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(Damn! Where Is The Zipper? - Movimento 2)

Part 11

Arriving at the exhibition, she began to feel somewhat frustrated. Now she wasn't the only attraction walking around. There were many, many women and some men dressed in the latest designs. But something felt strange. It had started several streets back, although she did not care at first, since that suit, like the one from YOUR SIN's, had also started to shrink when exposed to the sun. But it was when something prevented her from walking normally she began to take notice. Everything being normal, she could walk with very high heels and she had the necessary experience.

It was when she tried to climb the steps that led to the entrance of the pavilion. Something was tugging at her legs when she wanted to move up the steps. Looking down, the asymmetrical, stretchy miniskirt she had worn at the hotel was now a narrow pencil skirt, covering her to a hand above the knee. Excited and surprised she turned a little to the side so she could climb the steps, but as she climbed her skirt continued to lengthen and tighten. Thus hindering every step she took. But at the same time, she liked that new development. She knew that the tighter the pencil skirt got, the more she would have to move her hips and the more she would attract people's attention as she walked.

But apart from just enjoying being the center of attention and the envy of everyone around her, it also fed her selfishness and vanity. What she liked even more, the longer her skirt stretched and tightened, the more contact the skirt gained with the bodystocking, pressing it against her, making the pleasure, that the friction caused on her skin, became greater, more intense. It was almost better than having a lover between her legs. With every touch between her and the fabrics, what she felt right now, became more and more unattainable from any ordinary man. Right now there was only one man, who knew how to satisfy her body’s hunger. Or at least, she expected that from Lu.

So it was, she was the sensation of the exhibition. Many offered to help her climb the last steps on her way up. Medusa felt proud, the most beautiful and the most desirous, the erotic priestess of her own ideology, confident of her irremediable seduction to others by her new self. But as high as her arousal was, she knew she would not get relief until she found her Master.

Finally, she heard the voice that was familiar, that she longed for, her Master had come to help her. He extended his hand and as soon as she touched him, she felt how the suit started to react, and something began to invade both of her orifices in a perverse and sensual way. And Medusa's body exploded, so much sexual tension had built up, so much frustration wanting to be unleashed, all that desperation that she felt since she woke up . . . She moaned loudly and, without being able to hide it, showed that she was cumming.

"Oops!" Lu said aloud. "Please leave her some room, our model may be suffering from heat stroke."

Then he took her in his arms and carried her inside the facility. But unlike the other bodystocking, despite the change in temperature from the 44ºC in the sun that had hit her in the street to the 21ºC inside the fair, this suit did not give her a rest. Medusa, due to her contact with Lu, felt herself under a barrage of orgasms. Her mind seemed to melt and mush more and more. The intoxication of pleasure affected her so much that she was no longer able to think clearly, the memories of herself, along with her personality, evaporated.

Once inside, he put her down and without letting go of her hand, he made her follow him. "I have one last thing for you, so you can be like the real Medusa," he said as they advanced through some corridors reserved for workers and exhibitors. Medusa was finding it harder and harder to walk, her skirt was now so tight, from her hips to her ankles, that she had to walk like a Geisha. They walked several galleries until they came to a place where there were several small wooden houses, or so it seemed to Medusa. It was then that Lu released her to open the travel bag and take a strange helmet out of it. Medusa couldn't see it very clearly, as she was still affected by all the pleasure.

For some reason, just seeing it, even if her eyes were blurred from all the pleasure that was driving her crazy, made her want it. She needed that thing. Each piece of her suit increased the stimulus, enhanced her sensitivity, everything now felt so good, everything made her crave more pleasure. A pleasure that could only be released when her master touched her, but that did not help to calm her need for more of everything. . .

"I designed this helmet myself," he began to say as he slowly approached her. "I have taken care of every detail. I created it with clay brought down from Mount Olympus, and with horned viper skin. Do you want to try it on?"

"Yes, I'd love to," she said, stretching out her arms . . .

