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IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything that appears here, in this story, only exists in my mind, anything that resembles reality or other stories, is coincidence or fortuitous. . .

( hopefully there will be many of these 💓, or not, who knows 😭 )

Part 3

Suddenly she heard all the lights in the building starting to go out, and soon the lights in her studio went out as well. Moments later she heard the security shutters on the entrance door close. Now she would be trapped inside the Building until Monday morning, unless she phoned for help.

Her hands let go of the practice bar. With difficulty she went to her bag and picked up the hood. On tiptoe she held her balance as she pulled at the neck of the suit and started pulling the hood around her head. Getting the gag into her mouth took some work but at the end everything fit perfectly.

She let go of the hood and the sound of a sharp rubber snap on her neck aroused a surge of pain and pleasure at the same time. She tried to grab the edges again, to try to pull the hood a little tighter. But she found it impossible to catch a grip with her latex-plasticized hands. Just as she had asked Beky to do.

Last came the black tutu, finishing the look of her as a ballerina doll. Like the hood before it seemed to fuse with the suit and the leotard.

"Caught. . ." she thought, looking at herself again in the mirror, and seeing that stony, fake, but realistic face that the hood of the suit gave her. " . . . like the doll in my music box. . . ."

She then, grunting with excitement for all that she was feeling, stated to go through her ballet moves. She took a strong impulse and made three... four and even five turns around herself in joy. Then she danced, circling the floor, confirming that whatever she did, on the one hand, the pointershoes forced her to walk only with the tip of the dancers. On the other she noticed how tight and constricting the leotard was over the fullsuit.

"I'm trapped, and this studio is now my little music box ..." she said when she was in front of the mirrors again, seeing the sparkles of the full moonlight coming through the large windows. "I LOVE IT!"

Alba tried to say it aloud, but barely a few grunts escaped from the latex. Then she noticed that her two toys were finally starting to wake up in earnest. She noticed the first warning buzzes. Due to her own body heat, the batteries were about to finish charging and in a few moments the vibrators would activate and not shut off until the two toys were no longer receiving heat.

Then she, with her hands resting on her hips walked as gracefully as she could. Thanks to the rubbery gel, it felt as if she was walking among clouds. It felt like a foot massage, even though she had to walk like this. With each step, a tsunami of sensations flooded her brain with pleasure. Her steps were somewhat short, because she had to tiptoe.

And when she got to her stereo, she hit 'Play' for a playlist of ballet and opera music and then went back to where she always started practicing in front of the mirror.

"Let's dance, little doll!" she said to herself with a devilish giggle, hidden by the mask, and sounding a little nervous.

Then Alba, made some gestures of presentation to herself in front of the mirror, as if thousands of eyes of an imaginary audience were watching. And then, as she had rehearsed a 'thousand' times that day, so that it would be perfect the first time, Alba took the same pose as the porcelain figure in her music box.

Stretching her back. Lifting her chest a little. Tensing her buttocks. Raising her arms in graceful arcs above her head. Crossing one leg in front of the other without separating them, leaving them one next to the other. Creating the perfect pose with the perfect balance point.

And the moment she did so, the whole suit became rigid, as if petrified. Alba could no longer move. Then the suit began to turn completely opaque while forcing her to hold that pose until someone touched her.

Just an instant after the suit became opaque the vibrators began to taunt Alba. And the vibrations spread through the stiffness of her suit all over her body. Causing endless ripples through the now rigid magical latex, they plunged her into a tsunami of pleasure. She could only grunt, knowing that, on her own, she would never be able to remove that suit.

Meanwhile any rational thought was stifled. Replaced by her darkest and most perverse fantasies from deep within her mind. The first orgasm was soon to arrive and many more would follow in the course of a long weekend.

The End-Ende-Fine-Fin




Excellent story with a great pic. The hood and suit are my favorite parts. Her white eyes are perfect for this!


Thank you! Maybe, I will write an epilogue.... But that will have to wait now.


what an amazing story, thank you! it just boggles my mind how she managed to have the hair on with a latex mask?


Well, the suit was transparent before it became rigid and rendered her immobile. Although I might have added that she could see through the fake eyes.