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Hello my sinners.

Today I saw again my work published until my yesterday's publication.

Therefore, soon, I am going to change the publication system. I will do the same as other artists. I will not publish the comics here, and only my active patreons will have access to them. That is to say that those who are not active Patreons, will not have access to them.

I may do it by mail or I may do it by hosting the images that I have to publish, temporarily, in a cloud.

And for this also and unfortunately... the access to all my work, will be restricted to the monthly subscription, and what is published, until the date I start with the new system.

There will only be one exception, the stories, I will continue to publish them as usual.

Have wet dreams my sinners.



It is quite frustrating that you are forced to take these steps to counter such selfish actions. I’m sorry it’s still happening to you.


These things happen, and on the other hand, I have been overconfident. I should have thought of creating measures a long time ago, as other creators recommended me.