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Between vignette and vignette, I'm trying to make new things, for new characters, this mask is the failed result of trying to make the next Samantha's costume... but I like it for some possible future character.

What do you think? and... What do you think?




Certainly looks like it can still be a fun suit ^^


Personally I love it the way the horns are a mix of the black and red is cool as hell. The dome on the back is a call back to her dronesuit origins. Maybe a little less pointy in the back. I know if I saw my girlfriend with that mask in her hands, we would fight over who gets to wear it.


The front says demon, the back says alien. It makes me think of demons that aren't for humans, but rather they're demons for some alien species from another world or dimension. So to humans they have double the supernatural factor.


The suit is for humans, what I meant was Demnio or Alien. Although who knows, maybe the story could take place on a distant planet recently colonized, where miners have found the remains of an extinct civilization.


I didn't mean to say the suit was for an alien to wear, but rather the demon is a demon for this supposed alien kind, so it would visually resemble those aliens the way demons for humans in real life are depicted as resembling humans but with some form of monstrous or animal distortions. While I definitely like the idea of an isolated colony experiencing some body horror ala Aliens, I wouldn't want to see a great design not interact with all the characters we've already met on Earth. I was thinking of bringing the alien to Earth, like the creature of the mask decided it wanted to terrorize a new kind of life and stopped by Earth to show Earth demons how its done. That is the vibe I was getting when I first looked at the post. Whatever the final lore behind this design is, I absolutely agree with the others that this is a keeper.