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IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything that appears here, in this story, only exists in my mind, anything that resembles reality or other stories, is coincidence or fortuitous. . .

( hopefully there will be many of these 💓, or not, who knows 😭 )

At The Party

(Damn! Where Is The Zipper? - Movimento 2.5)

First of all, I want to say that I have chosen the Latino girl cliché because it seems to me to be the one that best suits Evelin's desire. Living now in Spain and having grown up in Nordic countries I see the great sensual difference. Her way of speaking and expressing herself or style of dancing, seems to me to be ideal. A pure state of sensuality and seduction demonstrated by her way of speaking, which is the erotic, provocative and perverse touch that I wanted to give her.

And so I do not mean in this story, that women of Latino blood are all whores. The story just needs a totally different profile than Evelin's and her environment, which is also a cliché, and it is the one I know best.

Thank you for your understanding. I know that I explain myself terribly about these things. And I'm sorry if you feel offended, it was not my intention.

Part 15 - Layla's Home

Layla was angry! She knew who was knocking at her door, late again, or at least she thought she knew. Wearing a latex Catwoman costume, dressed to mid-waist and covered with a bathrobe, she went to open the door. She cursed all the way until she grabbed the doorknob, took a deep breath and. . .

Was surprised to see a stranger, dressed in a costume that covered her from head to toe, only her lips and eyes were visible. Looking like a comic book thief with the body of a tart, wearing a costume that was anything but cosplay.

"How can I help you?" she said out of politeness with the intention of slamming the door in her face as soon as possible. "Are you lost?"

"Layla, don't you recognize me?" Luna said cheerfully, because if her best friend wasn't able to recognize her, nobody at the party would. But now it was time to say who she was, still she tried to avoid, at all costs, saying Evelin's name. "It's me. . . your friend. . . you sent me a message, asking me to come over earlier and help you, and I see that you really need my help. . ."

Layla looked her up and down. Starring at the heavily operated, prostitute like looking, caricature of a woman in front of her.

"It's me", Luna said, avoiding as much as possible to say the name she hated to say. "I bought a Lascivia catsuit and this is its sinful result. Oh Layla, you have to buy one of these, you can't even imagine how much it has changed my life. . ."

"Evelin?" Layla said somewhere between being surprised and scared, and also starting to feel a little envious. "Is that you?"

"Si mi amor", she answered in Spanish, with a Latino accent, shaking her hips to the rhythm of an imaginary salsa. Without really knowing why she answered that way, except that she loved the way it sounded. "Here I am, we don't have much time, but luckily I have something that will help you put on that suit in less than a minute."

"And please, let this be our secret. I don't want anyone to know about this. What will they say in our temple or worse, my mother. . . call me Luna, and I'm an old friend of yours who got kicked out of the congregation for. . . being an escort! Hihihihi," she went on.

"We liked it alright", she heard again the Voice in her head. . . "Let's ask for it to be as if we have always known, let's make it so that we can't talk any other way. . . we want to change more, we want to be. . ." Luna heard the Voice in her head, biting her lip. She knew what it was asking from her and she could imagine very well the consequences, but it was too tempting to stop now. "We want to be. . . act. . . and think like 'The Prostitute Degenerate' of this party!"

"Fuck! Evelin. . . sorry. . . Luna", said Layla, pulling Luna out of the spiraling influence of the Voice in her head and inviting her into her apartment. More than anything, so that no one on her floor would see her come in and could report her to the landlord of the block, also a member of the congregation. "How could you come in dressed like that? Gods! But you look like someone else, how did you. . .? You look so. . . so. . . so. . ."

"Superficial, operated and slutty? Thank you, this is all thanks to the Magic of Lascivia, mi amor, and you can't imagine how good it feels," Luna said putting on that Latin accent again, as she took two bottles of lubricant out of her purse. "Pour this into a two liter bottle of water, shake well and wait ten minutes and while it takes effect, I'm going to the bathroom for a moment. I have to do a little something."

While Layla went into the kitchen, hesitating and looking at the two bottles, Luna ran to the bathroom, looked again at those gray eyes in the mirror and recited the magic combination again, hoping that the hood would still work its magic. She didn't want to waste any more bottles. Although she felt a little warmer at first, her body soon returned to the point where she was now.

