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IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything that appears here, in this story, only exists in my mind, anything that resembles reality or other stories, is coincidence or fortuitous. . .

( hopefully there will be many of these 💓, or not, who knows 😭 )


Getting Ready

(Damn! Where Is The Zipper? - Movimento 2.5)

Part 1

Evelin was a 31 year old, but younger looking, woman working as a model for an Italian company that manufactured luxury swimsuits, high quality leggings and exclusive stockings. She had a body envied by many. Long legs, a beautiful silhouette, natural breasts that still defied gravity, thanks to a strict workout routine, and she eat only natural products, which enhanced her facial beauty and shiny light cinnamon hair. Like her family, Evelin despised those women, who preferred to pay a plastic surgeon (especially those who went for silicone implants), instead of taking care of their bodies as a good person of faith would.

Her family did not take kindly to her working with so much exposure of her body, as they had always been very conservative, as well as strictly religious. Evelin's parents had been reminding her for some time that she had been dating her boyfriend long enough to start thinking about getting married to be a good couple in the eyes of God. They where also hoping for grandchildren and her therefore having to stop her modeling job.

When summer had arrived, Alex, her longtime boyfriend, took her to an exclusive hotel on one of the great beaches on the Costa del Sol in southern Spain. Evelin was convinced that her boyfriend would finally ask her to marry him. For, although she would not admit it, she had a very similar way of thinking as her parents, and she was worrying about how the members of the religious congregation to which her family belonged would look at her. She had happily commented to her mother, who agreed with her, that the trip was for him to propose to her.

After a short and embarrassing vacation in southern Spain, Evelin now resented her boyfriend Alex. She knew that since he had seen that whore on the beach, wearing that bodystocking, Alex had not stopped thinking about anything else. She was aware of why her boyfriend had fallen in love with that bitch again, as he had always confessed to her that it excited him when she dressed her long legs in pantyhose and put on high heeled sandals. But to make matters worse, she had returned in the same relationship as she was at the start of the trip, still being only his girlfriend, and not his fiancée.

With the excuse of an upcoming cosplay party, Evelin had been looking for several days, when her job as a stocking model allowed her, for that special blissful full body costume, suitable to teach Alex a lesson. After much searching she found two online stores recommended by all lovers of sensual fetish clothing. One was a small website that sold designed custom-made clothes, although it also had clothes in more affordable regular sizes off the rack, called 7SINS.

The other, which she liked better, was from a company she had already heard about, that many models made great sacrifices in order to be able to work at least six months for it. LASCIVIA, a company specializing in clothing and toys labeled as extremely erotic, offered a wide variety of nylon, silk, leather and latex garments, toys, footwear, accessories, normal and bdsm, oils, lubricants and sexual stimulants.

She soon found what she was looking for, a very tight, shaping and practically indestructible dark-colored bodystocking. It was labeled 'Addicted to Pleasure', something that made her wary at first because of its dubious religious morality. But the more she looked at it, the more tempted she was to have it. It was slightly transparent, its fabric changing the color of its sheen as the light hit it. Its fabric was sensitive to heat and coldness, in fetish clothing a benefit to whoever wore it. Evelin didn't understand what that meant, but she didn't much care to find out either.

Other than that the suit had other qualities thanks to the imbued magic. Evelin began to read carefully about them for fear of some evil effect. But she found it curious what the magic provided, like a molding effect, an almost unbreakable fabric, imperviousness to water or to sweat, but still letting out pheromones, amplifying their effect, and other juices, etc. She stopped reading the rest of the boring descriptions, wanting to focus on the description of the suit itself and some comments.

The suit itself had a zipper that locked and became invisible while she was horny, and a turtleneck. It was a suit designed for having sex with other people, even though it had no openings visible to the naked eye. Evelin would have preferred it to have a hood, but the models that had one didn't convince her. Besides, all the comments that she read above, spoke wonders of the suit and almost all of them recommended to buy the 'Lust Essence Oil'. The strongest aphrodisiac oil that Lascivia had created so far.

After reading several reviews quickly and skimming through them, Evelin hit 'add to cart'. She was already saturated with information from reading so many comments and descriptions, apart from everything else that spoke in favor of the suit. Omitting to read to the end of all the comments, she missed some vital Information. That this suit was ideal for getting pregnant, and that, if this was unwanted, the effects would be even greater and the sex more addictive, even to the point of the woman not being able to control herself if there is a man nearby and taking advantage of the amplification of her pheromones so that she could not be rejected by him. Making a pregnancy almost inevitable.

Just before she hit 'purchase', one last ad popped up for her. She saw an add-on that would fit the costume perfectly, and would solve that inconvenience of it not having a hood. 'The Domination Hood' was a hood that ended in a neck corset. It had openings for both her eyes and mouth, but with the added bonus that by removing a safety piece, the hood would completely enclose her head and change its configuration. She could then barely see, except with very blurred vision. The hood could not be removed then, it would not let her speak, for apart from covering her mouth, a long plug would grow to her throat. The description of the image ended with 'Designed to change your mind and your thinking - guaranteed 100% temporary'. Evelin didn't know what exactly this referred to, but she still added it to her shopping cart.

Apart from the suit and the hood, Evelin decided that now she wanted more stuff to go with them. The page offered a wide range of add-ons that other users had bought with the costume. Evelin, after reading only a few comments, bought one of each. She bought a necklace that said 'Slut', some black metal bracelets, a corset, some stripper shoes, some leg braces and an Egyptian wig with which they gave away a set of waterproof makeup, and to top it all off, a bargain pack of 'Essence of Lust'.

