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Set within the expanse between the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth lay an underground grotto.

"Master Madara, there have been some rather intriguing developments in Konoha lately," spoke a pale and peculiar White Zetsu, his form emerging from a spiraling black hole etched into the grotto's wall, centered around a dark abyss.

Beside him stood another White Zetsu, equally pale, with only the left half of his visage showing. This two-faced entity also materialized, a wry grin playing across his features.

"Another Uchiha prodigy has graced the world, but alas... he's been transformed into an experimental vessel for First Hokage Hashirama's cells."

In terms of latent investigative capabilities within the world of Naruto, White Zetsu prided himself on being second to none. Few, if any, would dare contest this claim.

Ever since Uchiha Madara "Created" him, he had never ceased monitoring Konoha. Unsurprisingly, Shisui's predicament lay entirely within their grasp.

Seated upon a decrepit wooden throne, the aged figure raised his gaze slightly, revealing the Sharingan concealed beneath his long silver strands.

Following a brief pause, a scoff of derision escaped his lips. Under Tobirama's disciples' governance, Konoha had naturally evolved into a realm of its own. Watching the Konoha he named, Uchiha Madara had completely lost interest in the village, now consumed by Project Tsukuyomi.

He cared little for Konoha's current state, having chosen to detach himself from its affairs. The reason White Zetsu persisted in monitoring Konoha was to secure the third contingency plan.

Indeed, in his quest for revival, Uchiha Madara had readied three backup strategies. The first involved the transplantation of Rinnegan, achievable through both himself and Nagato using the Uzumaki clan's lineage.

The second centered around an "absolute" will of his creation.

Yet, Madara sensed the insufficiency of these two plans. He deemed it necessary to secure another asset, one capable of ensuring his eventual resurrection.

This individual had to meet two specific criteria.

Firstly, they must bear direct lineage to the Six Paths, belonging to the Senju, Uchiha, or Uzumaki clans. This lineage would enable them to withstand the side effects of Hashirama's cells and undergo Rinnegan transplantation, thus enabling the use of the Rinne Tensei Technique—a means to his revival.

Secondly, they had to utterly hate the current world, yearning to witness Project Tsukuyomi's fruition.

Only under such circumstances would their motivations align with Madara's objectives, making them a suitable accomplice.

Throughout the years, Madara had identified several potential candidates through his surveillance of Konoha.

One such candidate was the grandson of his old adversary, Senju Hashirama—Senju Nawaki. Hashirama's direct bloodline survived in name only due to the Senju clan being unjustly framed by Konoha's higher-ups the previous year.

Deeply resentful towards Konoha, this individual became a prime candidate. And the grandson of his adversary would serve as his pawn.

Although lacking in adeptness, they could use feeble receptors to summon Hashirama and Tobirama through methods like the impure world reincarnation.

Imagine the expressions on their faces as they beheld their grandson being manipulated by himself. The mere thought was undeniably exhilarating.

Few things in the world could stir Uchiha Madara's excitement to such a degree. The concept brimmed with thrill.

For some inexplicable reason, Uchiha Madara perpetually experienced a sense of inexplicable rejuvenation.

Perhaps this was the rationale behind so many people being drawn to tales of harmony or Slice of life.

However, Senju Nawaki's prowess as a shinobi left much to be desired. Uchiha Madara felt the urge to voice this grievance—his grandfathers were such monsters yet this guy is too weak.

Another factor pertained to his sole surviving sibling, Tsunade. Had she met her demise Nawaki's manipulation would have proven simpler.

A second facet revolved around the Uchiha clan's budding prodigy, Uchiha Shisui.

Reduced to a mere puppet for Konoha's research into Hashirama's cells, with a touch of manipulation, Blacken's utility was practically guaranteed.

The final consideration centered around a youth named Uchiha Obito, whose outward appearance appeared lackluster. Yet, judging from his keen, ruthless gaze, Uchiha Madara discerned significant potential within this boy.

"Let us delve further."

After prolonged contemplation, the aged Madara spoke once more.

Nagato, the child, was still maturing. Leveraging the Gedo statue's might, he could persist for a while longer.

Which of the two, Uchiha Shisui or Uchiha Obito, would serve their purpose best? This was a matter that demanded careful consideration.

A few months later, at Konoha Shinobi School, the large lecture hall buzzed with activity as the first session of the Chunin exam was underway. However, unlike the future period of Uzumaki Naruto where candidates from various Ninja Villages would participate, only Konoha's Genin were present this time.

Uchiha Obito sat in distress, his head buried in his hands, his body trembling uncontrollably. He struggled to write the word "counsel" onto his test paper, the only mark amid the emptiness of his face.

