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IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything that appears here, in this story, only exists in my mind, anything that resembles reality is coincidence or fortuitous. . .

( hopefully there will be many of these 💓, or not, who knows 😭 )

Chapter 2

Part 5

Domino's skills had greatly improved. Her mastery of spells and the use of her mana for magic had risen to such an extent that she hardly needed to stop being Jessy. And during all the time that she was Jessy, she used the hollow skinsuit of her doppelgänger to impersonate her old self.

However, being Jessy was becoming more and more risky as well as addictive. The personality she was adopting was becoming more and more careless and daring. However, being Jessy was almost all advantages. At last Domino felt free to explore things that in her youth she had not been able to do. And, above all, the clothes for young women were now much better.

On the other hand, she never went down to the basement again since she had created the skinsuits. Both as Domino or Jessy she was afraid that the image in the mirror had been something more than a hallucination caused by her horny mind and her arousal. But if there was one thing she wanted more than to be Jessy all the time, it was to put that bimbo-bodied succubus skin back on.

What was more, from the darkest part of her mind she wanted to stay trapped in the skinsuit, to be a succubus forever.

As time went by, Domino had several arguments with herself. She kept putting impediments and potential consequences before herself, so as not to fall for the temptation. But each time, when she had these discussions with herself, the arguments of the impediments mattered less to her and the simple desire to dress herself in the suit prevailed. Being Jessy most of time did not help provide caution.

And after almost three months, finally the temptation grew to such an extent that Domino could no longer restrain herself. She summoned the courage to go back down to the basement. Everything was just as she had left it. And it was literal. No dust had accumulated, no cobwebs had appeared, nothing, despite the months she had not been down there.

On the altar was, just as she had left it, the red skinsuit of an almost insatiable succubus. That figure of lascivious curves and impossible proportions was still on the altar. Domino looked into the mirror before going to the altar. Which for all intents and purposes seemed to be the same regular mirror, with a gothic design, normal and ordinary. She sighed in disappointment, something inside her expected it to show something strange. But it didn't. The mirror behaved like an ordinary mirror, reflecting everything and only what was in front of it.

When Domino lifted the skinsuit, the memories and sensations came more vividly back to her mind. She had created it with the blood and hair from when she was Jessy, and she had worn it being Jessy. But this time she would do it being herself and she was already wondering if she would feel the same or if the skinsuit would work. As for the skinsuit, it gave off a strong smell of sweat from when she was Jessy. Domino examined it, it was the same as when she had left it, full of that sticky substance, mixed with her sweat.

Part 6

Domino was sure that what she was going to do was not the right thing to do, however, the thought of being a succubus made her horny and so she went ahead. She lowered her arms gripping the empty skin, and slipped her first leg into the sticky, slimy skin. Quickly her foot came into place, already noticing how the hoof of the suit linked to it. Being able to feel everything she touched with it, as if it were her own hoof. And so, without wasting any more time she pushed her second leg in and pulled the skin up. Covering herself up to her thighs.

Domino felt her crotch moisten with anticipation. Already a drop was leaking out, even before she was dressed to the waist. When suddenly she heard a distant voice coming from the other side of the basement.

"So! Be mine again!" she heard, her blood freezing at that voice from the mirror. Domino's heart began to beat faster and faster because of it.

She turned around, fear making her hear the hammering of her heart in her head. But without knowing why, her hands continued to pull up the succubus' skin. And without realizing it, she was putting her arms into the arms of the succubus' skin. With a broken voice she asked the mirror who was there, but without receiving an answer to the question.

"Is this what you want?" she asked herself, finishing adjusting the suit and ready to put the hood on her head. "To become a succubus again?"

Having said this, Domino put her head inside and quickly experienced again the same shock of pleasure she had felt the first time. But also that the suit, now squeezed her even tighter, as if it wanted to mold her, shrink her and never let her escape again. Just like the first time, Domino's eyes were lost from the pleasure in her beads. She felt her brain melt. The pleasure produced by the skinsuit's bond with her became more and more searing, intense, which was even better than the orgasm she had experienced last time.

When everything calmed down, without actually climaxing, Domino felt better than ever. A thousand times better than the first time. But something felt different, Domino noticed that something had changed. Tiptoeing and wiggling her ass, like a whore in heat, she marched over to the mirror where she saw something that shocked her. Her ears this time were more pointed, her horns were longer, her teeth were sharper and, to her great surprise, she now had a long, thin tail. All this in addition to a pair of intimidating semi-transparent demonic wings.

"Beautiful!" she heard again that voice that had made her turn to the mirror. "This should be your real form. The form of INGATLIM, the demon of lust. The source of your power!"

"That's right," she said full of pride, feeling her mana flowing inside her like her blood. "I like being Ingatlim. I feel as if this is really my body, that this is my authentic form. I can feel all the lust of this city, which is making me so hot and steals my self-control... I love it!"

Domino then with a finger played on the surface of the mirror and then sucked her finger in a sinuous way. As if it was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. But, there was something wrong. Something was missing. Thanks to the succubus skin, Domino stopped wanting to look like Jessy, desiring to take the form of a lust demon, but mentally she was still the combination of Domino and Jessy. Domino's darkest desires and Jessy's lack of control. She was not yet were she wanted to be.

"You've figured it out already, haven't you? That form will control you, you will be a slave to your impulses!" the voice in the mirror said to her, as if reading her mind. "Complete your transformation, be completely Ingatlim. Corrupt yourself, increase your power and discover pleasures that are not allowed to mortals."

"Corrupting me more... Is this what you want?" she said separating herself a little from the mirror with a mischievous smile. "That I corrupt myself? I like that..."

Ingatlim looked intensely at herself in the mirror, hugging herself tightly, feeling as if through her pores, as she touched herself, her body was being filled with perversion. As if all the lust and dark desires of everyone in the city were channeled through her hooves, nails and horns. She spread her wings to gather all of it.

Such was the perverse influence she felt, that all remnants of Domino's once good manners and good intentions were now an aberration to her. And despite this feeling, this was not enough for Ingatlim.

to be continued...




She should be proud to wear that suit. It's the product of all her kinky work. It has her blood, sweat, and tears in it.