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"Huh?! Sarutobi Hiruzen is missing!"

"What happened? Where did he go?"

Just as everyone was preparing to depart, Tobirama glanced around and noticed that Sarutobi Hiruzen was no longer in his previous location. In the conference space, Sarutobi Hiruzen had vanished.

Upon hearing Tobirama's exclamation, everyone else also realized that Sarutobi Hiruzen was gone. At that moment, Ryan narrowed his eyes slightly. Having received the prompt from the chat group, he reassured them, "Don't worry; when someone is kicked out of the chat group, they are sent back to their world in advance."

"I believe Sarutobi Hiruzen must be strategizing how to deal with us now or perhaps he's contemplating an escape plan."

Upon hearing Ryan's words, Hashirama and the others grew more anxious. They couldn't let this old man slip away. They couldn't kill him in the chat group, so they had to confront him in the world of the Third Hokage. They wanted to bombard and kill him countless times over!

"What are we waiting for?"

"Let's go!"

"That's right, let's hurry before this old man manages to escape!"

Inspired by the crowd's urgency, Ryan wasted no time and chose to accept the task. The chat group was instantly enveloped in a colourful glow. Witnessing this, everyone stepped into the world one by one.

And at that moment, in the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen's World...

"Hoo hoo hoo!!!" <Pitfull Monkey noises.>

"Damn it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had just escaped from the chat group, had a drastic change in expression. As he observed the familiar surroundings of his office, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that what had just happened was not a dream. Realizing that everything he had done was now known by the successive Hokages and possibly even by other parallel worlds, he understood that they would soon arrive in this world. In response, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face instantly turned extremely ugly.

"Let's go!"

"Hurry and summon Danzo for assistance!"


Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's order, the Anbu operatives hidden in the shadows quickly went to invite Danzo. Danzo, upon receiving the news, wasted no time. He immediately made his way to the Hokage building, knowing that if Hiruzen was in such a hurry, something serious must have happened.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura followed closely behind. The three of them soon arrived at Sarutobi Hiruzen's office.

"Hiruzen, what's the matter?"

"Why are you in such a sudden rush?"

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was sitting on the Hokage seat with a furious expression, Danzo and the others couldn't help but feel doubtful.

Faced with the three's questioning, Sarutobi Hiruzen wore a gloomy expression and slowly said, "We're in grave danger."

"It's all over."

"We're doomed."

Listening to Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, the three of them looked puzzled. His three statements left them completely confused. They couldn't comprehend what Sarutobi Hiruzen meant at all. Given that the ninja world was currently peaceful and Konoha hadn't encountered any crises, why did he claim that it was all over?

"Hiruzen! What on earth is happening?"

"What's the matter with you today?"

Observing this, Danzo walked directly in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen and shook him vigorously. Only then did Sarutobi Hiruzen regain some clarity.

Looking at the three old comrades, Sarutobi Hiruzen no longer hesitated. "Hurry! Summon the ninjas from our respective clans!"

"Enemies are approaching Konoha! They must be eliminated!"

"Otherwise, none of us will survive!"

Upon hearing this statement, Danzo and the others couldn't help but change their expressions. Glancing at Sarutobi Hiruzen, thoroughly assessing him, it was evident that Hiruzen was not joking. The three of them were also thrown into a state of panic.

"What kind of enemy are we facing?"

"They dare to come to Konoha and kill our people; shouldn't our Anbu be able to handle them?"

In response to the three's inquiries, Sarutobi Hiruzen merely shook his head with a wry smile. Anbu? With all the Hokages present in Konoha, how could the Anbu stand a chance? It wouldn't be surprising if the Anbu ninjas betrayed them on the spot upon encountering the Hokages. Sarutobi Hiruzen knew he couldn't divulge too much information about the situation.

"Don't dwell on it!"

"Go and gather ninjas from all clans!"

"We need to act swiftly!"

Upon hearing these words, Danzo and the others promptly left the office to gather the ninjas. Sarutobi Hiruzen also urgently instructed Sarutobi Asuma to summon the Sarutobi clan's ninjas. Soon, the ninjas from the Sarutobi and Shimura clans were assembled. As for Utatane and Koharu's family, their presence was merely to make up the numbers at that moment.

To be on the side of caution, Danzo even rallied all available forces.

The army was swiftly assembled, yet doubts still lingered in the hearts of Danzo and his comrades. They turned to Sarutobi Hiruzen once again, imploring, "Hiruzen, who is our enemy? Provide us with some information!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen desired to address their queries, but at that very moment, he witnessed a familiar burst of colourful light illuminating the sky. His expression changed drastically.

