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Casting one last glance at the gradually disappearing towers of Winterfell, I patted the dark leather satchel at my side with a satisfied smile.

"Let's see now."

There were quite a few places I was interested in visiting on the small map I'd acquired for myself, and there were also a number of books on the whole of the realm to busy myself during the trip... and coin, a lot of coin, of course.

I didn't need to make stops or rest beyond what interested me, that was also a plus.

Although... According to the old maester who gave me most of these things, Robb Stark initially intended to reward me by making me a landed knight... And my thoughts on that sort of thing were evident enough.

I patted Roach's neck with a small grin, "Come on now, boy. Let's get going."

The horse broke into a steady gallop with a loud neigh.

The slight bit of guilt I had over leaving unannounced was squashed when I realised this was better for them, they were kids and would grow out of it given time.

And like that, at the break of dawn, I left Winterfell, for better or for worse.


Admittedly, the journey back was... more enjoyable.

I read books while riding and didn't need to take any breaks save for when Roach needed some rest, and for a cowardly little thing, the horse could run fast... and for a long time.

Or maybe it was just because he was too terrified to stop without me telling him to.

That aside, I was used to travelling extreme distances due to the sheer size of the Lands Between and the time I'd spent travelling there.

Without companions, the distance seemed to just blur past and disappear into the background.

I'd note marching soldiers carrying the banners of different houses or travelling merchants from time to time but seeing as they didn't bother me, I had no reason to bother them either.

"Marika... I'm old." I sighed in realisation, sitting on a pile of mismatched rocks that I'd thrown up as I watched Roach graze squeamishly, with the Sun setting behind him, "Is that why my hair looks grey?"

No, it couldn't be that.

It was still platinum blonde... which looked more like... white.

"Damn it."

I put the book on the Riverlands I'd been reading back into my satchel and pulled out a small map. The details on it were rough, and far too small for it to be useful normally but I could make out what was written perfectly so it was a handy little addition to my collection of trinkets.

Ah, what I wouldn't give to have some of the things I'd gathered back...

"I should be near the turn..."

I held the map upside down, then sideways in an attempt at making sense of where I was.

"I crossed Moat Cailin." I noted, tapping a finger on the mark I'd made for it, and traced a finger down South, towards the Kingsroad where I was at, "So... the Twins are supposed to be West?"

Pursing my lips, I looked along the treeline beyond Roach, praying to Marika that I wouldn't have to backtrack towards the fucking swamps again... They damn near ruined my clothes again... Hopefully, no one would mind what I'd done to make sure they didn't.

At this point I was about done with looking for this so-called shortcut into the Riverlands and would just follow the Kingsroad to them.

Fortunately, I was able to spot the makings of a tall wall? Keep? Something along those lines soon enough, standing out near the end of the woods.

That was probably it.


Helman Tallhart stood atop the Gatehouse Tower of Moat Cailin with a hand on the hilt of his sword and the other behind his back as he observed the steadily darkening swamps beyond.

For some odd reason, particularly chill wind had been digging into his face for quite some time now, despite being nowhere near the season for it.

He'd received word that the Stark host was beginning its march, and would pass through here in its entirety, so he had prepared accordingly... at least, as well he could with the limited men and resources he had here.

But before he could delve deeper into his thoughts or retreat to his lodgings for the night, he spotted a certain... discrepancy, if you would, in the dark and murky swamps of The Neck.

"Is that..." He rubbed his eyes to make sure his mind wasn't playing tricks on him again.

There, out in the dark, was a shimmering sheet of the purest white he'd ever seen, whiter than even the snow he was accustomed to as a Northmen, as the Lord of House Tallhart.

"Am I seeing right, boy?" He sternly turned to the soldier standing nearest to him, "Or do my eyes deceive me?"

The soldier looked his way curiously and while his face was masked by his helmet, Helman was sure the boy was just as shocked as he was, "I-Is that snow, m'lord?"

Once he took a closer look, Helman realised that it wasn't just in one place... no, the layer of frost ran through the swamps like a road, unnaturally fixed even when it should have melted against the swamp water.

"...What in the name of the Gods is this?" He took one of the torches burning at the wall and tossed into the dark night, only for it to reveal something that would plague the mind of his men, and himself, for a long time to come.

A frozen path had appeared beyond Moat Cailin, cutting through the swamps that provided a natural chokepoint against any and all invaders.

Helman's breath hitched momentarily.

"How did none see this?"


He was answered only by dead silence.


The 'black wall' turned out to be much larger than I'd initially thought, and it wasn't a 'wall' either... No, it was one of two tower-like massive castles built at opposite ends of a river linked by a great stone bridge with another tower built in the centre.

"Well... I won't deny the strategic thinking." I commented as I approached, scratching my chin.

The gates into the bridge were large, heavy, with a visible iron portcullis hanging above them and manned by archers... There were even channels for moats around the gate.

But really, it was far TOO massive for a bridge crossing.

At the same time, I couldn't see any other bridges except for this particular one and it was apparently a massive shortcut that provided an easy link between the North and the Riverlands... I guessed they could overtax and build something like this?

Still though, it must've taken centuries... unless this wasn't built by humans.

All my questions were answered at the same time by the guard at the gate.

"Toll, pay and move on." He spoke harshly, holding out a spear to block my path.

I narrowed my eyes at him before looking around us, most people were using the main gates, lugging carts and whatnot, while I was at a smaller one built to its side... even then, there weren't many people, possibly because of the time... or the weather, it would probably rain soon.

"What do I have to pay?" I asked with a polite smile.

He stopped at that, before looking me up and down, and then grinned, showing crooked yellow teeth, "Forty silver stags... 'ser'."

Oh, so that was how it was going to be.

"I didn't ask for your daughter, man, just want to pass."

He stopped short, not sure how to respond.

That was until one of his fellow guardsmen snickered, somehow poking the ego of a sleeping lion, and he puffed his chest out, "Are you dumb, you big lug? You got any fucking idea where you are?"

Why were people like this?

"You know what?" I held my hands up with a calm smile, "It isn't worth it, that's on me."

I moved my hand to my satchel but he stopped me with his own, "'If you're feeling that generous, hand it all over."

Oh come on.

I sighed, "Fine."

He grinned again... only to lose the ability to do that permanently when my fist slammed into his face the next moment, shattering those yellow teeth he seemed so proud of into a fine dust.

"I don't know what you folks were expecting, but I'm guessing this wasn't it."

I kept my polite smile even as steel was drawn and arrows were nocked.


Hope you enjoyed.

What do you think happens next?

Apologies if this seems a bit... strange. I got a shit review on WN and as much as I'd like to say I'm unbothered, it managed to completely throw me off-course. I'm gonna go cope by reading more ASOIAF.




Im loving this. MC will function like a natural predator for jacka*ses, c*unts and those who dont know their place