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(Damn! Where is the Zipper? - Movimento 1)

Part 10

The hugs and kisses were interrupted by a loud growl coming from Shara’s stomach. She then realized, that she hadn’t drank or eaten anything after breakfast in the morning. She also felt another urgent need. This called for a change of plan. With Beky’s magical help she was out of the suit in no time, able to take care of herself. Meanwhile Beky had prepared a light supper. While eating together, they really talked to each other for the first time, realizing that they shared more than just an interest in latex fetish clothing. It did not matter to Shara that she was naked before her mistress, strangely it felt appropriate. After dinner Beky helped Shara to don the SexDoll suit again, this took much less time than the first time, even including the accessories.

Beky gave the now fully dressed Shara a tour of the ground floor of her quite spacious house, especially pointing out the playroom. In that room was an assortment of bandage equipment similar to the one she had spent the afternoon on. With some of the contraptions Shara could no even quess how they would function. But she did realize the big four poster bed. After seeing all these things she became very aroused again, something that Beky did not fail to notice. Shara indicated that it was time to become a total LatexDoll again, to be used by her owner. She held out her hand to Beky, signaling that she needed the amulet.

Beky, before giving her the amulet, offered her her hand, and gestured upwards with her gaze, so that Shara would look up the stairs. She had a little trouble climbing the stairs in her ballet-heels, so Beky had to steady her. Shortly afterwards, they were both upstairs, and Beky showed her a dressing room full of latex clothes, from where, after searching through some hidden boxes, she pulled out her favourite catsuit. It was a pink demon suit. Next came a long-haired black wig and a black mask with two long curved horns and an amulet on the forehead.

“This is one of the first models of personality changing suits I designed, I believe, and although it can be a dangerous thing, for the wearer, it is still my favorite,” she began to say flirtily. “As you can see, even the horns and the hair are made of latex, but when I put them on and use the matching amulet to activate the suit, the horns become very realistic and the hair changes, . . I’m practically a succubus then. . . . And. . . do you see the tail? It’s filled with an oily semi-toxin, with which I make my most aphrodisiac lubricants. . . but when it’s pure, it makes you lose all self-control and just want pleasure. That’s why I designed the suit with my face exposed, only covered by the mask, so as not to lose my sanity. I must also take off the amulet before dawn or otherwise, I could be transformed forever. The suit can only be worn for twelve hours without risk, that being the reason I can't market it.

Shara started clapping her hands in appreciation and then she saw something, and she came up with an idea. She grabbed a strapless dildo monstrously. Then she pointed to Beky, then to the suit and the accessories, then to the dildo, drew a circle in the air, meaning that she wanted to see her fitted with all that and finally pointed to her innermost parts. She now was horny as hell for having been kept on the edge of an orgasm for most of the afternoon. She desperately needed release.

"All right, if that’s what you want. . . I’ll put on the suit and then you’ll meet Pecado, the succubus of temptation," Beky said with a hint of mischief in her voice. Without letting go of the suit Beky moved up to Shara saying, "Now go to the playroom, and get ready. Pecado loves sex, and will not stop until she’s satisfied, and believe me, when I’m her, being satisfied is something that’s getting harder and harder." With that said, she handed Shara the amulet for the DollSuit.

When Beky walked into the playroom, dressed in the suit and wearing the wig, she found her SexDoll lying on the bed, waiting for her. After she had moved the Doll to some contraption, she fastened her to it. Beky then held up the horned mask and the amulet, telling her Doll that now she would really meet Pecado. After the SexDoll signalled no objections, Beky put on the two items, turning herself into Pecado. She immediately started making good use of the dildo Shara had selected. She had a malicious smile on her face as she repeatedly brought her LatexDoll to the brink and left her there. Pecado knew exactly how her Doll felt, and enjoyed the control she had over her. After what seemed an eternity the SexDoll was finally allowed relief.

Pecado sensed that she would have more fun, if her Doll would be able to move somewhat on her own, so she removed the amulet from the SexDoll’s forehead. She then used her Doll to the fullest, giving her all the pleasure and excitement she could ask for. Much later, after many orgasms, when both of them were almost totally spent, Pecado removed the amulet from her own forehead, reverting back to Beky. The two exhausted women cuddled together and after some time fell asleep. Beky’s last waking words to Shara were, "I love you."

When they woke up late on the next morning, the helped each other take off their suits, and headed straight for the shower together. While Shara and Beky were having their first breakfast together, Beky’s smartphone reminded her that she had an appointment with Paris at the store in the afternoon. As Paris was one of her favorite clients, she could not cancel it, even though she had planned to take the day off and leave the store closed. She decided to leave Shara in the playroom as a Doll while she was gone.