Lu approached her and kissed her on her lips, now covered with snake scales and after that he made her follow him again. This time into one of the sauna huts, turned on at the maximum temperature. The water mixed with Incubus Aphrodisiac had already begun to evaporate. As soon as Medusa entered, she began to feel something from inside her and coming from her outfit, which had no description. She clung to her belly as her moans of pleasure escaped higher and higher.

"If you want me to be chaste, you should do this," Lu began to say as he covered his nose and wiped away the sweat that had begun to fall from his forehead. "You will stay here and you will not go out, until the necklace melts through the heat and then you will be free, to do what you want, free to seek all the pleasure that you need on your own.

"Thank you Master . . . hmmmm," said Medusa dropping down on one of the benches, because suddenly her legs felt cold and were shaking so much that she could not stand anymore. "This heat makes me feel so good and this smell . . ."

"It is the essence of Incubus mixed with that of Succubus, with the high dose of both . . . It will make what you feel now permanent. Never able to calm down, you will always be as hot as you are now . . . But I don't have much time, I must go and attend my stall, here, with this helmet you will really be a Gorgone, you will be the one that everyone fears the most."

Then Lu put the helmet on her, the surface of which seemed to emanate slimy drops. She let out a purr of satisfaction when she felt that piece of equipment imprison her head. Her legs went back to feeling warm with pleasure again, due to the increased pleasure that now ran through her body. In a pose like a mermaid, the young woman was enjoying the long-awaited orgasm. Better than the others she had experienced, it made her want more. She did not even notice that Lu had left, she did not care, the heat of the sauna, the touch of her hands, the steam in the air, the beads of sweat running over her body . . . all that was enough for her to not stop having one orgasm after another.

Without realizing what was happening, the memories of herself were more and more trapped in the depths of her mind, where she would never be able to recover them again without the help of whoever had created her suit. The void in her memories was replaced by something else, ancestral, more primitive, savage, insatiable and with more than enough power to make the new Bearer of the Gorgone, reject any possibility of returning to who she had been.

The new Medusa adored heat, it was like the temple on hot magma where the first Medusa had lived. Her hands ran over the surface of the changing skirt, and like the one of antiquity, it tightened around her legs more and more, lengthening them, breaking the human form more every second, melting them, changing them into the flesh of her new tail. Into the Body of a Snake. Her skin with each bead of sweat shone brighter, and she became more scaly . . . she needed more and more . . . her despair intentionally deepened by the suit's designer . . . while her suit continued to shrink and shrink . . .

She began to feel more and more strange, but, even so, she had not felt so good, excited and so hungry for pleasure in her life. The only thing she hated about it all, was that

suddenly as much as she tried to reach orgasm, it always seemed to escape . . . And the hiss, which came from her hair . . . or were they snakes? They did not help to concentrate.

Medusa didn't know how long she had been there. She had spent several hours inside the sauna, that was for sure, and that the exhibition was still open was evident. She couldn't see people, but she could hear them. She stroked herself mercilessly, imagining that her fingers were the cock of some human, without realizing that her hands were no longer those of a human. Her long, sharp-clawed fingers were now exploring her new serpentine sex.

More and more desperate and more excited by the heat and by the mixture of the two essences, Medusa tried in vain to reach the climax . . . her frustration was such, that due to her anger she began to try to tear off her suit, pieces of which fell like remains of skin . . .

Later, Medusa realized, after she had somehow recovered, that she had truly become the Gorgone of old. A head with snakes instead of hair, a body covered in scales, and a long green tail of a giant snake. She decided to go find a certain mortal . . . Medusa cursed, she was no longer able to remember the name of the human who had given the new form to her. But she wished he could help her change back again or at least achieve her orgasm. When she exited the worker corridors and entered the area with the exhibition visitors, the people who looked into her eyes were turned to stone. Needless to say, this caused a great deal of panic, with everyone rushing towards the doors.

After the management had managed to shut Medusa, at great cost, into an empty part of the building, the police was called. The Forbidden Magic Tracking Unit was later notified and Frank, the boss, himself decided to handle the extreme situation.

To be continued. . . or End. . .???




In one word, amazing story! I am only missing claws mentioned... ' Her long, sharp-clawed fingers were now exploring her new serpentine sex.'