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As I looked at the document Ryan handed over, I couldn't help but be taken aback. I still wondered if this task was confidential and could only be communicated through a secret Scroll. Taking the Scroll in my hands, I examined its contents. Upon reading what has written, the content immediately captivated me.

"Ohhh! Such an exquisite taijutsu techinuqe!" I exclaimed. "And it can be used to fly! My God, after the training is completed, there's such a miraculous effect!"

As I delved into the cultivation method of the Marine Six Styles and witnessed its remarkable effects, it felt as if a door to a whole new world had opened before me. I grew more and more excited, unable to contain my enthusiasm.

"Hokage-sama, what kind of martial art is this?" I asked in awe. "It's simply too strong! The six kinds of physical skills correspond to various abilities, making it an all-round physical skill!"

Ryan, facing my inquiry, touched his nose and replied, "This is a physical technique I created called Konoha Six Styles!"

"Konoha Six Forms?" I murmured upon hearing the name. So, these six physical techniques are known as the Konoha Six Styles. Moreover, this exquisite physical technique was actually created by Hokage-sama. As expected of the strongest Hokage ever!

At that moment, as I looked at Ryan in front of me, it felt as though Hokage-sama was glowing all over. "By the way, Hokage-sama, what mission do you want to entrust to me?" I asked, still trying to figure it out. If there was something exceptional about me, Master Hokage could personally assign the task.

Seeing my puzzled expression, Ryan pointed to the Konoha Six Styles in my hand and said, "Your next task is to master the Konoha Six Styles. I need you to complete the training process as soon as possible. Make a Training method so everyone in Konoha Ninja Academy's students can learn it. Then, the Konoha Six Styles will become a compulsory course at the Ninja Academy. I also want you to train a group of excellent teachers."

Ryan looked at me seriously and added, "I believe that you will be able to complete this mission!"

Hearing Ryan's affirmative answer, tears instantly welled up in my eyes. In the village, I was regarded as a freak and burdened by my peers. Forever labelled as the eternal genin, I never seemed to progress. But today, I received affirmation from Lord Hokage himself. My own ninja way was approved by Mr Hokage. Overwhelmed by emotions, I fell to the ground.

"I will definitely live up to Hokage-sama's expectations! I swear to complete the task even if it costs me my life!"

<You shouldn't underestimate this Guy in the manga when Guy, Ebizo and Genma were surrounded by 7 mist Swordsmen he asked them to retreat. And used 8 inner gates to kill 6 of them only the master of Samehada Fuguki Suikazan survived and later on he passed Samehada to Kisame. In anime, two others survived. But it is a habit to show less bloodshed in Shounen otherwise Manga and LightNovel Rimuru Doesn't even Laugh after killing and absorbing Souls of Thousands.>

After assigning the task to me, Ryan began contemplating other plans to enhance Konoha. As I received the mission and returned home, I immediately started formulating a training plan for the Konoha Six Styles.

My son, Might Guy, observed me with curiosity as he saw the seriousness in my demeanour. He couldn't help but wonder about the task assigned to him by Lord Hokage.

"Guy! Let's go! We'll start tonight's training!" I exclaimed, not giving Guy a chance to ask. "We'll be using a new training method today!"

Without waiting for Guy's inquiries, I swiftly picked him up, and together, we headed to the Konoha training ground.

"Father, what kind of training is this? Why are you so eager?" Guy asked, his curiosity piqued.

With a serious expression, I replied, "Guy, it's time to prove your father's resilience! This time, it's the task assigned by Lord Hokage! I must complete this mission flawlessly! The training I'm about to start is based on the Konoha Six Styles created by Hokage-sama!"

And so, I began the training of the six styles, and Guy watched me with amazement. Witnessing my continuous practice and mastery of the Marine Six Styles, Guy couldn't contain his admiration.

"Amazing, Father! Are these Konoha Six Styles? It's actually a physical technique achievable solely through physical strength! As expected of Hokage-sama!" Guy exclaimed.

