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Thank you very much for your great acceptance of the comic shehulk

I have wanted to share it this way at first for all of you

I have almost finished the Yourichi comic and it will be shared first only for my patreons fan members

in order to favor those who have contributed to keeping my work online.

For tipper level patreons only have available  draft jobs and draft commissions,

So if you want to see the next chapters in full color of the comics and arts that I am commissioned in addition to obtaining the arts of the month I invite you to become a fan member as interesting things are coming.

Of course for those users who get smart and play to change their contribution level to obtain benefits before being charged, they will earn the appropriate ban for getting ready, I have already had several of these people and in the end they never contribute absolutely anything in the end.

In this way I seek to reward more to those who contribute with my work giving them access before all to these arts around here

Likewise, I will publish these commissions on my deviantart page, but with a delay of several weeks.

A big hug to all and thank you very much for contributing so that I can continue with this work




So will we be getting a 7000x12000 resolution of this picture too, or is that only the later comic pages that are HD?