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High in the Scotland mountains hidden is a magical castle with an even more magical lake that has even more magical squid inside it and a lot of other magical creatures plus a magical ugly mermen colony. An even more magical dark forest surrounds and hides this majestic castle from the eyes of oblivious muggles or the not-so-oblivious government I bet there is some shady British government agency that researches magic and wizards and witches. I remember squibs could brew potions at least and emotional manipulation is the bread and butter of spy&reasearch group. I bet quite a few muggle-borns would happily give the there services.

Hogwarts Headmaster's office

The inside view wasn't as you all presumed it would be let's just say the black war wards don't take kindly on someone if you scry on someone who they consider their master. The blast was as loud as if a plane crashed in Hogwarts. Poor Fawkes had turned to ashes. If not for the poor house elves getting ashes altogether the Phoneix would have been dead.

It was dinner time and the final exams were completed today. All students even the professor were relaxing when the blast occurred in one of the high towers of Hogwarts. The whole school was in a frenzy after all this was Hogwarts safest place in all of Britain which had a giant squid with god knows how many tentacles with how many suction cups, a 1000-year-old basilisk that could kill with one look, a colony of Man eating spiders size of a car, A crazy overworked cat lady rabid quidditch fan who will force an 11-year-old kid in a sport where your brains can splatter, A virgin sad cheap batman whose hair was greasy like tar with a crooked nose who like to peek into your mind, A sherry addicted seer who will predict your unfortunate death, A giant who consider dragons as cute puppies and ever-changing Defence against dark arts teacher who are out to harm one specific child.

Unfortunately, Dumbledore wasn't in his office otherwise half of the story would have ended here.

McGonagall and snape followed Dumbledore to the place where his Majestic office once stood.

"Are we under attack Albus?" Told a panicked McGonagall.

Sometimes Albus wondered if animagus changed something fundamental inside Wizards there was a reason why he never tried to became one after all.

"I don't know Minerva but I don't think someone could send me explosives in the mail that trend long ended after the invention of intent-based wards in the 13th century."

Snape growled, "I think someone from inside the castle did it."

"Solid argument but I don't think any student or our idiotic dada professor has the capability to bypass the gargoyle and my wards of my own."

Inside was a sight to behold the majestic rosewood desk had been charred and the Phoneix had been turned to the size of little newborn chic. The portraits were especially noisy but alas the trinkets of Albus Dumbledore that controlled the wards at privet drive were no more. It could open up a lot of possibilities and it was worse than the last one.

" Headmaster dippet can you tell how my cupboard exploded with such force that even the centaurs inside the forbidden forest are thinking they are under attack."

"It was that damned puffy trinkets of your Albus. First, they stopped puffing and after 30 minutes they exploded I saw flashes of memories I didn't know I had before eyes."

Albus pondered for a bit and said" It would seem we have to go to pick Harry potter sooner than expected."

The boy might be dead or worse kidnapped by death eaters or worse things were left unsaid after all in the magical world there exists fate worse than death. Everything is possible with magic. Everything. For a price of course. There is a reason avadra kadavra was so famous it gave painless death to people who don't have the will to live anymore. You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved. A spell created by a healer for good was used by countless dark lords to do evil.

McGonagall: so how are we going there as far as I know I don't remember where we left harry you obliviated me.

Dumbledore: I know obliviating you were extreme. But Minevera we live in world of magic Minerva where the mind can be read truth can be told without realizing it or with force and you won't remember it. What would we do if the same happened to harry as what happened to Longbottoms?

At that exact moment the gargoyles of the headmaster opened and revealed Sybil Trewalany in her big glasses and smelling of sherry "Albus can you repair the stairs I think some students put a farting jinx on it and every step farts if you step on it."

Dumbledore: Can we talk later Ms.Trewalany it seems we are a bit busy."

I don't know if it is sherry that makes her so oblivious to the world around her or the gift of the seer. As he was pondering this Sybil went into a trance just like the hippies and her eyes became glassy she came near Dumbledore and pulled his beard and said"You tried to control fate not just of one person but an entire nation and entire community I hope you are ready to face what is coming for you."

And she fainted with blood coming out of her nose. Minevera and ALbus were too shocked to see this situation but snape schooled his expression and figured out a few things. I think he needs to learn how far the manipulations of Albus Dumbledore go.

Dumbledore: I want an oath from both of you that you won't reveal these events to anyone.

His face was without any of his usual loftiness but a face of a warlock who faced Grindelwald

'fuck why is it always me. Every strong wizard I have met wants some oaths from me. first the dark lord now even this sweet muncher wants more of them. How unlucky can I be.?' thought snape.(.I was even wearing a lucky hat.)(Alas someone whose childhood female sweetheart gets married to your worst childhood bully gang leader and then even has a child with her and you become potion brewing house elf for the white lord and a dark lord. He was really too unlucky.)

Minerva: I wonder why I became your transfiguration protege back then.

Minerva just hoped the child of her best students be safe and found as soon as possible otherwise she would never face Lily and James in the afterlife.

Snape on the other was planning to change from his batman pajamas and batman night cap to robes for the muggle world. And Dumbledore was preparing himself for worse a mini dark lord, obscurial, master of death harry potter after all he had Pervell blood in him, or a dead one, etc.


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