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(Damn! Where is the Zipper? - Movimento 1)

Part 9

Now, the time had come to close the shop for the night. Beky after lowering the automatic locking gate at the front door, went to the back of the store. The SexDoll had tried, unsuccessfully, several times to move, to moan, or to scream, but without any result. Suddenly an idea came up that terrified her and at the same time excited her. It might be entirely possible that her new, lustful desire to be a real sex doll was about to come true and that now she was nothing more than a display product in the store.

Suddenly, the lights went out and in the ensuing darkness every shred of doubt vanished. . . the SexDoll felt her heart sink. At the same time, the morbidity of just being a sex toy for her owner, made her long to be used again.

"Come on my Doll, let's head home," she heard Beky say. If she had been able to, she would have jumped. Then behind her the mechanisms of the "seat" were released. The dildos pulled out of her and the rings that bound her grew wide. Apart from a little rocking movement, she did not change position at all. "Today there will be no photo shoot," Beky went on. She had removed the red catsuit and had changed into some everyday clothes, still quite provocative but suitable for wearing on the streets.

Recovering from the shock the Sexdoll then tried again to move, in vain. She wondered, if she had fallen asleep, if it all just had been a dream. But the reality wasn’t like that, her body still refused to obey her. And as she thought that things couldn’t get any stranger, the Doll felt as if the world had lost it's gravity, she was lifted up as if she weighed less than a feather. Beky picked her up and tucked her under her arm with little effort, except for the discomfort of holding her bag on the same arm under with which she held the LatexDoll.

Not understanding what was happening, the Doll now saw, just being able to see to the side to which her head was facing, that she and Beky were leaving the store behind. With some difficulty, Beky managed to get her into the backseat of a taxi waiting for them, while she heard the taxi driver ask if it wasn’t a better idea to deflate her Doll. Beky gave an excuse, that she was testing the Doll's resistance to hard handling. And along the way, the SexDoll had no choice but to resign herself to accepting that what was happening to her was real, that it wasn’t a dream.

The Taxi drove to the top of the hills surrounding Imperial City. Up there, by a secluded house, the taxi driver dropped them off, and Beky, before leaving the cab, payed the taxi driver, and asked him to wait 30 minutes before leaving. Then, with her new Doll under her arm, she walked up to the house. Upon entering, she dropped the things she had been carrying on her other arm, the keys, the bag and her jacket, onto a piece of furniture by the door and headed for the living room. There on the sofa she arranged her Doll, and left her there, sitting comfortably.

They both looked at each other. Beky with a mixture of curiosity, expectation and joy, the SexDoll with a mixture of shock, surprise and mild anticipation. The Doll, from deep down, tried to scream, but, as before, couldn’t make a sound. Then when Beky left the room, the Sexdoll heard the sound of her heels as she walked away, but soon she heard them again, coming closer and closer. Beky seemed to be deep in thought and looked somewhat troubled.

"I really owe you an apology, my dear," Beky began to say, "but I didn’t want to spoil the surprise and I couldn't think of any other way to let you know that I am. . . well, a kind of sorceress. Well, I am still learning, in my family there has always been magic and all that. . . I don’t know why I did what I did to you, but something pushed me to try to get to know this about myself. . . Look, Shara, I did. . . I usually don't allow myself to do something like this for fear of rejection. . . but you. . . I’m sorry. . . Under the rules of magic it is forbidden, without consent. . . I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that to you, but when I saw how you acted at the store. . . I knew you weren’t like the others and. . . phew."

Then Beky placed the box and the envelope she had given to the messenger on the table.

"The amulet I put on your forehead is magical, I designed it as part of the suit," Beky continued to explain in a broken voice and Shara could hear an uncertain, scared tone, "as soon as I take it off, you will be free of its magic, which basically consists of making you behave like a real doll. . . and well, here are your things and the taxi is waiting outside. . ."

That said, with resignation, Beky removed the amulet from Shara’s forehead and she felt a slight tug. Immediately she noticed that she could move again. She looked at her arms and especially her hands and fingers as they reacted to her wishes again. Then Shara heard Beky tear open the envelope and pull out the keys that would unlock the shackles, the neckcorset and finally the corset. "Here, your keys," Beky said, offering them to her, "if you will allow me to, I would help you take off the suit. It would make it easier for you to get home. But I have no right to be offended, if you just grabbed your things and stormed out."

Shara looked at the keys in Beky’s hand, then at her own fingers, followed by a glance at the door and then she looked at Beky holding the amulet in her other hand. She had an ocean of feelings now pounding her mind and felt a strong pressure on her chest. Shara started to try to talk to Beky, but because of the hood she was still wearing, nothing intelligible came forward. So she got up from the sofa and stood opposite of Beky, with an overload of thoughts running through her head. All this time Beky did not move, looking at her with eyes that reddened for a moment, and her face had changed to an expression of deep regret.

Then Shara, being aware that everything that had happened to her was true, looked at the keys again, and held her right hand to her chest, beating herself the same way she had done at the store and then pointed at Beky. She repeated the gesture once more, before taking Beky’s hand with the keys, folding it around them, thereby refusing the offer. Then she reached with her arm over to the other hand holding the amulet, palm turned upwards. Hoping that Beky would understand, and that she would return the amulet to her. Wanting to become a Doll at the mercy of her mistress, by her own doing.

Beky beamed with delight, once she understood what Shara was trying to tell her. She felt a huge wave of relief that Shara not only wasn't angry with her, but truly wanted to be her SexDoll for better or for worse. Shara knew what that implied, and was willing to place herself under her complete control. Beky hugged Shara briefly, and ran out to tell the taxi driver, that his services were no longer needed. When she came back in, she deeply embraced Shara, and gave her a big kiss. She then promised her a weekend that she would always remember.

to be continued...




Quite the development!