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I think we should talk about this comic. Personally, I see that it has too much argument, what do you think?

I think I need change the story line




Argument? How so? Like too much conflicts with the story?


I mean, little action happens in history. I’ve been so focused on shaping the characters and her own personality, that... except for having sex and being seduced by the suit, Laura/NightFury hasn’t done anything yet...


That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s good to introduce and establish the characters before things get crazy. But if you are not happy with it then maybe a change is needed. You could maybe like, so short intro of characters, keep the beginning of her getting the suit, she gets curious and puts it on only for it to do it’s thing. Then after the first outing as nightfury make it about trying to resist but each time she gives in it gets harder to say no.


I have to say that I really enjoyed the pace of the story so far. The background and little excerpts of the characters life make it more enjoyable to read in my opinion.


I would love to see more detailed how she inserts the mask and the suit itself, like from an angle where you can see the interior of the suit, or atleast a more detailed transformation 👌


That’s pretty much the original plan, the influence, and what he’s doing to her makes Laura forget Eli’s advice and that’s a dangerous suit.


ok, I’ll look for a suitable moment for it... a situation like, for example, where she has the conflict of being Nightfury again or not being Nightfury for Peter, to finally give in.




It'd be cool if at some point to see the suit force itself on her^^


Maybe you're just tired of the corruption theme


That depends entirely on what you mean by 'action'. Being tempted to use a dangerous suit is something happening. Tracking down her former friend and the mask is something happening. Seducing her partner with the finished suit despite the clear effects it has on her mind, is something happening. There is only little action, if you define 'action' very narrowly.