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At last I can ask you the big question!

and the important question is:

if a simian, from before the age of man, who didn't know why he got down from the tree, just to scratch his belly button and.... was to smell his finger afterwards  (hahaha just kidding)

How do you want Hidden Room to end?

1.- With the rebirth of the Great Leader of the Zofas, through Ann's pregnancy?

2.- Or do you prefer that so much Zofa makes Ann become the Zofa Queen?

Decide soon or Saturday night I'll do it for the monkey hehe.



Very interesting detail that the simian would scratch his belly button 😂


honestly, I think that after smelling it... he will even suck his finger to put it in his ear afterwards hahahaha


I prefer the woman staying the main attention of the story. How about Ann reaches for more power and "absorbs" the power of the leader. Turning herself into a queen. & keeping the old leader as her pet/slave. We don't need a male leader in this story, Ann deserves it ;] But a pregnant Ann is still something we should see, it would be interesting to see what she gives birth too.