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Hey everyone,

I really want to let you know what I've been working on as I've been a bit quiet the past week or two. I intentionally avoided social media and the likes thereof in order to focus on getting the next release ready. However, I did fear it might be misinterpreted as me slowing down. So um... I’m not :)

Combat Animations!

Yes, those fluffy orange clouds are really the end of one of Gear's attacks! I've added a couple attack/event animations thus far but I'm holding back on adding too much as I need to look into optimization for mobile and stuff. I think the ones I did add fit into the game pretty well and I'm excited to hear what you think. 

UI / UI Animations

I changed the + Love Point animation to something a bit more visually appealing and added another animation that triggers when Love Points effect or will effect combat. Don't worry, the animations are explained in the new tutorial :]

I added a character chat bubble on the side of the dialogue box (See: Gear's little face on the bottom left size of the picture). 

Some tweaking was done on the Save/Load system. It would slow down when there were too many saves to load upon clicking the load button and now it doesn't... woo!

I changed the main screen's menu system and name input/confirm button to be more visually friendly. 


I worked really hard on getting gear closer to what I imagined for his character. I struggled with him for a while but it became easier as I wrote more of his story. Personally, I love his new wolfy appearance! You can see his new art on the Patreon banner and Twitter (@UncommonBreedVN).

Additionally, I did a lot of work on each character's body underneath their cloths. Some of the proportions were off and I didn't really notice until it was time to take their shirts off in game. <3 

 I also made a bunch of new expressions for Gear, Grizz, and JuLeon! 


I really enjoyed writing this week. I didn't feel like I had to force it and I ended up loving the mixture of semi-serious conversations and off-the-wall silly events. I do want to make another video once I get the story / events down as I do have an epic idea for a trailer.


OK, if you've made it this far then I know you're invested... so thanks! I did some pretty major changes regarding the combat system. It's now 100X (this stat was made up) more modular and I can add game mechanics way more easily than I could before. I did a ton of code reorganization because the files were getting fairly large. I've been avoiding this because it's not something you guys see and I wanted to work on things that you care about; however, finally doing this allows me to crank code out faster in the long run.

OK bye!





Have you set a goal for when you'll release the next update?