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In front of the main gate of Konoha Village, the 8,000-strong Ninja Army had assembled, twice the number of the invading Mist Shinobi. However, it represented the entirety of Konoha's available combat power. The village's remaining guards numbered no more than a thousand.

In this assembly, Sarutobi Hiruzen, clad in black armor from the Sengoku era, stood before them. The majority of these 8,000 ninjas were civilians who had taken up arms, and as they raised their arms and shouted, their cries echoed throughout Konoha.

For many of them, Sarutobi bore the title "Kage" in their hearts, and they recognized him as one of the five strongest individuals in the ninja world. Additionally, Sarutobi Hiruzen held various titles such as [The Strongest Hokage in History] and [The God of Shinobi], which further bolstered the morale of these civilian ninjas.

Amidst the fervor, Might Guy, also among the gathered ninjas, noticed two old duo in ninja vests standing beside Master Hokage, Utahane Koharu, and Mitokado Homura. Puzzled, he inquired about them to his teammate, Shiranui Genma, who was he considered a smart ninja.

"Utahane Koharu and Mitokado Homura served as members of the Second Generation Guards alongside Mr. Hokage, and they now hold senior advisory positions in Konoha."

"Is that impressive?" Might Guy asked, seeking further information.

Genma was at a loss for words, unsure why these two individuals hadn't been seen in action recently.

Another commotion stirred within the army as Danzo, having changed into the uniform of a Jonin but with his right arm concealed by bandages, made his appearance.

"Shimura Danzo!" Genma whispered his name quietly.

Upon hearing these two words, Might Guy, known for his exuberance, exclaimed at a volume that was hard to ignore, "Huh? He's that Danzo whose arm was cleaved by Raikage's son!"

Luckily for Might Guy, he was among the 8,000-strong crowd, making it challenging to identify the source of the comment. Otherwise, he would undoubtedly have earned a place on Danzo's blacklist.

The assembly erupted into laughter once more, with many Konoha Shinobi unable to contain their amusement. However, they were also aware of Danzo's reputation for having his arm taken by Raikage's son in just two attacks.

While the ninjas laughed discreetly, a sense of apprehension crept in because they knew that this individual, with his less-than-stellar combat record, was planning to return to the battlefield.

Unbeknownst to them, nearly all Konoha Shinobi regarded Danzo with a mix of mockery and anxiety, given his history of defeat.

Danzo seethed with anger but was unable to pinpoint who had made the comment amidst the sea of 8,000 ninjas.

However, even as the ninjas chuckled, they couldn't help but feel a slight unease. They had all heard of Danzo's humiliating loss to Raikage's son in two swift rounds. The fact that he intended to return to the battlefield left them feeling uneasy.

Hiruzen as Hokage going to war intervened, trying to defuse the tension and keep the morale high. He drew everyone's attention by giving a dry cough.

"Listen, everyone," he began, redirecting their focus to him. "Though Danzo may have made mistakes in past conflicts, his contributions to Konoha have been invaluable. This time, Hokage and the elders are willing to lead by example and stand alongside you on the battlefield. We are prepared to face the enemy together, setting ablaze our own flames that will illuminate the future for the next generation."

With the decision to head to the battlefield now firm, they needed to channel this collective energy effectively. Sarutobi Hiruzen possessed a gift for persuasive speeches, and after his proclamation of the Will of Fire, the previously anxious ninjas became passionate and resolute.

Following Sarutobi Hiruzen's orders, the 8,000-strong force charged towards the southeast battlefield. Yet, whether the speech was indeed compelling or not remained a question of eloquence. Ultimately, the outcome of the battle hinged on their strength and tactics.

Select the front line of the northern battlefield against the Cloud Shinobi.

It was evident that after A's death, the Cloud Shinobi had hidden Killer Bee, their ultimate weapon, and sent him back to their village. Simultaneously, under Konoha's pursuit, they gradually withdrew from Yunokuni and established a garrison along their border.

However, on the western battlefield of the Land of Fire, the Cloud Shinobi Army, led by the Third Raikage, continued to fight with unwavering determination, showing no intention of retreating. After all, Onoki had dispatched his son, Kitsuchi, to lead their forces in the war.

Tatsuya and Sakumo sat across from each other with a stone-carved chess set between them. Sakumo observed the game with a thoughtful frown, while Rin poured boiling water into the tea kettle beside the chessboard.

Upon hearing the report from Hiashi, Tatsuya's expression momentarily froze. After a few seconds, he burst into laughter, saying, "Ha~ It's not surprising; after all, the enemy has already knocked on our door."

In the current circumstances, Hiruzen had no choice but to respond. The enemy had made a direct move against the country.

As for Danzo, his presence was expected. However, the inclusion of Utahane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, two seemingly ineffective individuals, on the battlefield was beyond Tatsuya's expectations. It seemed as if these four were inseparable, and he couldn't help but think they acted like conjoined quadruplets. Were they unable to function separately for even a moment?

The thought of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, Mitokado Homura, and the elderly Utahane Koharu together on the battlefield made Tatsuya shudder. He found it repulsive and even nightmarish.

At this moment, Sakumo settled the chess pieces on the board.

"Checkmate, "Tatsuya calmly accepted his victory. He grinned at Sakumo, who appeared rather disgruntled. "That makes it ten in a row brother."

Sakumo was far from satisfied. "No, let's play another round."

Tatsuya, however, declined, standing up. "If your chess skills are so good you should challenge Shikaku instead."

Sakumo's face became sullen, sporting a black line on his forehead. Rin beside him couldn't help but chuckle.

In truth, Tatsuya's proficiency in chess stemmed from the fact that it was different from shogi and he had introduced it to his Shikaku so he could defeat him in a game similar to Shogi.

Hence, it was impossible for others to defeat him without altering their strategies. However, as these individuals, especially Nara Shikaku, became more acquainted with the game's rules and developed their strategic thinking, the outcome became less certain.

"Master Tatsuya and Lord Hokage have sent a letter, stating that once the Cloud Shinobi army is pushed back into the territory of Land of Thunder, You should immediately withdraw some of your troops to reinforce the southeast front."

Hyuga Hiashi delivered the message once more.

"Reinforcements?" Tatsuya couldn't help but smile upon hearing those two words. "Do they think they need reinforcements before the battle even begins? 8000 Konoha shinobi against 4000?"

Hyuga Hiashi lowered his head, unwilling to respond to such a topic. It was not within the jurisdiction of the head of his Hyuga clan to discuss such matters. Though aware of the fierce and inflexible ruling style of the elders, Tatsuya didn't expect them to be this audacious.

They were considering reinforcements before the battle had even commenced, and at a ratio of 8000 to 4000. Tatsuya couldn't help but marvel at the audacity of the Hokage.

In his thoughts, he couldn't help but quip: Coward!


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