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Jeanne stared angrily and upset at the cat collar, which had been in the package. The sender could be none other than that pervert Aron. How disgusted she was by that neighbor of hers.

Dressed only in a shiny light brown bodystocking, which hid nothing of her body, and thin, towering heels. It was the first time that she wore on this special CAT-suit after not wearing it for some time. The arrival of the package had compelled her to to take it out of the drawer and put it on. She had, to her own surprise, not been able to resist the urge.

She walked to the living room with the necklace in her hand without letting him look at her through the window. She was not able to stop looking at the collar. It was made of black latex, had a small bell and ISIS written on it with real diamonds.

Jeanne had always liked cats, not as pets, but as iconic images, such as mythological figures or representations of heroines or villains in comics or movies, especially in erotic stories. Above all she loved the idyllic interpretation she had seen by Michelle P. in the second film of the Bat Detective of the God Damned City. So she had ordered a custom-made suit from "Your SINS".

The store owner had sent her a contract, in which she detailed all of Jeanne's requirements, the price and the disclaimer. Jeanne had had to sign that contract to get her much desired outfit. Anxious as she was, she had signed the contract without reading it carefully.

Now almost a year later she had been still debating with herself whether to throw that suit away or burn it. At first it had been exciting and fun to wear that tight suit, which gradually molded her body. But soon she realized that those changes were not completely reversed when she took it off, something she didn't mind at first, as it helped her achieve her ideal figure. But it was not only physical changes that the suit produced.

It was one morning, after another party for which she had put on the suit and of which she remembered little the next morning, when she realized that she was in the apartment of a neighbor of hers, Aron, whom she hated and considered a pervert. She noticed these changes when she was peeing in the cat's litter box that her neighbor had, after drinking from a little saucer of milk. And because of this, she had never dared to put on her costume again or return to being her feline alter ego Isis.

Jeanne realized that, when she put on the suit, her personality became different. At first she was who, in her wildest dreams and fantasies, she wanted to be. But, little by little, when she put on the suit, it was more like being in a dream or as if she lived the life of someone totally different, unable to stop herself from doing whatever she did. Until in the end, she was unaware of what she was doing.

Despite no longer wearing the suit since then, she had not put on weight and had kept her new figure and she could not stop tiptoeing. She moved with a grace and elegance, which she didn't have before wearing the suit. She couldn't stop going to the gym, not to be in shape, but to train her flexibility, practice climbing, jumping, and practice pole dancing. . . All of that, had become an obsession for her because of that suit. . .

Her social media profile had skyrocketed, because now she couldn't stop dressing elegant, but very insinuating to attract attention. She had to be always impeccable, made up, if she didn't have to wear clothes to go out, she was dressed in sexy lingerie or as a stripper at home.

Now, lying on her couch, while she kept looking at the necklace, she understood why the designer had insisted several times on whether she really wanted the costume, after she had signed the contract.

The sparkle of the diamonds had her captivated. The sound of the little bell was hypnotic. She only looked away from the necklace for a moment to look at the other things that remained inside the box, a small bottle of aphrodisiac oil and a note that read "You will be forever my ISIS".

That idea disgusted her, but at the same time the more she thought about it, the more horny she felt belonging to that narcissistic, overbearing, fireman-like man who was a regular host to prostitutes in his house. Jeanne hadn't noticed, but she was already fondling herself.

"Why. . . why can't I stop wanting to try it on?" she said to herself, feeling like a magic power dragging was her, increasing the desire to know how it would look on her with the suit. "Well, it's a gift after all, it would be rude not to try it on, after all, it's the thought that counts, isn't it?"

Almost an hour later Jeanne had changed back into her latex suit and was ISIS again. Her entire body was oozing with magical energy, feeling the tight, unrelenting embrace of latex. Her entire body was already starting to be once again molded back to perfection to look like a feline, shaped like a human woman. Her whole body now oozed an inevitable urge to be desired, to mate again and again. But when she picked up the collar. . . the suit seemed to react subtly to her touch. . . like the calm before the storm.

Feeling her mind being absorbed by the Isis personality, which she herself had created until she lost control over it, now being Isis she gazed with delight at the object imbued with magic. The necklace had a simple clasp which had no opening mechanism, only the word ISIS on it.

"My master has kept his word, he has gotten me my necklace," said Isis closing the collar around her neck, sealing the clasp. " Now I can be Isis forever."

The changes, now with that magical necklace in place, accelerated, her feet lengthened and deformed into feline paws. Her face stretched, and her mouth took on the shape of a snout, her ears lengthened and became pointed, and her new cat eyes now searched the darkness for the way back to her owner's home.

At the same time, Aron, who had watched the whole time through a secretly installed camera, had a huge grin on his face. Being very horny he kept watching on his smartphone as he walked out of his apartment. Meanwhile Jeanne lost what was left of herself and her humanity, as she became the insatiable, unfaithful, but submissive kitten that was Isis.

It didn't bother him much at all that Isis couldn't keep her legs closed. It was even better, that she was a naughty kitten and irredeemably slutty, he liked it and it made Aron even hornier. However, even if she was not a faithful kitten, she would be loyal to him, because, thanks to the collar, she would be bound to him and he to her, forever. Something Aron had always wanted, ever since the first time he saw her arrive at his apartment block.

It had been so easy to lure Jeanne into his home while she was Isis. She had followed him willingly, obeying his every command, thanks to his suit, which apart from emitting an altered testosterone level thanks to the magic, also made her see him as the one and only alpha male suitable for her. The suit had been designed to match with the suit Jeanne would be wearing, keeping with the Egyptian theme.

What Jeanne had never realized about herself, was that she was submissive by nature and really just wanted a carefree life.

It had been worth the expensive bribe to the courier working for "Your SINS". First the contract had been altered and then the suit had been exchanged for what "Your SINS" was sending Jeanne. Working for "Lascivia", he himself had made a suit for Jeanne to fit her, making sure she would eventually succumb and at best be able to delay the inevitable, eventually becoming a mascot.

The suit had much more magic than usual for "Your Sins" and the changes were much stronger and would end up being permanent. The contract said so, hidden in the fine print, and Jeanne had signed it. The necklace, to complete the final changes and make Isis' feline form permanent, had also been planned from the beginning.

It didn't take long for Isis to arrive at his Loft. And once he closed the door behind her, she lay purring in front of him on all fours, inviting him. Isis needed just one thing from her master, something to calm her mating urges and seal the bond between her and him forever. And at the same time, shut up Jeanne's annoying personality forever.

Now Isis could surrender to her new wild nature, as she knew Aron would take good care of his new cat.

End-Ende-Fine-Fin - Ready for the Version B? >>




ok, I've already added the link for the B version of this story, I hope you like it.


You know, the Egyptian have a cat goddess^^. She is called Bastet


I didn't know that, but I'm writing it down for another, slightly longer story. Thank U!!