one is just awful. I've reached the fight against the bear and lion, and the round immediately started getting attacked three times and losing 1 party member. It seems absolutely luck based and drags down the whole experience when later content is buried back behind these fights.


Hey, sorry you're not feelin the combat. I plan on looking into balancing stuff a bit better but this update was focused on adding the PUB world and getting all the new stuff in :3


Wow, this game just went from a cool indie furry dating game to another one of the "oh look it's big furry muscle guys in tight clothing" games...


Sorry you're not digging the art changes Shin. Rest assured, changes to the art doesn't stop it from being indie :3 The only other thing that's really changed is the addition of the dating HUB and additional combat mechanics.


I mean... I do realize that a lot of, if not most people here dig the change and it will certently bring in more attention to the game, which in turn will increase the number of players and all that good stuff. I am in the minority here and I will not knock this game completely out as well, I'll still play it once the public demo comes out. But trough be told it does to me look very much oversexualized, and I'd rather it to remain more casual. I'm gonna reserve my full judgment until I actually play the game though :p


Can't get past death seeker, it's ridiculous how hard it is... he has 150 hp and his attacks give 10 dmg to all team while each character have less than 20 hp and gives less than 10 dmg... seriously you should improve the combat system


The link doesn’t work for me 😩 I only get a 404 error


Can get pass death seeker too... I noticed that while on the UI his health drain heals him for about 8-12 health, the combat information actually indicates that he would recover much more than that.(Initial HP at 98, two strikes from health drain recovers him 10 and 12 stated on the UI. On the enemy information after he attacks indicates that he actually recovered back to 150 HP) In addition, the I found that sometimes Grizz's block ability don't block damage from Death Seeker's health drain.(Need more testing)


Alright I just played the demo, WTF that's like... wow... I am gonna have to take back a lot of what I said, the game looks amazing! Has very nice animations like... EVERYWHERE and it is now just so professional. With that being said, I still don't appreciate the characters having their huge ass nips out all the time. Like if someone walks in on you playing this game... just... good luck with explaining that XD Will still play it once it fully comes out. For the time being I am VERY impressed, I've dabbled with Unity and for me what you are doing here is just black magic :o


I agree. The battle is ridiculous. no logic. only depends on luck.


The death seeker sometimes cast that spell twice in continuous. What? why so hard?


Damn, I really gotta say that I'm loving this reboot of the game so far :) Am curious though. Do you have any specific place you'd want something like bug reports, feedback etc?


My boys are all grown up


Here is fine for the moment. I'm considering setting up a discord with channels for these things.


Combat is round based. Two attacks is the round ending with him and next starting with him. I'm looking into improving this


Hey, thanks for voicing your concern. I'm looking into how to improve combat without having him feel like a wet noodle.