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Nicholas eyed the Rider servant 'discreetly' stealing glances at the fishes in Olga's aquarium and then returned his gaze to the calm Olga sitting across from them, boring holes into his skull with her eyes, "Are you going to explain what happened?"

"I called her a hoe... she called me a two bit punk. We hit the gym." He pointed at Martha who nodded seriously, "Now we get along."

"How does... How does that even work?"

Both Master and servant shrugged at the same time, averting their gazes to either side when she narrowed her eyes before Nicholas cleared his throat, nudging a SAINT with his elbow, "Pshhh, you're forgetting that thing you do."

Martha stared at him in confusion before her eyes widened in realisation and she too cleared her throat, "I've recognised the goals of your organisation as worthy of my assistance, and while I do not know if I can be of much help, I shall endeavour to aid you as much as possible."

Nicholas deadpanned at the woman, she didn't see how her lines were contradicting each other at all, did she?

"Furthermore, while my Master does need some discipline when it comes to mannerisms, I find him more than adequate as a comrade." Martha smiled gently but then narrowed her eyes, "I do find it strange how I must explain that, aren't you supposed to know the people you're hiri-"

The Saint coughed again.

"You should be aware of his altruistic nature."

"Man, y'all got some sick obsession with this fancy language." Nicholas threw his hands up and relaxed back into his chair, "This just gives us more time to laze about... I mean, train and learn how to better help each other, yeah." He totally wasn't planning on spending his days eating, grinding and gaming.

Martha simply smiled, though he could swear she'd grit her teeth for a second, "It is a reflection of civilisation and lack of barbarity, Master. I know it is something you lack the fundamental ability to even understand but, I believe even you can learn with time... even as you are."

"You know, just cause I don't use 'em don't mean I don't understand them." Nicholas turned her way, eyes narrowed, "I was a college student I'll have you know."

Admittedly, it was a miracle considering how abyssmal his grades would've been if not for his memory.

He sucked at understanding science.

Which sorta explained why he sucked at understanding Magecraft, the whole shtick was adding new variables, and then deriving desired effects from said variables through multiple methods of manipulation.

Magecraft had it's own 1+1 and 2+2.

So yes, some ultra complicated shit for someone who had the science of a normal world ingrained in his brain.

Anyway, he digressed.

Olga sighed, massaging her temple, "I don't think you should be insulting your Master in words he can't understand."


"Even if he deserves it." The Director humoured the newest summoned servant with a small smirk directed at Nicholas.

But then, all traces of amusement disappeared from her face and she looked at him in earnest, "Congratulations on being the first Master with a servant. I know you'll be able to handle any problems that come your way but don't hesitate to ask for help, the staff is there for a reason."

Nicholas slightly shifted in his seat, slightly uncomfortable with her serious tone, "Course."

"Hm..." Olga nodded and turned to Martha, "I apologise for his actions and hope that a Saint will be able to overlook some meaningless words in the spirit of saving humanity from an untimely demise."

Martha nodded decisively.

"Very well then, we'll have our first mission soon. I expect good things from you."

Nicholas interrupted the professional atmosphere by whistling and nodding his head in admiration, "Look at her, all serious and business." He turned to a curious Martha as Olga allowed herself to smile at the 'praise', "I've never seen her like that before, it's almost like she didn't start crying the first two times we met and is doing this after a week of practice."

Olga instantly turned red, metaphorical smoke coming from her ears, "H-How?"

"Yeah you thought you was slick with it. I stumbled into your practice at least three times. The other two I saw on the security feed." Nicholas smirked as much as his features allowed him, refraining from mentioning how Romani had been the one to tell him about it, "...I may or may not have posted videos."

"I usually wouldn't believe you..." Martha giggled into her palm, visibly amused by Olga's embarrassment, "Look at her, she's adorable! ...I'm sorry for laughing. It's nice to see an earnest leader."

"We should run before she explodes."


That day, the denizens of Chaldea were confused by a purple blur shooting through their hallways, an explosion in Lev's lab... which was actually ordinary at this point if you thought about it, and a Saint from the 1st century taking up residence in one of the many empty rooms.

A servant who actively interacted and helped out the staff with their day to day activities in the days that came after, and built a legend regarding how she too would punch people like another resident of Chaldea's if sufficiently annoyed, also complain, the heroic spirit complained a lot more openly than most people... then tried to salvage the situation with a pretty smile and elegant mannerisms.


This and the last chapter or two have been a bit wobbly cause there's a wedding in the neighbourhood and the assholes have been playing loud music nonstop for 3 days now and I haven't gotten any good sleep at all so I'm in a shit mood, and as I've come to learn, my moods bleeds over into whatever I do.

A bit shorter than I'd have liked to be honest but now that we have a servant summoned and most of Chaldea's residents openly introduced, and relationships built to some degree, I'd like to start the Grand Order part of the story which, admittedly, I should've started some time ago but well, I got carried away.

It's been hinted several times throughout the story that Nicholas dropped in pretty close to the first mission so no lore problems.

There's also another poll to help me with a certain decision.

Hope you don't mind them, also, as before, vote up as soon as possible cause I'll delete it soon as I start writing the next chapter.


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