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Explanation: Some time ago a user of DA, published an image, coincidences of life, this image was ordered by one of you. At the time of publication, I commented that this image needed a story, well, after 2 years the story came to my mind, unfortunately, DA, for now, has not answered my question (maybe I have not explained well, and po rello I have not yet put his Alias).

Personally I think it's a pity that the story is wasted, so here it is, well, for now the first of three parts... and hopefully in the future I can give you an image of this story... in one way or another.


Part 1/3

Kelly sighed in relief on her couch. . . Finally home. . . It had been a long trip back from the island of Lesbos.

A little over six months ago she had been called for some archaeological work and the restoration of a small site in Greece. The excavating, sorting, cataloging, packaging. . . while being exposed to wind and weather. . . was not exactly what she had imagined when she had set out to study history. She had imagined herself working on the restoration of the great temples or palaces of India or, though not very likely, even preferably in Egypt. Kelly didn't mind being hot, or working in exotic countries, on cultures very different from her own. But the classical Greek culture was not one of her favorites.

Her sighs combined with the sound of her boots pounding on the floor. She couldn't wait to take them off. Despite barely six months on the dig, her socks are worn and torn. Kelly looked at her big toe and told herself she needed a pedicure badly. Then looked down at her hands, and examined her broken nails. . .

"Okay. . ." she said to herself, exhausted, "I need a spa weekend. . ."

She reached for her backpack and rummaged around to find her smartphone, to look for the phone number of a spa she used to go to from time to time. As she searched, a smell coming from her body made her sniff her armpit. . . and she realized she needed a shower a lot more. Kelly snorted, right now what she felt most like was to stay on the couch and if possible fall asleep. . . but that smell. . . she needed to get rid of it. So she jumped up like a spring to go to the shower. Her movement was so sudden that she inadvertently dropped her backpack and spilled some of its contents on the floor.

Thirty minutes later, after a long session under the hot jets of her shower, Kelly emerged refreshed, smelling of honey and cinnamon body wash, and her hair smelling of peaches. Now with her mood revived, she wondered whether or not to call one of her 'fuck buddies' and get even for six months of sexual abstinence. It wasn't that there had been no candidates at the dig, let alone candidates she liked. But in that excavation, with that abnormal heat, due to the climate change, she didn't feel like having a sticky body full of dust, glued to hers. . .

"Oops!" she said as she saw her fallen backpack and some items she had bought on Lesbos scattered on her carpet.

Kelly immediately set about picking up the objects. A few pictures for remembering, some silly typical tourist items and other worthless stuff which she kept as a souvenir of the excavation and a small strange wooden mask which she had bought next to the ruins of a temple dedicated to Dionysos.

Kelly became frightened when she picked up the mask, because suddenly it began to glow between the nerves of the worn wood. In shock she dropped it to the ground, and all the objects she had just picked up.

"What the hell. . ." Kelly exclaimed in surprise.

Fearfully she reached out with her arm and slowly approached the mask, hesitating when she was barely two centimeters away. The mask was lying facedown before her. Then she suddenly touched her finger to the mask and quickly withdrew her hand in the hope that she would be far enough away when something came to pass.

The mask simply stayed there, tilting from side to side, rocked by the push of the finger as any object would do, and little by little, with each swing, the inertia of the movement became less and less. When it stopped rocking the mask stopped glowing, returning to its original state.

A rustic small wooden mask, greenish in color, that only had holes for the eyes. And it had an iron strip that went from the chin to the end of the mask's forehead, fixed to the wood of the mask with seven rusty nails. The inside was bare old worn wood.

Kelly waited a few seconds before daring to reach out to the mask again. With the tip of her finger she touched the mask, but this time without removing it immediately. The reaction of the mask this time was only a strange emerald glow, which ran across the mask from where she touched it to the entire surface. Kelly found this amusing and repeated it, and the emerald ripples followed each other as many times as she touched her finger to the mask, like water in a pond.

For some reason, Kelly deduced that this was harmless and took the mask into her hands. Now it didn't feel like she was touching weathered and worn wood. No, it was more like she was touching something soft and smooth like satin. She ran her hands over the surface of the mask in surprise. Then the mask glowed again, but this time Kelly didn't let go. Where her fingers had touched it, old runic characters appeared and glowed in silvery tones for a moment before disappearing.

"Runes?" Kelly said puzzled. "On a Greek mask?"

Without letting go of the mask, Kelly went to her bookshelf, searched with her fingers and finally found the book she was looking for from her student days. The book was called 'The Last 200 Years of the Roman Empire', and Kelly rummaged through the pages and the notes for her exams until she found a poorly drawn map of the migratory movements of the Goths tribes. Kelly checked. . . and yes, it was possible that that mask belonged to the gothic people, when they migrated through the Hellenic lands. . .

Intrigued, she kept touching the inner surface of the mask several times, and tried to read the runes. That writing was not foreign to her, but except for the university, she had not translated any text like this in years, since she had later only studied the Proto-Germanic history. Luckily, however, that language was more recent. . . it was an Ostrogothic dialect, before they changed the runic alphabet to a Gothic one of their own and then switched to Latin characters.

"Use me/put me to/be subdued/subdue/subdue/master the force/power of deception," Kelly managed to translate after running her fingers over the mask several times. She wasn't sure of her translation, but it was as accurate as she could translate it with her knowledge. Her heart was racing for no apparent reason. She felt her hands shaking with anticipation. The phrase "this must be a joke" flashed through her mind. . . but Lesbos was now too far away for some Greek TV show to be doing the hidden camera trick on her.

Kelly thoroughly examined the mask, even tried to put it under a microscope she had from her teenage years and looked closer to see if there were any hidden electrical circuits. But she saw nothing to explain the emerald green and silver-gray glow the mask gave off. Then, out of nowhere, she remembered the movie "The Mask (1994)" and Kelly looked at her mask with her mouth open and twisted. . . could it be true that such a mask really existed?

Kelly bit her lip, tempted at the thought of having a mask that would give her special powers. Without realizing it, her subconscious had already decided for her and her hands brought the mask closer to her face. Kelly kept looking at the mask which was small, but as it got closer to her face it grew in size and the inside now looked like bright green tar.

"Wait a minute," she said to herself, pulling the mask away from her face. "What if it's not like the one in the movie? What if it's like those masks in the 'Halloween Series' and the specials. . .?"

Kelly remembered several loose images she had in her memory of possessed masks, trapping their owners and transforming them. . . while her thumbs had not stopped sliding slowly across the surface of the mask causing more waves of green sparkles.

to be continued...




I hope this series doesn't take too much of your time from your other works.


Don't worry, this story is finished 😉. It is only it will not have images


Tomorrow and Thursday the next two parts will be published, if Kunklo has no setback.