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MPORTANT NOTE: Everything that appears here, in this story, only exists in my mind, anything that resembles reality is coincidence or fortuitous. . .

( hopefully there will be many of these 💓, or not, who knows 😭 )


Alexis was an influencer specialising in retro sport outfits, making a living with her Video-Blog on the web. Wearing things like sporty jumpsuits or leotards with a shiny pantyhose was her passion. She wore them to college, wearing some other garment like a skirt on top of them for a minimum of decency or she went to the gym with them to keep her body athletic and perfect.

Her partnerships were all short lived, as Alexis only really loved herself and her reflection, being a narcissist like few others.

One day she intentionally left her laundry bag, with some of her retro style outfits lying in plain sight, as she had a suspicion about her new flatmate. She wasn't sure, but she had to confirm it, so Alexis had devised a plan.

Pretending that she had, in her haste, forgotten her eighties sportswear by the front door. Then she made to walk out the door and hide in the jacket closet in the hall. It didn't take long for Martin to show up, who was originally going to go out to the library, but upon seeing Alexis' laundry bag, he uttered the comment, "she left in such a hurry that she must have forgotten her bag."

As Alexis suspected, Martin began to look at the clothes inside the bag, pulling out a couple of garments, and suddenly he let go of the ones he had taken out, to admire one full-length leotard suit in particular. It was a jumpsuit that at the top looked like a red leotard and the bottom looked like shiny, black sports pantyhose.

Then he quickly went to his room with the jumpsuit and Alexis had her confirmation. Objects subtlety moved, drawers not fully closed in her room. At first she had suspected Tania, the other girl who lived in the apartment, but some comments, gestures and looks from Martin, made him the prime suspect. Also adding to the suspicion was that Martin was small, a little overweight and already somewhat on the feminine side.

Minutes later, Martin came out of the room with Alexis' jumpsuit on, he had also put on some of her legwarmers. The purple clashed badly with the red of the leotard. With every step he relished the soft sensation of wearing a pantyhose with his sneakers instead of socks. His footsteps led him straight to the large mirror next to the hall closets.

Martin made a happy face as he admired the suit, enjoying the feel of the soft, stretchy fabric against his skin, and as he did so he didn't notice that the zipper on the back magically merged with the fabric of the suit, disappearing, as if the jumpsuit had never had a zipper.

"Hehehe", Alexis laughed covering her mouth trying not to give herself away. "He doesn't know what awaits him... just a little bit more..."

And while he was posing and reveling in the fabric of the jumpsuit, rubbing his thighs, feeling the delicious touch of the pantyhose and delighting in the exquisite feel of the leotard part, Martin noticed that something wasn't right.

From her hiding place, Alexis watched as Martin began to try to stretch the suit at his neck, hollow out his crotch, stretch the ever-tightening fabric, which squeezed his waist like a corset. By the time he decided to take off his suit, it was too late and in panic some curses escaped him, making him notice that his voice, no longer sounded like him.

"AHA!" Alexis said coming out of the closet at that moment. "GOTCHA! I KNEW IT!"

But then Alexis looked speechless at Martin, who now looked nothing like the young man who had come from a remote village. Alexis' astonishment was growing as she saw the new feminine features Martin was beginning to have. His/Her now flat crotch marked the sensual lines of a Camel toe, his/her belly grew firm, her/his waist was enviously narrow, her/his breasts were growing and growing. Her hips expanded and her legs were long, hair-free and beautiful. Gradually, every trace of masculinity disappeared, replaced by seductive feminine curves like Alexis'. Martin was turning into Alexis' twin sister.

Twenty minutes later, Alexis and Martin, now fully Martina, were sitting in the living room... Looking at her was almost like Alexis looking into a mirror, but seeing a shy and embarrassed version. Martina was hugging herself, not knowing how to hide her new body. Alexis tried to keep her angry face on, for although she was a narcissist and could only love herself, deep down she had a generous heart. And even though he had only been in the apartment for a short time, she already knew how sensitive Martin was and how strongly affected by what she had done to him.

"Ok, Martin... I admit that I've gone a bit too far with your punishment, and if I'm honest, this wasn't exactly what I expected when I bought this suit to set you up," Alexis started to say, to break the uncomfortable silence. "But don't worry, now I'll help you to take off the suit and you'll be you again, but you broke my trust and you'll have to compensate me, and if you promise me not to do it again... and paying me two months of rent... I'll forget about this... Does that sound fair to you?"

"I..." Martina began to say with a broken voice. "Can I be punished longer in this suit? I'll pay you whatever you want, I'll do whatever you ask me..."

"Yes of course... wait... what?" Alexis replied in surprise, feeling her heart start to race.

"I'll look for another apartment if you want, but let me buy this suit from you... You don't understand... I... I..." Martina stuttered.

"Wait... Shhh. Shut up for a moment and let me think. MMmmm," Alexis said with a strange twinkle in her eyes, realizing the unique possibility to give free rein to her narcissism. She looked her doppelgänger up and down. Looking at Martina was better than looking in a mirror. Delighting in every perfect detail of her body. She thought of all the perversities she had ever fantasized about, of all the possibilities and after a thundering silence she expressed what she had thought of impromptu. "Ok, wait here Martina, don't say anything, don't move and don't do anything."

Alexis went out of the room and soon after returned wearing a Jumpsuit similar to Martina's, but it was all black, and she had put on a pink and black tartan skirt over it, and was wearing heeled booties. Then she handed Martina a skirt and some sneakers with wedges.

"Finish dressing," she said taking down a pair of coats for both of them." We need to renew your closet, take you to a salon. I will not allow my twin sister to dress sloppily and wear baggy clothes. Or go out without perfect makeup."

"Do you want me to go out... like this? In an extremely reveling suit?" Martina said surprised.

"Not like that, that's why I'm lending you my wedges, my skirt and my jacket," she said with a sinister smile. "Let's spend that money you wanted to bribe me with... to throw away what clothes you have and get you some like mine. Then I won't mind so much if you spy on my drawers, but ask me if you want to try something on. Okay? Oh and on the way back remind me to pay a visit to the lady who makes my outfits. I'm sure Beky has a set of magic outfits for you, so you can be in one of my videos."

"Wait... What? Share clothes, throw mine away... and you want us to go to YOURSIN?" Martina said astonished... "But if that store..."

"Oh honey," said Alexis giving away with her voice how excited she was, approaching her prey like a predator. Finally she would be able to to have sex with the only person who's looks she truly loved, herself.

Martina finished putting on her new clothes and felt strangely comfortable in them. Alexis walked over to her new twin. When she was almost face to face with her, Alexis slid her hand under Martina's skirt grabbing her new sex. To her own surprise Martina reacted strongly to this touch, feeling an unknown pleasure.

"If I was going to help to take off your suit now, you wouldn't be tempted to do what I want to do to you..." she said and started to play with Martina who quickly gave up her resistance. Soon she started moaning and got very excited. Alexis brought her close to the edge but no further.

"Now we'll go shopping, in the salon they'll do your make up, then we'll go show off with these jumpsuits," she said to a somewhat frustrated Martina. "Tonight I will give you the first orgasm as a woman and tomorrow at dawn it will be done... you will have forgotten about the option of being Martin again and the changes will be permanent. And then darling... you will be mine... I will turn you into a girl as naughty, as flirtatious, as proud, as conceited and as disgustingly narcissistic as I am..."

"I know you will love it!"

End - Ende - Fine - Fin.




Save your strength, this Wednesday, Evelin is coming! 😉


Martin was a lucky dude.