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ok, I decided it was time, today I saw a workstation that convinced me, I was going to wait and buy another brand, as one had been recommended, but, I couldn’t resist to let the next pc escape. I’m sure some of you won’t convince this one, but what can I say, we each have our own manias and fetishes.

The offer started yesterday (I think, at least on Thursday I didn’t see it in my crawl for a cheap equipment), and yes!, I got one before it ran out (and the divorce almost too, hehe, but that’s another story). In about a week, I will be able to do the first tests.




congratz! :) well deserved after suffering for so long with your old rig.


Thank u! Well, I can’t say that I suffered, it served me well, and with it, I have done many jobs, and it can still do other jobs. obsolete perhaps, but operational


i will suggest you wait for 40 series graphic card. the 30 ones are selling at ridiculous price