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(Damn! Where Is The Zipper? -  Interludio Movimento 2-3 - Divertimento 1)

Part 2

Zoe tried to concentrate as much as she could on the conversation.

"My Queen, you have already seen what my suit has turned that girl into", the man, who unknown to Zoe went by the name of Lu, said with an irrefutable tone and confirming that whoever was with him was none other than the hostess of the party. "First she got so horny that she didn’t know how to react, and then she didn’t know how to read the signs that should have warned her of what was going to happen to her. In addition, the heat helped a lot to speed up the process. I think. . ."

"Do you think so or do you believe?" interrupted the woman’s voice with a funny, mocking tone, "believing is for the faithful, darling. I do not deny that your work has some merit, even that it is quite interesting, and tonight I was convinced of the potential that the oil has and, above all, your version of the fetish costumes. . . Resurrecting Medusa, while too flashy, it was still very impressive. However, while I think we are not yet prepared to take that step, I remind you that we have enemies. . . like that organization from the Ministry of the Purge. . ."

"But!" he blurted, trying to interrupt with a tone that indicated that he was losing his temper.

"However!!" the woman imposed with an irritated voice, which quickly managed to silence her companion and before proceeding more calmly something was heard that sounded like a kiss. "I congratulate you, you have convinced me. You are worthy to recover your female body and with it your magic. I will appeal to my sisters and let them know that at the next full moon, we should invite you to the ritual to lift your punishment.

"Thank you, Mother. . .", he began to say.

"NO!" she said disapprovingly, reacting to what he was going to call her, Anastasia. "Until you get your body back don’t call me that. Now, please go, I also want to enjoy some of that oil. . ."

"Forgive me, my Queen. . .", Lu said and started walking towards the door where Zoe was standing.

A chill ran through Zoe’s body. . . she had to hide, fast. She couldn’t let them know that she had overheard the conversation, no, not now. As a reflex she grabbed the knob of the other door next to her and luckily it was not locked. She walked out of the hall into the room and looked for a place to hide a little better, in case anyone had heard her.

Her heart beat hard in her chest, hot blood ran frantically through every part of her body. Cold sweat gushed from every pore of her skin, causing that slime to be even more sticky, grow denser, and more acidic to her skin, while producing an overhead that caused Zoe not to notice a burn, but an unknown sensitivity and a pleasant reaction.

Zoe’s suit. . . (or it was Heidi's) also reacted to that chemistry that was being produced, becoming less elastic and tighter. The stiffer her suit became, the deeper the plug she had inside her, dug into her. And that distracted Zoe again, causing her alter ego of that night, Heidi. . . to start to replace Zoe once again.

Zoe, suffocated by excitement and drenched in adrenaline, dissolved into the fictional personality of Heidi, who immediately thought of her pimp once more. . . She knew she had to get out of there, but before that, she would like to have another wild session with her exploiter. Heidi discovered that she was massaging her pelvis and one of her breasts, as she imagined her hand running over the muscle from him, that she would like to have in her hands, and her hands were those of her sex-desire.

It was then, that she suddenly heard the sound of a pair of heels, dampened by the carpet, approaching the bed under which she had hidden. “Here you are. . . ” she heard, and in an instant Zoe regained control, was cold-blooded again, as she thought she’d been discovered, but she quickly found out the voice wasn’t referring to her. Heidi realized at that very moment, that she was in the Queen’s bedroom.

The Queen’s feet stopped right where she had her head, and the Queen sat down on the bed to unbuckle her boots. After she took off her shoes Zoe saw her walking away on her toes. Zoe heard zippers open and close, and then the Queen sat down again on the bed, singing something about her most uncomfortable shoes. The stopper of a glass falcon was opened and an oily liquid was poured onto something Zoe could not see.

Curious, Zoe stretched her neck a little to see what the Queen was up to, and saw, as she left again, a pair of shoes with a red sole and a strange glow on the top. This was coming from an oily substance that decomposed into many dark fluorescent colors. And then the queen, not worrying that she was staining her stockings, slipped her feet into the shoes.

The sound of a groan of pleasure erupted from the Queen’s ’s mouth and grew louder the more she worked at putting on her shoes. Until all of a sudden Zoe heard a scream of satisfaction that could only mean one thing. And then she felt how the weight of the Queen’s body crashed, between forced breaths and moans, onto the mattress. Zoe was now pinned down between the bed and the floor, unable to move.

The flacon of that special oil slipped from the Queen’s hand, fell from the bed onto the carpet, bouncing off with a muffled sound, and then rolled right in front of Zoe’s face. It was close enough to get the scent, which was totally different from the one she had worn. Unable to turn her head, Zoe was forced to breath in the vapors of the oil, which had an even stronger aphrodisiac effect. This brought Heidi fully to the surface.

The Queen, amid laughter of satisfaction, rose again. “When I get back to my castle, I must try this on one of my Puma Woman suits”, she said, heading for the door, “or rather. . . the Green Witch of the Swamp suit. But now I will go back to the main room, mingle with my guests and pretend to be one of them”. The tone of voice now coming out of her sensual lips was hypnotic, intoxicating and irresistible, even for a woman. Also the Queen gave Heidi two ideas, non really sensible.