Filled with excitement, I invited Guy to practice with me. "You must master the Konoha Six Styles as soon as possible!" I declared, determined to pass down this miraculous physical skill to my son.

Without delay, the two embarked on their practice of the Konoha Six Styles. The very next morning, sonic booms resonated across the training ground, catching the attention of some ninjas. Day after day, the resounding sonic booms became a regular occurrence, accompanied by the sharp sound of blades cutting through the air.

It wasn't long before people realized that the source of the commotion was none other than Might Duy and his son, who trained with fervour on the grounds. As word spread about the noise-makers, the training ground gradually became a place where no one paid much attention, dismissing it as just Might Duy and his son goofing around once again.

Time swiftly passed, and a month elapsed on the training ground in Konoha.

"Shave!" A crisp sonic boom shattered the air, and in an instant, Might Guy materialized before Might Duy. Guy's speed had already surpassed that of the Body Flicker Technique. Fixing his gaze on Duy, Guy's right hand transformed into a fist, targeting Duy's shoulder without hesitation. "Finger Pistol!!!" Guy exclaimed, his right hand blurring into an afterimage, the outstretched fingers resembling sharp spear points.

However, Duy stood motionless, wearing a blank expression on his face, showing no intention of evading the blow. Just as Guy's strike was about to connect, Duy's muscles bulged instantly. It was as if all his muscles were compressed at that very moment, and his healthy skin gleamed with a metallic lustre.

"Ding!!!" Guy's blow landed, stabbing Duy's body, producing a crisp sound akin to the clash of weapons. It was evident that both participants were flesh and blood.

Witnessing that the Finger Pistol couldn't penetrate his father's defence, Guy quickly withdrew. Closing the distance between them, a gleam suddenly sparked in Guy's eyes.

He swung his legs violently, executing a "Tempest Kick!" As Guy's legs swung, a sharp air blade sliced toward Duy with incredible speed. Observing this scene, Duy nodded in satisfaction, countering Guy's attack with his own Tempest Kick, deflecting it with a powerful slash.

"Nice job, Guy," Duy praised. "It worked! We made it!" In that moment, the two embraced each other, overwhelmed by their accomplishment. Throughout the month, they had only taken short rests, dedicating the majority of their time to mastering the Konoha Six Styles. And now, having finally completed all six styles, the two were filled with excitement and jubilation. As they held each other tightly, tears welled up in their eyes.

<The Ultimate Genjutsu The Eternal Sunset of Youth>

But their heartfelt moment was abruptly interrupted by a sudden burst of applause on the training ground. It was Ryan, who had just finished his work. "Lord Hokage!" Ryan called out.

"It's beautifully done. You really didn't disappoint me!" In recent days, Ryan had been focused on developing Konoha and hadn't closely followed Might Duy and his son's progress. He never expected them to finish training in the Marine Six Styles within a month. Their speed astonished even Ryan, reaffirming their status as the Konoha Blue Beast capable of opening the Eighth Gate.

Both Might Duy and his son possessed exceptional talent in physical abilities, surpassing their peers. What set them apart was not only their physical prowess but also their unmatched work ethic. Ryan's praise-filled them with gratitude and appreciation. To be recognized by Ryan, the Hokage, made every single day of their arduous training feel worthwhile.

"Duy, next, the Ninja Academy will be entrusted to you!" Ryan declared. "Once you complete your training some instructor there, I will personally hold a promotion ceremony for you. When the time comes, you will be a Jōnin of Konoha!" Duy was overwhelmed with excitement, unable to find the words to express his gratitude. All he could manage to say was a heartfelt "thank you."

The following day, armed with Ryan's warrant, Duy arrived at Ninja School. Accompanying him were Shiranui Genma and other Students, all assigned to his care by Ryan. As Duy assumed his role, he made his expectations clear, issuing a stern warning, "If you can't master the Konoha Six Styles, don't bother graduating!"



Does the system ensure the skills don't get leaked


Duy has only killed 4 of the 7 Swordman the other 3 pussys fled to mama kiri^^ but it was a great achievement