"What... what should I do? I'm doomed, absolutely doomed..."

He lifted his head, a glance revealing the scant time left and the barren sheet of paper before him, save for his name. Obito felt his composure shatter.


A slight impact against his leg beneath the desk caught Obito's attention. Looking down, he spotted a crumpled paper ball at his feet.

"At a moment like this..."

Nawaki, overseeing the exam from the podium, remained oblivious.

Carefully, Obito picked up the paper ball and concealed it from sight. Unfurling it, he read Rin's minuscule handwriting, and his astonishment surged.

He glanced around discreetly. Only two seats away, the captivating countenance that had occupied his thoughts for months met his gaze.

Obito's heart quivered.

"Ten minutes left," came Nawaki's reminder, jolting Obito from his reverie. He hastily transcribed the contents of the paper ball onto his test sheet.

"This kid..."

Nawaki on the stage subtly shook his head.

Even with mediocre ninja skills, did this clumsy attempt at cheating truly expect to elude his scrutiny?

Yet, after contemplation, Nawaki decided to let it slide.

The shared lineage, the same dead last—these similarities inclined Nawaki to grant Obito a bit more leniency.

However, a question lingered in Nawaki's mind, When will Uchiha Shisui, a prodigy who graduated from the ninja school at age 5, be sitting for the Chunin exam in the future?

Did Senior Orochimaru deem it premature for him to participate in the Chunin exam?



In an adjacent faculty lounge neighboring the sprawling stepped classroom where the written test transpired, Tatsuya and Orochimaru faced each other.

Tatsuya slouched casually, his right hand draped atop the sofa back, legs crossed in an Erlang posture. With his left hand, he gestured lightly toward Orochimaru.

"So, how's your Uchiha kid faring?"

"Hmm? Tatsuya-kun, who's typically indifferent to everything, seems quite intrigued by Shisui. What's gotten into you?" Orochimaru responded, his smile as enigmatic as ever.

Tatsuya lifted his head, emitting a chuckle.

Anko Mitarashi, the girl a year senior to Shisui, was still an academy student. In a twisted way, Shisui's destiny appeared to have been influenced by the hand of fate.

However, Tatsuya recollected that, though Anko became Orochimaru's disciple in the original tale, her fate didn't seem as ill-fated as Shisui's. This implied that the curse of destiny might be more intricate than it appeared.

"Merely jesting, Tatsuya-kun, since your curiosity is piqued, I see no reason to withhold the information," Orochimaru responded, his smile growing wider. Yet, his demeanor swiftly shifted to a more solemn tone as he continued, "Nonetheless, I truly did not anticipate the seamless fusion of Uchiha blood with the First Hokage's cells. Aside from Shisui-kun, all other subjects met their demise."

"Has the process begun?" Tatsuya's gaze bore a trace of intrigue, but his demeanor remained composed.

"Already?" Orochimaru seized upon the two words that had slipped from Tatsuya's lips, a smile gracing his features. "It appears Tatsuya was anticipating the development, with your attention on the study of First Hokage's cells."

Tatsuya replied, "Merely an observation. Since the Wood Style was lost, creating another wood style user to effectively suppress the Nine-Tails within the village was a foreseeable course."

"And then? What is your intention with the sole survivor, Uchiha Shisui, who received the First Hokage's cell transplant and survived?" Tatsuya inquired further.

At this juncture, Orochimaru fell silent. After a lapse of about two minutes, he spoke once more, his voice slightly subdued, "Tatsuya-kun, can this matter be kept confidential?"

"Inquiry is driven by curiosity, not to mention you haven't disclosed that I eliminated Sarutobi Shinnosuke. Revealing such would serve me no purpose," Tatsuya responded with amusement.

Orochimaru found solace in Tatsuya's words, yet he still instinctively lowered his voice as he continued, "While he survived, Wood Style mastery eludes him. Master Danzo falsely reported Uchiha Shisui's demise to Teacher Sarutobi, concealing his presence within the depths of the Root base, intending to wield him as a pawn."

A faint raise of Tatsuya's eyebrow followed Orochimaru's revelation.

Danzo, the old tactician, certainly had a knack for intrigue. Tatsuya had presumed the rift between him and Sarutobi Hiruzen began after the Third Ninja War's conclusion. Little did he expect that the division had roots this far back.

"After all, Lord Danzo's power has waned, and his Kage level might no longer be sustainable. Holding onto a trump card seems a prudent move," Orochimaru remarked with a laugh. "As for the supposed genius's demise, it causes great consternation for Mr. Sarutobi. I intended only to stall for a day or two, but the Uchiha clan's eventual discovery might bring unforeseen repercussions."

