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This is the new Plague form for Samantha, long fingers, 3 toes, horns, long tongue...

Do you like the new Plague suit?

or, you thing I have go too far?




Gone too far in which regard? If you wanted to go for sex appeal then in my opinion yes. If you wanted to go for making a monstrosity then definitely no ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My idea is, looking to find the corrupt suit that will give her the final transformation for Samantha, from whom she can never be human again.


Considering most other suits and corruptions youve done, that is quite different. Also the plague dude looks pretty much like a guy in a skintight very humanoid costume. Sure there's a tail and exposed brain thing but it's still pretty human. Not gonna lie I'm not a fan. Also there's barely any feminine features.


Yeah so far, you are right... I was thinking in a bad end for Sam and Fury


As a bad end that would be awesome. Hopefully we get a good end too though.