"They're coming!"

"Prepare yourselves!"

"Alert me upon their arrival!"

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's command, the ninjas stood poised for combat. Their eyes fixated on the vibrant rays of light in the sky.

Simultaneously, inside Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen's abrupt directive spurred the assembled army and Jounin into action, including Kakashi and his comrades.

"What's the situation?"

"It appears we are facing an enemy invasion!"

"That burst of colour must be the cause! Ready yourselves!"

Realizing that adversaries were encroaching upon Konoha, Kakashi and the others were determined not to idly stand by. They swiftly transitioned into a battle-ready state.

Under the watchful gaze of all present, several figures emerged gradually from the luminous rays of light. Their identities caused the countenances of everyone in Konoha to dramatically shift.

"What?! The First Hokage?!"

"And the Second Hokage!"

"Is that the Fourth Hokage beside them?"

"And Master Tsunade!"

The sudden appearance of Ryan and the others in the sky evoked a collective exclamation in Konoha Village, leaving everyone momentarily frozen.

In that crucial instant, Sarutobi Hiruzen bellowed, "They are all impostors using the Transformation Technique!"


"Eliminate these intruders!"

Upon hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, the Jonnin hesitated momentarily. However, the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan promptly initiated an assault.

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon bomb!"

The sky instantaneously became ablaze with Fire Style jutsu directed at Ryan and the others soaring above.

Simultaneously, Shimura Danzo began to harbour suspicions. He discerned that Sarutobi Hiruzen's unease and initiation of an attack likely stemmed from the historical Hokages appearing in the sky, having arrived in their world for unknown reasons. And it was undeniably true. Reflecting upon his actions with Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo comprehended why Hiruzen declared their plight.

He couldn't afford to be complacent, for his ambition to become Hokage still burned. The historical Hokages in the sky had to be eradicated.

"Shimura clan, advance!"

"Wind Style: Vacuum Wave!"

"Wind Style: Gale Storm!"

With Danzo's orders, the Shimura ninjas unleashed Wind Style jutsu, further augmenting the already formidable Fire Style assaults. The entire Konoha sky blazed red under the onslaught of these terrifying Fire Style techniques.

Observing their adversaries launching widespread ninjutsu attacks upon their arrival, Ryan and the others were unfazed. They knew Sarutobi Hiruzen wouldn't passively await his demise. Confronted with the menacing Fire Style, the Second Hokage Tobirama stepped forward. His hands formed seals, summoning forth a potent Water Style jutsu.

"Water Style: Water Shockwave!"

A circular wall of water materialized beside the Second Hokage, transforming into a torrent that neutralized the Fire Style onslaught from below. The overwhelming Fire Style was quelled by the Second Hokage's mastery of Water Style, resulting in a gentle rainfall cascading over the entire island.

Witnessing this spectacle, Kakashi and the others couldn't help but feel awe-struck. Konoha had been basking in sunny weather recently, yet now, the Second Hokage unleashed such a potent Water Style jutsu while flying in the air.

At that moment, Kakashi and the others entertained a developed little bit of suspicion: the sudden appearance of the Second Hokage and his companions in the sky appeared to be genuine.

Realizing their initial assault proved ineffective, the countenances of Sarutobi Hiruzen and his allies grew increasingly grim. Madara, hovering above, curled his lips into a sneer.

"It seems everyone has gathered!"

"Very well; let's search once more! They're all here!"

"So, shall we begin?"

As Madara spoke, Ryan and the others nodded in agreement.

Without hesitation, several of them descended from the heavens, their intent fixed on eliminating Sarutobi Hiruzen and his comrades. To kill indiscriminately would be too lenient.

Upon landing, the eight Ryans surged forward, directly targeting Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others. It marked the first occasion when all eight Hokages fought as a unified force.

"Hashirama, let us see if your strength remains intact in this new world."

"Hmph! Then you shall witness the might of Madara!"

As they conversed, the two charged headlong into the ranks of the Sarutobi clan. The true extent of their physical prowess was vividly displayed, leaving their opponents incapacitated. The ninjas of the Sarutobi clan proved no match for the two Hokages.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, standing at the rear, was consumed by panic.

"Quick! Move swiftly! Halt them!"

"Launch an aggressive attack!"



I noticed that this has a fairy tail tag so would they also go to the fairy tail world and will they not also go to the one piece world and I'm also intrigued on how they will gather more power if they have all of thier own respective worlds power and also will people form like fairy tail or one piece join the group chat?


Be badass if he got dragon slayer magic. A dragon with rinnegan and tenseigan will look badass.