Then they got dressed, Beky in normal streetware and Shara in the DollSuit. In the playroom the Doll was lead to another strange piece of bondage gear and fastened on it. Beky then placed the amulet on Shara’s forehead, turning her into an unmoving SexDoll again. The Doll resigned herself to wait for her beloved owner to come back. With a devilish grin Beky opened a box with sex toys and plugged all of the Doll's holes. Knowing what was in store for her the SexDoll tried to resist, but to no avail. Beky kissed her goodbye and left her alone. Again the Doll was kept close to an orgasm but could not get there, something she hated and loved at the same time, as she was doing it on her owner’s request.

At the shop Beky noticed, that business was very slow compared to the day before. Almost no one stopped and looked into the window, the would be customers were full of indecision, hardly buying anything. There was something missing. It seemed that the SexDoll had had a positive influence on the store. The only good thing on this day was her appointment with Paris, who wanted two suits with very special properties.

When Beky got home again, she immediately checked on her LatexDoll, and finding her in good, but frustrated, condition, she told her, she had to do some magical research.
The SexDoll was seriously disappointed, knowing she would have to hold out even longer. Beky had to admit to herself that she loved the control she had over the LatexDoll. Later, after she had completed her studies, she went into the playroom and released her Doll. The evening went on very much like the day before.

For the rest of the weekend Beky kept Shara almost the entire time as her LatexDoll. During the day she dressed with the clothes her SexDoll pointed out to her, and in turn, the SexDoll dressed like a maid or a nurse. But when night fell, Beky would put on her favorite catsuit and turn into pure Sin.

When, on Sunday, Beky had to do some administrative work for the shop, she stood her Doll in a corner of her office opposite of her desk and stuck the amulet to her forehead. This time the Doll, eager to obey her mistress, looked forward to being plugged up, and be kept on the edge. She knew what was coming for her at night. Beky needed much longer than usual to complete her work because of the distraction caused by her Doll. This meant an extended wait for the highly aroused LatexDoll. Since they both decided to call in sick on Monday the evening went on very much like the days before.

As soon as they stopped their playing around for a break to grab some food, they were carried away by passion and desire for each other. But most of the time, except after late Monday afternoon, when they both took a shower together while they kept kissing, they were dressed in latex and at play. All this time they did little talking outside of short meals, living out their newfound sexual passion. After the shower they had a last supper together and for the first time in days Shara put on her normal clothes. They felt alien to her after three days of wearing latex or nothing at all. Later Shara went home by taxi, but not before some passionate hugs and kisses. She left the DollSuit with Beky, who said she wanted to make some adjustments. After all there were still two foto sessions to do.

Sitting on the couch in her living room Beky was already missing her new lover dearly, knowing that Shara felt the same way. The young sorceress was so eager to tell her so many things, but she knew she had to wait until she could tell her all about her creations and magical latex costumes. . .

*** Epiloge ***

Several months later.

Life had dramatically changed for the young couple. Shara had willingly become Beky’s property, not only in her SexDoll personality, but also as Shara herself. She loved being owned by Beky, as much as Beky loved owning her. They deeply loved each other, and were content and happy with their new life. Shara had rented out her house to Tamara and had moved in with Beky.

Shara had quit her job as secretary and was working full-time for Beky. She now spent her working hours as a SexDoll in the "Magic Latex Boutique", having learned from Beky that magic was real. Sometimes she just stood in the window as a mannequin, sometimes she was fastened to some bondage equipment that was on sale. The strange thing was, that with her in the store business soared like magic. There was talk of Beky hiring Paris as a new assistant.

It had taken Beky some time to find out that Shara had her own special kind of limited magic capability. This was what had attracted them to each other at the beginning. When Beky had altered the amulet to give her Doll different degrees of freedom, she noticed that Shara not only powered the suit with her body heat and consciousness like other people. Her sexual arousal proved to be much more powerful, it could draw mana from the astral plane. This energy could be collected and be used for Beky’s other magical endeavors. Without being able to use magic herself, Shara was a potent source of magical power.

The only drawback was, that with each orgasm the energy fell sharply and needed some time to build up again. The solution was that Beky had adapted the suit, so that Shara could wear it for about a week. All of her needs could be taken care of through the newly designed openings, once the toys had been removed, only once a week a major cleanup was necessary. The biggest change was that Shara had accepted a new amulet that made an orgasm impossible, while allowing or restricting movement or speech as Beky decided.

After the first few weeks they had discovered that playing with Pecado more than once in a week was too big a drain on Beky. They then limited it to Saturday night, this being the only time that Shara was allowed to have an orgasm. The next morning was the only time that she did not wear her DollSuit, always putting it back on after lunch. Although this meant that she was almost constantly horny, Shara loved her owner having absolut control over her. This feeling was made even better by knowing that it enhanced Beky’s magic, and she was fulfilling her duty to her owner every night without getting an instant reward.

Sometime later the Labour Union caught on with Shara’s working conditions, and demanded some changes. Now she gets two days off every fortnight and twenty days of paid vacation. Also Beky was ordered to let Shara stay out of her DollSuit for at least twelve hours once a week. Both women were, at first, not too happy with the regulations but had to comply. Later they found other fun things to do in these times, they even started to have real conversations.

