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MPORTANT NOTE: Everything that appears here, in this story, only exists in my mind, anything that resembles reality is coincidence or fortuitous. . .

( hopefully there will be many of these 💓, or not, who knows 😭 )

Abby and Jerry toasted their first Valentine's Day together with champagne on the couch at home, the first day of a two week vacation. They both had met while working at the Magic Sensory Isolation (MSI) Hospital. And they both shared a secret and a forbidden fetish at the hospital. Jerry and Abby envied the patients, who wore a suit created by Lascivia, which covered them completely. That suit, deprived the wearer of all his senses, except for one, touch. Indestructible. Tight. Unopenable. The seal was so tight, that not even the patient's moans escaped the suit.

All the patients at the MSI-HOSPITAL had not read the manual that came with the suit careful enough. Now they were trapped inside the suit until the magical staff of the hospital found a way to free them. As each suit reacted individually to its wearer, each patient needed an often hard to find specific cure. Lascivia denied any responsibility, saying the customers had signed an 'At your own risk' statement. Since Lascivia could blackmail half of the government nothing could be done against this.

Jerry and Abby were not only toasting to it being Valentine's Day, but they were both wearing one of those suits, except for the last part. The hood hung down from their necks to their chests, exposing a gag. In a fortuitous way, they had managed to save them from the flames of the incinerator, without anyone noticing, two obsolete costumes, without a manual, that officially no longer existed. The perfect crime.

Jerry's suit was a bright orange and at first, upon seeing the inside which he had never seen before, he discovered that both the men's and women's suits had butt probes. This made Abby even more morbid, and even more so, when she discovered that the women's turquoise suit had yet another probe for the vagina. Having more experience Abby quickly put on her suit. Jerry was not far behind, envious as he was, he was not going to allow his girlfriend to enjoy the suit by herself.

Those suits had something peculiar and typical of Lascivia. Since they had put them on, they felt more and more horny. So much so that, little by little, Jerry liked to feel that plug filling him up and the sheet the wrapped around his member felt even better. Abby, for her part, could hardly keep her pelvis still. Those suits were accommodating to their two wearers and at the same time making them more and more accepting of those suits. The alcohol was a great ally, as it helped to slow down that process.

Abby, who at the beginning had been the one who had realized the opportunity and dragged Jerry into stealing the suits, was also the first to realize what those suits really did. And that had been unknown to her until this moment when she wore one for the first time. It was what made her understand why they were forbidden to touch the patients directly, and why the inmates were transported with long hooked rods, which closed around their waists and with which they could move them easily, without coming into physical contact with them.

No matter how much a person touched him- or herself, the person was not able to feel anything through the suit. Absolutely nothing. It was as if one did not touch anything, feeling other things was still possible. There was no way that the wearer of the suit cold reach an orgasm by themselves, no matter how horny they were. The suits made sure the wearer always stayed close to the edge, but no orgasm was allowed.

And they now understood the frustration the patients, when alone, felt in their isolation. A frustration so total, that just imagining it terrified them, but also made them more morbid, eager to wear those suits.

But when someone was touched and felt another person's tract, that's when the magic happened. The simple touch of someone caused a pleasure more intoxicating than sex, nearly driving the wearer crazy as there were almost constant orgasms. This being the reason for not directly handling the patients.

The longer they wore it, the more the suits adapted the suit's host. Two bottles of champagne later, Jerry liked having that plug up his ass. Abby on the other hand, after the fourth glass, started to need more stimulation. Wearing just the suit wasn't enough for her, she needed the full experience. She wanted to be like her patients in the MSI-Hospital, she needed to feel locked in, trapped, at the mercy of an orderly.

"Honey," she said taking her hands to the hood that hung down at her chest. "Be bad, and punish me."

Then, under Jerry's drunken gaze, Abby stuffed the gag into her mouth and began to cover her head, then zipped it up. Sealing herself inside the suit and noticing how the suit began to tighten deliciously around her. Noticing how the two probes between her legs sank deeper inside her and grew wider. Also the gag in her mouth, began to expand and take up all the space.

Abby had never felt such a rush in her life, her heart was going a mile a minute, she felt so wet and horny, like never before in her life. She was totally cut off from the world. She could hear nothing, see nothing, smell nothing, speak nothing. That made her even more horny and eager to satisfy the fire that consumed her.

Unhinged by so much excitement, she tried to satisfy her most primitive impulse, but then she discovered the frustration first hand. She had forgotten that she could not feel anything if she touched herself. In that frustrating prison, she tried to scream, but not even her grunt was able to escape from that suit. She had truly become like the patients she watched over.

"Jerry!" she said to herself. "Where are you Jerry? Touch me, punish me, whip me... make me cum... I need to cum desperately."

Jerry for his part, had watched enviously as Abby sealed herself alone in the suit. And when he saw her writhing inside the suit, as she frantically touched herself he didn't hold back. He grabbed Abby and spanked her ass several times for being a bad girl. Abby squirmed, but not a scream or moan came from the suit. His spankings got harder and harder, wave after wave of intense pleasure ran through Abby, but excited as she was, she strangely could not cum. Something was definitely wrong.

"I love you!" Jerry said lustfully. "You are my little slut patient."

With each spank his member was getting harder and harder and envy was getting the better of him. He wasn't going to let Abby be the only one to experience the complete sealing. Not realizing that Abby's suit had begun to securely seal in the host. Making it impossible for anyone wearing the suit to open the zipper alone. Jerry began to cover his face with the hood of his suit. Noticing that, with each zip, his heart was racing, pumping ever faster the blood through his body filled with excitement.

At the same time, doubts filled his head. Something was screaming at him that he shouldn't do that, but the excitement drowned out that voice, and Jerry sealed himself inside the suit as well. As he did so, both suits began to react to each other and their properties started the change.

Now as both were sealed inside a suit and deprived of any sense except touch, they searched for each other and when they found each other a nasty surprise of the suits was exposed. When the suits came into contact the sense of touch became very weak and the pleasure that should come from each others touch was totally gone. They were now unable to sense that they had found each other and both kept groping for each other over and over again, barely able to orient themselves by the furniture.

The suits had been removed magically from their previous wearers and the imbued magic had suffered some damage in the process. It was for a good reason that the suits were to be incinerated.

After ten minutes, the frustration was such that they both needed to take off their suits, in order to give free rein to their unfulfilled desire and the need to explode in an orgasm. And both, like all the newly arrived patients, tried uselessly to open the suits that now would keep them prisoners forever if the MSI-HOSPITAL didn't help.

After a long time they were found and admitted to their own hospital. The removal of the malfunctioning suits was still underway months later. All this time they were on the edge of an orgasm that never came.

End - Ende - Fine - Fin




Happy St Valentine Day for every sinner!


Love this full face and body zentai <3


Oh Yeah! 🤘 I want to use this Fullsuit in Blood Widow 2... I'm still thinking about how to introduce it, so it doesn't look forced.