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(Damn! Where Is The Zipper? - Movimento 2)

Part 7

For a business trip, Lu traveled to Spain. There was an exhibition of Fetish clothing on the Costa del Sol. Anastassia, the designer and founder of the Lascivia brand, in addition to being Lu's mother, sent him to the fair. The young man had great communication skills, his tone of voice was like a hypnotic pendulum. His mental agility was an innate ability, which helped him to adapt instantly and helped him to immediately choose the right words to attract new clients.

Apart from his abilities, there was also his physique, young, attractive, dark brown hair and gray eyes. A strong chin with smooth lines. With an athletic complexion, but without reaching a vigorexia, which gave him the appearance of a model for the sculptures of a hero or a god, from Classical Greece.

It was almost noon, the day before the opening of the Mediterranean Fetish Exp., When he arrived at the four-star Hotel. While he was checking in at the reception, he was listening to comments from a crazy woman who had left the hotel, dressed in a full body suit to sunbathe, with the heat that he was going to do that day. Another person commented, that it could be because of the Exhibition that was in the city. "Someone like that, I could do very well" Lu told himself, taking note of this.

Just as he was about to take the elevator, he saw the young woman he was talking about running in. Lu, immediately recognized whose suit it was, the suit was unmistakable, and because of how the wearer acted, Lu believed he knew that it was the model for people who, although they had that fetish taste, did not dare to show it to others. Although he could be wrong, since that young woman carried it without any shame…. Or maybe it was because he made the wrong request or someone little understood would give it to him.

He was left watching that obscene spectacle, seeing how the young woman contracted and tilted her hips, each time in a more sensual way. His body language said it all, much more than his and Lu's uncontrolled moans, he began to feel more aroused than curious. That girl had a perfect body, better than many of the models she had posed for the clothes they designed in Lascivia.

Suddenly the young woman ran out with one hand between her legs and the other holding the key card. Lu had to almost jump out of the way so she wouldn't run over him. Before Lu could regain his composure and lift the fallen suitcase from her. The unknown young woman, she had gotten into the elevator and left. He cursed silently, the elevator was modern and they no longer marked which floor they were standing on, they only indicated whether they were going up or down. She had missed a unique opportunity.

Now, a few minutes later, Lu is in the corridor of her room, guiding himself through the number of doors to get to her room. When she got to his number, R234, and was opening the door, a groan two more doors down the hall caught his attention. He put his suitcase inside his room and followed the hopeful sound that it was from the girl he had passed in the hall.

Lu crossed the hall and came to the apartment wing. Shortly after, he found a door ajar, from which came those moans of pleasure. With Caution, he knocked with his knuckles on the door, taking advantage of that gesture to open the door a little more and try to have a greater field of vision inside. The vision was a mixture of pure eroticism and a call for help disguised as moans and moans caused by unnatural arousal. Then, just as he stepped inside, a small flash caught Lu's attention, just below the threshold of the edge of the bed.

He knew very well what was happening to the girl, he quickly took her in her arms and led her to the bathroom. Due to the hypersensitivity caused by her costume and direct contact with someone else's body. The stimulus further triggered the force with which the young woman felt her orgasms. While he was carrying it he tried by all means to hook the puller to the zipper mechanism.

It wasn't easy for her, but finally, but with the help of the warm water, the young woman in the bodystockin tensed, as if ice water had been poured over her, and she stood still. Lu knew how to take advantage of that moment, and got the shooter to enter the small hitch. An almost inaudible click sounded, and suddenly the young woman was still and tried to look at him through the fabric. With each zip, her suit began to loosen her grip on her entire body.

Head free from her sensual prison. And with her vision blurred, from exhaustion and her sweat, she looked at the stranger of hers who had led her to the shower, and had somehow removed the hood. She saw enough to see a man she found attractive trying to say something to her, but she was too exhausted, but she managed to say one thing that man.

- why? she-she got her to say her in a muted, sad and frustrated tone

And then Katarsina was left in shape while The water entered his suit, mitigating the effects of the aphrodisiac oil.

A couple of hours later, Katarsina woke up lying on her bed, wearing only her hotel bathrobe. Her body felt better than ever, although somewhat drained. At first her arms and legs refused to obey her. But little by little she managed to get up. How did I get back to my room? Her mind felt clouded, she didn't remember barely anything since she lay in the sun on the beach.

Then the first thing that came to her memory was the Bodystocking and she quickly looked around the room. She felt anxiety and something like agony, not knowing where she was. And then she saw him, looking wet and stretched out on a chair… and her whole body relaxed. Something inside her made her realize it, that she felt like a drug addict that she believed she had missed her dose of the drug from her.

Just then she knocked on her door, someone rapped twice with their knuckles. Katarsina froze for a moment, and the first thing she thought was what have I done? And the Who could it be… will it be Alex ?!

She jumped up from the bed, ran to the door, paused for a moment to look at herself in the mirror. Her face gave off self-confidence and pride, but also doubts about her… she realized that she could barely remember what she did. She could only remember until she was lying in that hammock, to feel like in paradise. The sun kissing her body, through the beads of sweat and oil inside her suit.

to be continued...



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