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Simplistic, and yet quite a unique, eye-catching design. Love the semi-liquid look the sex-doll suit has with the pink holes being a nice touch, I especially love the talon toes and fingers. This would be perfect for a longer corruption/transformation story. The suit causes unique changes to the wearer physically and mentally, leaving an addiction that gets stronger overtime to urge them to wear the suit for longer periods, becoming more difficult to remove until finally the suit and wearer are one. The girl loses her identity and humanity and becomes a primal creature of lust with a never ending hunger for pleasure. Please... Please tell me your going to do something more with this suit.


Just think, loads of different women received these suits through the postal system on the same day. They all feel compelled to put them on. That night the new drones hunt, the women they convert the men they use.


What a lovely suit ^^


Love it! Was not expecting the claws and drone aspect but its awesome. Also the way you show limp suits is amazing.


This is one of the greatest things I have ever seen in my life! It's fun to know the mc is actually just a perv like me with access to supernatural gear. That kind of devotion to a kink is relatable <3


I mean she did willingly put on the drone suit in the comic. She put the whole thing on without lube and that takes some skill and practice or magic.


What a suit! I need a few of those :O