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And with these images, I want to thank you all for your support, have a great Christmas day, and have a good new year's eve, and a better start of the new 2023.

I will use these days to get some inspiration for a new story and improve the ones already in progress. Although I will not disconnect completely.

Merry Christmas to all!




I want to close this comic before the end of the year.... I hope I'll be able to do it


actually i want to see her aunt blood widom form hah

mike wilson

Muhahahahaha it may be the end for chapter 1... but this is too good to end... you did an awesome job and that is normally how things happen. A small idea can be something brilliant. This story was but a catapiller and now is in its cocoon. Time to write and let it transform into something beautiful.


I may do so when I do the next part, but it is definitely something worth seeing


That pearlescent suit was very pretty and hot as well. I feel for her too. Seeing the aunt have all the fun would be annoying. I wouldnt mind trying out that sarcophagus but on a timer. Eternity is a little long.