Heidi crawled out from under the bed and quickly grabbed that flacon of oil. The glass was still hot after being barely used and despite having fallen to the ground for a few minutes before. Heidi quickly took a deep breath inhaling the fragrance of that oil as she dropped on the bed. Without ceasing to enjoy that smell, she was unfastening her wedges. Zoe was generous, pouring half the contents of the flacon into the high-heeled boots the Queen had worn a few moments earlier.

The pleasure was like nothing she had ever experienced before. It only gave her time to put her first foot inside the boot, then cost her some time after the orgasm to recover and another after putting her right foot into the other boot, before she could even close the zippers of the boots. It was just the fact of feeling her feet inside tight boots, filled with something dense and that already seemed like having sex.

"It’s time to find my favorite pimp," she said, intoxicated and crazy with excitement, "and force him to use one of those addictive drugs on me and turn me into his Heidi forever."

Hearing that in her own words sounded even sicker and more disgusting than when her contact had given her the information she needed to blackmail him. It was either comply or she would report him to the Forbidden Magic Tracking (FMT) unit of the Ministry of the Purge. Zoe would have been disgusted and would have wanted to slit her throat before doing something like that, but the thought made Heidi even more horny.

Then she thought it was a shame not to use the rest of the oily slime before she left. Heidi poured a little on her fingers and carefully and without spilling a drop of the viscose fluid, she slipped her fingers between her two legs, carefully first between her lips and then making them disappear inside her. She kept at this for some time, totally forgetting about her pimp. After many hard orgasms she fell asleep, very exhausted and very satisfied.

Zoe didn’t wake up like usual, but when she came to her senses she was lying on the bed and in front of her was The Queen, who looked at her with a natural smile, which could even said to be warm. With a tablet in her hands, on it some paper and something made out of latex. Zoe tried to speak, but was unable to utter a sound from her mouth. She instinctively put her hand to her mouth, but there was nothing there, stopping her from speaking.

"Don’t bother, love," said the Queen without losing her smile, "you won’t be able to speak anymore, we have used an option that will only let you moan with pleasure, when you feel very horny. As punishment for wearing my boots. I can call you Heidi, right? I like it better than your real name."

"I’ve got some bad news for you, Heidi, I’m going to let you walk out of here, so you can be Zoe, the journalist you were, for the rest of your mortal life. . . we’ll even let you publish this magnificent exclusive story. Drugs, sex, children of influential people as my hostages and blackmailing of influential people. I don’t really care, I will be long gone after tonight, if you do. I just hope you win the News-Award for Journalist of the Year.

"Downstairs there’s your backpack with the clothes you came in, unfortunately, the oil you abused last night, has made your catsuit. . . well. . . now it’s like your new skin and I wish you good luck adapting to your new sensitivity. Just sign here, and no one will do anything to you", The Queen continued. The tone in which she told her this, sounded sincere, and Zoe wasn’t sure if that was what scared her the most or that she might be lying to her, mocking her, before doing something really cruel to her.

"Or, the good news, you can still be Heidi," she continued after a strategic pause while biting her lip, "you will be my pet. You’ll wear decorum, be very feminine, no pants allowed, let alone going on flats, when we go out to see my lackeys. But when we are at my castle or at one of my parties, apart from some accessories, you will be able to fully enjoy your new rubber skin.

"Except for one thing. You will wear this amulet on your forehead, which will transform you into molten rubber, if you happen to try to betray me. And you will wear this hood over it, which is coated with a special glue that will make it merge with your suit."

Zoe was confused, she looked at her body, her shiny transparent latex suit had darkened, she had black strains moving under her suit, caressing her, sliding around as if they had a life of their own. With malevolent and intentional sensuality they were making her horny again. She felt her pelvis getting hot and she began to feel an itch at her nipples and her lips, demanding to be stroked. Soon Heidi would fully emerge again, feeding the magic of the suit with her arousal, erasing Zoe some more.

“But. . . what the hell did I do. . . last night. . .?” she wondered, trying to remember. But her mind didn’t show her anything past the moment when she had decided to use the rest of the oily slime from the glass flacon. Almost everything connected to Heidi was extremely blurry, the last clear image was of her lying trapped under the bed, seeing a flacon bouncing towards her. As she became hornier by the second, it became harder for Zoe to think straight, just wanting more pleasure.

The Queen smiled. She already knew that she had found herself a new pet, Heidi being the perfect woman for it. She didn't know why, but she had liked Zoe from the start, as soon as she had entered the scene, despite her being a nosey journalist. The Queen had heard so many good things about Zoe working as a companion girl that she knew, that she wanted her for herself. She would apply the amulet and the hood the next time Heidi was asleep, not that it was really necessary. Zoe would soon be gone, leaving only an obedient and submissive Heidi.


(or not, who knows...)



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