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Alba started to wake up... her vision and the jumble of emotions that were her mind slowly came back. Little by little, her awakening let her realize that she was in a room she did not recognize. In a distorted, distant and drowned out way she heard two voices. One of them was familiar to her...

She tried to move, to sit up, but her body felt heavy as lead, all the muscles in her body felt weak, sore, and she was exhausted. It was then that she noticed, that she felt from her neck down all over the rest of her body, something squeezing her tightly, but in a soft and silky way. Alba could see on her arm that she was still wearing the Goby coloured catsuit.

"HEY ALBA!" she heard Beky's familiar voice from the doorway. "You're finally awake. Good. It took us all morning to get you halfway back to normal again."

After a moment of checking on her friend, came the face of guilt, shame and endless apologies. Beky confessed to her that she had realized too late, that she had made a big mistake in designing that outfit. She had used specifications fit for Shara. But since Alba was already trapped inside the suit, she couldn't answer any of the many calls and messages. Shara was relieved of her duties in the shop and the two went searching for Alba. They went to her house, but with her not being home, there was no way of knowing where she was.

It wasn't until Monday morning, after the janitor of the building where she had the studio opened the doors, that they discovered her inside the dance studio. The other dancers had called at the shop when the found the ballerina and the box from 'Your Sin'. The emergency note the Beky always put next to her suits had proven its worth.

Neither by them touching her was it possible to free her from her state nor by the janitor, who had a strange grin on his face, trying to use force to strip her of the suit. Moreover, it seemed that the influence of the costume on her had increased. Alba's moans of pleasure were now constant and it was difficult to get her from the studio to Beky's house to use her potions to release her. At the end they had to hire a moving company and do some awkward explaining.

However, when working on Alba at Beky's lab, Beky and Shara were startled when they suddenly stopped hearing the moans and no longer heard the buzz from the vibrators. It wasn't until, they managed to remove her hood that they realized she had been knocked unconscious from exhaustion.

Nevertheless, Beky had to use up her entire reserve of the Magic Nullifier, the one which worked on the magic she had used on Alba's suit. But it was only enough to be able to remove her leotard, the dancers and the hood, which now hung around her neck. When pulling out the toys Alba had used, Shara had commented, " ... what a naughty girl!"

Although Beky had ordered more ingredients from places like Tibet, Ethiopia, Scandinavia and Iceland, they would not arrive for a week, And without all the ingredients Alba would stay locked inside the catsuit. In the meantime it would be better if she stayed at home, to avoid any other unforeseen side effects.

Unexpectedly, Alba took the news very well. She didn't get angry even though she wanted to be as prepared as possible for the auditions that were only two months away. Perhaps some rest would be good for her, for all that strict and self-demanding rhythm that was her day to day life.

"By the way, may I introduce you to Shara, my slave and lover. You know her as a decoration piece in my shop. She then wears a suit somewhat like the one you wear now." Beky said to Alba. "Her own magic makes it possible to better control the suit." Shara and Alba exchanged their 'Hellos' and the two started talking about their experiences with their suits.

As soon as Alba could get up and walk, after a special potion from Beky, the three friends spent the rest of the day at the pool. After finally removing the hood, Shara lent Alba one of her provocative latex swimsuits, while Beky wore a normal one and Shara, always the show model, wore a piece of the 'Your Sins' extravagant swimwear collection. No sooner had the three friends changed into their pool clothes, than they were all drinking cocktails, as if they were on a tropical island.

However, Alba enjoyed feeling her latex suit and the effect it had on her body more than the pool and the rich, non-alcoholic drink. Although the cool water seemed at first to calm her desire for the suit, as soon as she got out of the water, the hot afternoon sun made it even more imposing. Strangely, she did not discuss any of this with Beky or Shara.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon, while the three friends were sunbathing. Half asleep Alba's imagination was filled with memories and perverse desires. She couldn't help but remember how much she had loved being like her music box doll. She decided that no matter what happened, she had to keep that outfit.

Her mind was flooded with the same unholy images of corrupt angels and monstrous demons, drawn from the images of Spanish artist Luis Royo, that she had had while trapped inside the suit in the studio.

The more she sunbathed, the more she became aware that, not only did she want to keep her suit, but she never wanted to take it off again. she wanted that layer of latex that held her prisoner to be her second skin forever. She liked the dirty sensation of feeling, little by little, her sweat filling the inner layer. Of the lighter or darker tones it produced, depending on where it accumulated or the movement or pose she put on.

The truth was, Alba was no longer the same person. She couldn't wait to put the hood back on. To feel the magic of the costume seep into her every pore. To be a slave to her most primal desires again. To feel the suit squeeze her tighter. Her feet trapped in the dancers. The leotard squeezing the catsuit even tighter against her skin. Looking rubbery and totally unnatural.

"One question Beky," asked Alba suddenly, feeling the need to be a latex doll again. "Can you give me back the other pieces of my costume and make it so that I can never take them off. But if I want to move, then only with the style and elegance of a dancer on stage?"

"WHAT?" Beky exclaimed, surprised to hear Alba's question. "After all you have been through?"

Meanwhile Shara had a knowing smile on her face. She had watched Alba closely and had recognized the signs of her newly formed latex addiction. She knew the feeling all too well and thought about a new ballerina doll for the shop.





I love this ending for her! Could we some day get a wallpaper of her fully suited up?


I cant believe i missed this gem! I love the idea of her staying in the suit. Would you consider making a couple more pages, maybe of Beky using a spell to seal her in the suit forever, maybe make it her skin? & possibly one last page after that of a very happy Alba dancing as some kind of model in Bekys shop for the rest of time?


Sorry, I didn't see your question. In the third part it comes out with the whole costume, but I could make it as wallpaper without background.