Part 2

On the day just before the party, first thing in the morning, Evelin was finally holding the two boxes of her order in her hands. Unlike the shoe box, the clothing box was surprisingly small. It barely looked as big as a Laptop box. For what she had ordered and dearly paid for, she had expected something at least three times as big. Opening the box, she saw twenty-two bottles of concentrated lubricant laying on top. Each bottle conspicuously read 'Dilute in two (2) liters of water'. Evelin was a little surprised, but when she saw that they were filled with a gel type fluid, looking through the bottle, she shrugged and thought nothing more of it.

Curious, she then opened the shoe box, instead of continuing to look inside the clothes box. The shoes were the classic platform cliché shoe. They screamed 'Hooker' just by the looks of them. Both the heel and the platform which had something like little pearls on them, were transparent like glass. The rounded edge platform, about 2.5 inchs high, and the 9 inch stiletto heel looked intimidating. Evelin wasn't sure if she could walk in such a high platform height and the thin heels. The shoes had at the heel a strap that split in two to go around both the ankle and the heel, and a clasp that seemed easy to close, but complicated to open.

"Wonderful," she said, looking at the shoe as if hypnotized. Evelin already fallen in love with those shoes.

Leaving the shoes back in their box, she went back to the other one. She took out the accessories she had bought along with the suit. Next, she held the hood in her hand, somewhat in surprise. The texture felt strangely rough, except for the stiff rubber part of the neckcorset.

"What!" escaped her lips in disappointment, thinking she had been conned.

She then explored the hood, examined it well, and discovered that the head part was very elastic and the more she stretched it, the more the fabric shimmered and the softer it became as the material expanded. When she discovered this, her thumbs could not stop rubbing against the surface of the hood. At the same time Evelin began to bite her lips, just as if this was something very morbid to try.

Finally, from the bottom of the box, she pulled out a tiny suit. It looked like it was made for the body of an alien like they showed in the movies, elongated, but very thin. As she lifted it up to examine it, just like the hood, she said to herself, "Oh gods, YES!!!". The suit was of the same fabric as the hood. With the material at rest, the suit looked gray, felt rough to the touch and the fabric, which at first glance resembled the nylon of normal stockings, was stiffer than the hood.

Evelin could feel her heart racing, for no apparent reason. She wasn't a lover of this kind of fetish. . . or maybe she, yet unknown to her, was? As she looked at it with vanity and pride for the model she had chosen, she noticed the strange smell of the new garment. . . it wasn't the typical smell, it was like a light exotic fragrance. Evelin stretched the fabric around one of her cuffs and then stroked her face with it. The touch and smell was all it took to convince her.

"It's a sin to think like that. . ." she told herself, trying to control herself, but that wasn't going to stop her now. "But tomorrow I'll look superb and irresistible in this outfit."

Evelin imagined herself showing off in that outfit in front of all the men at the party. Flirting with her boyfriend's best friends, and provoking the biggest jealousy attack from Alex. Something that she hadn't done since she had noticed him and had wanted to steal him from his old girlfriend. Something that, by the way, lingering in her memory, always gave Evelin a tang of remorse, as it went against her morals. Then she remembered the slutty woman on the beach, how Alex had looked at her, how she had wanted to know what it felt like to have so little dignity and morals. . . and how she had secretly felt jealous and envious. . . and how she was so jealous right now.

Then Evelin stood as if frozen in thought, debating between the right thing to do and giving in to temptation. Gradually the idea of not waiting until tomorrow and trying on the suit now took hold.

Luckily that day Alex was away on business and would arrive late the next day, and had promised to go straight to the cosplay party. So, Evelin, who had nothing better to do today, decided to try on the costume. She immediately grabbed a two liter bottle of water and with the boxes under her arm, went upstairs to the bedroom.

'Pour the entire contents of the oil bottle into the water bottle, shake hard to mix and wait 10 minutes. Do not use more than one fifth of a liter (200 ml) at each session' was what it said on the instructions. Also, the label warned that all Lascivia suits were capable of absorbing all the aphrodisiacs inside, despite being made of a waterproof material.

All this was confusing to Evelin. She didn't understand why you had to spend a whole bottle of the expensive Lascivia Oil and then only use a tenth of it, but, even so, she went along with it. Evelin mixed the thick fluid with the water before she began to undress. Something that would occupy her in the time while the process was completing.

Evelin grabbed two towels from the bathroom and spread them out on and next to the bed, so as not to stain anything. Then she set about placing all the pieces and the garment on the bed and then herself next to them. Meanwhile inside the water bottle, the thick gel was taking effect. The water stopped being water, became thicker, changed color to a dark pink, becoming viscous and oily. Absorbing the aphrodisiac effects without diluting them, despite the change in volume.

Sometime later Evelin looked at the contents of the bottle, there seemed to be no further change and so she then opened the cap. At first she turned it over to carefully pour some of the contents into her hand, but the water had thickened so much that it came out like slime. Little by little she smeared that goo all over her body, carefully calculating that one fifth of a liter. In time not a single pore of her skin was left uncovered by that oily slime.

The first reaction was cold to the touch, but then as she spread it, she felt a warm sensation. But when she was fully covered, it was a changing combination of hot and cold, but in a gentle way. The sensation was more than pleasant and sensual on her skin. Carefully she kept methodically spreading that aphrodisiac, between her fingers, between her toes, an extra dose for her breasts and a more generous one for her sex.

To be continued. . .



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