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Katarsina - The Bodystocking

(Damn! Where Is The Zipper? - Movimento 2)

Part 10

The next morning Katarsina woke up alone on the bed in Lu's room. Her vision was somewhat blurry and when she rubbed her eyes, waves of pleasure reawakened her sexual desire. She realized that she was still wearing the Gorgone suit. And a smile crept over her face under the fabric of the costume's hood.

With a sensual purr she stretched, and the fabric resisted and tugged, and an instant later Katarsina was caressing herself . . . Definitely that suit was better than YOUR SIN's. The distinction of her was clearly more prominent than before, it felt natural, innate to her, as if she was really that perverted. While in the YOUR SIN suit it had been like a torrent that had dragged her and overwhelmed her. Her hands ran playfully from her stomach to her pelvis and in the other direction as well.

"Uh! What is this . . ?" she said to herself, surprised to feel her necklace still around her neck, "the MASTER, she had to . . ".

"LOVE", she realized what she said and how she said it. And a smirk escaped her. She did not know if that smile was because she liked that, or because, at some point last night, the MASTER had ordered her to call him that. But definitely, thinking about him like that, after the experience of the same feeling from the night before, she was seduced by the idea.

Suddenly she heard the phone ringing in the room. She freaked out and hesitated for a moment, but then she pulled herself together and picked up the phone.

"Hello my Medusa," she heard, as she listened to the voice of the MASTER with a feeling like falling in love all over again.

On the rise, she felt her entire body shudder with excitement when she heard that name. As she held the phone with one hand, the other went straight to slowly caress her most intimate area, just as he had ordered her to do last night, every time she heard the name of Medusa. An Idea that had been hers and in addition to asking this of Lu, she also asked him to order her to forget that detail until he released her.

"Yes, my Lord and Master," she answered, trying to contain and hide the pleasure she inflicted on herself, "what can your Gorgone do for you."

"I want you to come to the exhibition now . . . for some sales," he said with a mocking tone, but in an authoritative way. "You will dress with the things that I have left for you. The snakeskin clothing, the heels with the snake straps, the bangles, and the bracelets too. Once dressed, you will leave the hotel, and without taking a taxi and avoiding the shade you will come here. Letting the sun amplify the power of the suit to the maximum. Do not carry anything else with you."

Katarsina bit her lip as she listened to her Master. Her fingers began to move in and out of her, and each time they dug deeper into her. She no longer felt like Katarsina anymore.

"And one last thing, from now on. . ," Lu said, now with an even more authoritative tone. "You will only be Medusa, for me and for all people, do you understand?"

"Yes my Lord!" Medusa replied.

As soon as she answered, the master hung up. Katarsina, who from that moment on would only respond to the name of Medusa. Unable to avoid it, she went to carry out the orders that her master had given her. She reluctantly stopped touching herself just as she was about to come. With a feeling of frustration she got off the bed. Enjoying the feel of the suit with every step she took, she walked to the dresser. Feeling the friction produced by putting on the garments that the Master had ordered her to wear, she started dressing.

She first picked up the shoes, very thin-heeled and nearly five inches high. Just something to put a sole under her foot. The only metal strap the shoe had, was on her ankle. It was shaped like a snake's body. When she closed it, it came to life and wrapped itself around Medusa's ankle. It was an incredible feeling, one that drove her to ecstasy, but also one that left her wanting more. And because of this, she quickly put on her other shoe and again her sex throbbed in a new orgasm, even more intense. But strangely they continued to leave her with that feeling of frustration, that all this was not truly satisfying her.

She quickly began to put on the other pieces and garments. She first put on the bracelets and bangles which, once she put on the four pieces, seemed to tighten when she had slipped them onto their designed places. She tried to adjust the two snake-shaped bracelets on her arms, but she was unable to move them, because of how tight they had become. At least they didn't cut off her blood circulation and she didn't have a feeling of discomfort. As she put on each of these pieces she felt an ever raising arousal that culminated in an intense orgasm after the last was in place.

Now came the turn to put on the top and the skirt, which of course had a animal print of a snake. Not that there was much in the way of fabric. Now again she felt the pleasure as if they were stimulating her through all the pores of her skin, when she slipped the top and the skirt over the bodystocking in order to wear those garments. This time there was no orgasm, only pleasure, an exasperating, maddening pleasure that promised an orgasm like none other she had ever had. And she stayed that way, in the desire that Medusa needed to come, but couldn't. She knew that she was not allowed to linger and play with herself, as she had been ordered to come to her Master at once.

A sensation as if she were a teenager ran through her entire body, from her stomach in all directions. But it was the feeling of a teenage girl that couldn't get enough, knowing she was going to need a lot of lovers and she then discovering that the only thing she cares about is sex, because she is a nympho. But in Medusa's case, this was not a sufficient comparison, not by far. Still, she couldn't help trying to quench her body's growing urges. But it was to no avail, the longed for orgasm eluded her, no matter how horny she was.

"Gods! This is so frustrating," she said caressing herself non-stop, "damn, I don't think I'm going to do this again . . . gods . . . get ready world, here I come . . ." With that she gave up and headed out for the exhibition.

The people in the lobby who saw her were surprised to see someone dressed like that with the heat outside, intrigued by what she had made of herself, and those who had already seen her the day before, now were shocked to see her dressed like that again. But Medusa ignored them, caught up in her own sexual world.

She was immersed in this new and most intense experience of her life. She was in awe when she saw a membrane growing from the fabric of the hem of her gloves. At the same time the bodystoking turned a more acid and darker green color, and the surface of her suit began to reflect more light, releasing a strange green-gold color that she could not help but admire. Such was this strange glow that everyone in the lobby could not resist looking.

Medusa now felt like the most seductive being and the most captivating woman in the world. She loved to feel the attention of men around, she could feel each look on her, smell the excitement of every person that was caused just by seeing her, they all wanted her. But now she was also the envy of all those people, who wanted a female body like hers. And she could perfectly hear how they insulted her.

To be continued. . .



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