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Well, I don't think she's gonna need those boots anymore.


This is going to sound crazy, But I think I’m actually enjoying this Story More than “The Hidden Room” … Which is absolutely NUTS considering I Love reading “The Hidden Room”. Frankly I’ve always enjoyed any of your Stories that involved Science and Technology over Magic. Not sure why but I’ve just found stories like Dronesuit, Hidden Room and now “The Box” more believable because their statured around Science, High Tech Corrupting Suits, Experiments Going Wrong, Alien influence, etc. I guess because magic is truly fictional and technology is not, some of these stories are ever so slightly more possible than others, despite being just as fictional. Anyway, I was wondering how much longer this Story will last for, if their will be any further changes to her Body, She Seems pretty intent on that whole wanting to be a sexy Xenomorph/Species Girl Hybrid Fantasy, So her growing Additional sensitive Nipples down her chest and stomach and perhaps a tail would be awesome! I don’t know, that’s just a couple of ideas I had, but it would be nice to see other physical changes besides her hands and feet, Like that. [This is a very late reply to this Part that caught my Eye, Had a very very busy couple of weeks]


In The Box there is not only science, Lascivia also works with magic, but something more technological. And yes, there will be a second part of Helena, right now the story is divided into two chapters, Helena's, and Sofia's, and each divided into two parts. There will also be more changes, although for the moment there will be no tail. And to complement Helena's changes, I've thought of another creature in the second part of Helena, I just hope I'm right in my choice for Helena. For Sofia I'm still trying to make it come naturally, and not to make the scene look forced, that she also dares to wear the other costume.