"I wish I was a real Luna, of Latino blood and with that thick Latino accent, to sound like the whore I'm going to be at this party... and sell myself and let them fill me not only with their dicks," she said starting to feel her whole outfit vibrating now. "And I wish my eyes were dark and... and I wish they were like those of a cat!"

Luna wrapped herself tightly, before freezing again, staring into her now brown eyes from her reflection. It didn't take long, Luna's jaw fell silent, her eyes quivered and from pleasure they were lost in their sockets. At the same time she felt the haze flood her mind again.

Part 16

Ten minutes later and half of the two liter bottle spilling inside Layla's suit. She couldn't believe how easy it had been to put on the suit, and how relaxed she felt now. She no longer cared about that fake immigrant voice that always got on her nerves. She had asked Luna several times to stop talking that way, but she had said she couldn't, that like her contact lenses, it was part of her cover, so no one would recognize her.

Layla and Luna sat on the couch with a glass of wine each, after moving around some dining room furniture, setting up the music, and placing the food and drink on the makeshift tables. Curiously, Layla no longer disliked that Latino accent, in fact, the more she heard it, the more she wanted to hear it.

Luna, on the other hand, was relaxed, she hadn't heard the Voice in her head make perverse suggestions since she had left the cab driver sucked dry. She was thankful that the app automatically charged the fare to her account. Now, she allowed herself to enjoy her glass of wine.

Unlike before, Luna sat elegantly, but taking a pose to show off her body to Layla, upright, sticking out her chest. And she had crossed her legs, and had swung one over the other so that it dangled in front of Layla. She soon noticed Layla's gaze on her shoes. She then instinctively stretched her leg and foot.

"I love these shoes," Luna said commanding the reins of the conversation. " They are so extravagant, so high. . . I love walking in them, even if it's difficult. I have to take very short steps and they force me to wiggle my butt a lot, and that's why I like them. Most of all, because of how my legs look with them."

"They are beautiful, but. . ." continued Layla unable to stop looking at them. "But, don't you think they are too. . . obvious. . . some platform is good for an influencer. . . but so much and transparent they seem from. . . you know. . ."

"A slutty shoe? Not nearly enough," Luna said turning her leg and bending her knee, to intentionally caress her foot. "Love, this pair is the nicest of the cheap Lascivia's. There are others much more impossible to walk in and more extravagant. . . I think tomorrow I'll buy some sandals like the ones the bimbos wear, but without a platform, with a six or six and a half inch heel."

"Much more extravagant?!" - Layla jumped up, letting it show, what she couldn't confess to Luna.

Only then the doorbell rang, Layla asked Luna to open the door while she checked everything for anything missing from the food table or any drinks to chill in the fridge. But Layla really needed a moment to herself. She felt abnormally horny, her heart racing, her mind flooded with images of her making out with Evelin. . . or Luna, as she had asked her to call her.

And to make matters worse, maybe that lubricant was creating some strange reaction with her skin, as she felt too sensitive and the suit was making her even hornier. . . but, on the other hand, she was beginning to like that feeling. . .

Meanwhile, Luna went to open the door. In front of her stood a large, athletically built figure. Disguised in a latex costume, like the character from American Horror Story. His well-groomed body and muscles were marked without taboos.

Above all, a muscle, which protruded under the latex, on the left thigh. It was big and long, and Luna began to feel the typical tingling of her arousal in her stomach and breasts. Her mouth filled with saliva, as did her pussy, which juices she felt leaking out again. And once again the Voice rang in her head.

"Oh là là'," he said with the voice somewhat distorted by the mouth of the hood, but Luna recognized at once whose it was. "But what a beauteous Lascivica Suit we have here. Hmmm and those feline eyes. . . you didn't come alone by any chance?"

"Surya?!!!" Luna couldn't stop herself exclaiming.

The person in the latex suit then struck a surprised pose. Luna was not mistaken. Before he had even removed his hood, which zipped his mouth shut, she had recognized him. It was Surya, Alex's friend, even though her personality was now 100% Luna's, that contempt for Surya was still with in her, and it showed.

"Do we know each other?" he said surprised to hear his name, taking off his hood.

To be continued. . .



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