This year's Chunin exam proceeded uneventfully. In the absence of the prodigious Uchiha Shisui, Hatake Kakashi stood as the lone individual to pass the exam and attain the rank of Chunin.

To honor Kakashi's successful promotion, Namikaze Minato treated him to a meal at a barbecue restaurant, his limited finances generously employed to secure a package for the occasion. The celebration, however, unfolded amidst a palpable atmosphere of awkward silence, a demeanor contrary to the bright and sunny disposition Minato was known for. The table's occupants—Kakashi, Obito, and Asuma—remained reticent, their mutual avoidance manifesting in the strained air. Even Minato's sunny disposition couldn't dispel the tension.

Months had passed since Minato's classification of his students, and yet the interpersonal dynamics remained unchanged—strained and distant. Could this state of affairs truly persist?

As Namikaze Minato celebrated Kakashi's achievement, Sarutobi Hiruzen paced restlessly within the Hokage's office, a splitting headache gnawing at his thoughts.

Days prior, Danzo had brought a report of the First Hokage's cell experiment's failure, revealing that all subjects, Uchiha Shisui included, had perished.

Uchiha Shisui was dead—a chilling realization that left Sarutobi Hiruzen in a cold sweat.

Simultaneously, he confronted the implications of his earlier decision to entrust Shisui to Orochimaru and Danzo for experimentation—an error in judgment of colossal proportions.

After countless years, the Uchiha clan had finally birthed a prodigy, only to see their hopes extinguished.

How could he possibly justify this to the Uchiha clan?

And what if this incident propelled them toward dissent?

Admittedly, the Uchiha clan wasn't an entity to be underestimated. But he held the means to subdue them—power rested in his grasp.

But what transpires after suppression?

If he admits the truth—that their human experimentation led to the demise of the Uchiha clan's prodigy—how will that affect his carefully cultivated image of benevolence?

Such an admission could be ruinous to his reputation, erasing years of goodwill in an instant. It might even embolden the village's other shinobi and residents to challenge his leadership.

The implications are severe. He might even have to confront a rebellion, followed by another, and another.

While contemplating these ramifications, Danzo's calm voice sliced through his thoughts, "Hiruzen, maintain your composure."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, gritting his teeth, retorted, "Composure? And how should I manage that, Danzo? I explicitly emphasized caution in these experiments—this isn't just about other subjects. Even the Uchiha clan... How am I to face them now, given what's transpired?"

Danzo's tone remained composed as he articulated, "Why should we bother explaining to them? Altering the narrative should suffice."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's countenance underwent a sudden shift as he questioned, "What do you mean?"

Danzo, with two fingers raised in his left hand, calmly continued, "There are two options."

He elaborated, "We can announce that Uchiha Shisui fell during a mission, attacked by ninjas from the Land of Wind who aimed to obtain Sharingan's secrets, thus shifting Uchiha's animosity towards the Land of Wind."

The audacity of Danzo's approach left even Sarutobi Hiruzen momentarily speechless.

Consorting with a country they had recently established a truce with, only to sully its reputation in this manner?

Danzo's demeanor didn't waver as he continued, "Of course, this could work with other nations as well, though we'd choose the softest target. The Land of Wind is the least formidable among the Five Great Nations, a suitable scapegoat, don't you think?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen drew a deep breath, eventually regaining his composure to inquire, "And what's your second proposition?"

It was a measure he would only consider as a last resort—a path toward igniting a third Ninja War.

Danzo's lips curved in an almost imperceptible arc as he revealed his alternative plan, "Then, you'd need to implicate your protégé, Orochimaru."

He continued, "Claim it as his grievous blunder, labeling him as a traitor. The transfer of Uchiha's resentment toward him would be a natural consequence."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's astonishment was evident. "This?"

Could this approach be deemed ethical?

Danzo, leaning back on the sofa, maintained his cool as he articulated, "After all, Orochimaru's relationship with your apprentice isn't exactly warm, is it? When compared to a potential war with the Land of Wind, I find this alternative more prudent, minimizing potential loss."

Sarutobi Hiruzen fell into prolonged silence, weighed down by contemplation.

Seeing his counterpart immersed in thought, Danzo rose from his seat and headed for the door, remarking before his departure, "The decision is yours. Let me know your choice when you've made it."



Left alone in his office, Sarutobi Hiruzen occupied his chair, deep in meditation.

Time passed unnoticed—the sun's ascent to its zenith, its gradual descent into the horizon, and finally, the emergence of the full moon.

Ultimately, Sarutobi Hiruzen clenched his teeth, his voice tinged with reluctant resignation, "Anbu! Summon Orochimaru."


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