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Hello everyone! Hope you are well, still sinning and all that stuff we mortals do.

This week I've been a bit busy making the cover, something that gives a better glimpse of what's in store for Sofia.

I've been preparing the scenarios and setting up several scenes, I still don't know when I'll be able to start publishing, but I hope it will be before March, and if I can, if it's from this decade, all the better. Hehe just kidding. I would like to start for Valentine's Day, or as I call it, San Sangriento, because I always end up getting a scolding. For listening to her and/or for not listening to her...

Well, I digress. This chapter will be a bit longer, in principle I plan to divide it into three parts. But the bad thing is that I don't know if I'll be able to publish the three parts in a row...

Well, there's still time, I hope I won't have any setbacks or breakdowns.

Have a good week!




No matter what happens I'm looking forward to it


That cover looks so cool! I hope the mask has that mouth as a gag that goes down her throat. Take your time we can wait a good while between parts. We support you for a reason. You do have quite a few comics going on so we get that it can be overwhelming. Just do what you can.