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(Damn! Where is the Zipper? - Movimento 1)

Then Beky helped Shara gather together her hair, so it wouldn’t get entangled with the zipper and started to seal her completely inside the suit. As she listened to the sound of the zipper closing, Shara noticed that, although this tightened the suit, it now fit her perfectly, as if made to measure. The lower part of the hood was now completely covered by the neck of the suit, making it impossible to take it off without opening the zipper first. Now Shara was completely dressed in latex, from head to toe, leaving nothing of her to be seen. The Zipper was hardly visible anymore, almost as if it was no longer there. At the same time she felt that from her groin a moisture, that was not sweat, began to emerge. She would have sworn, that looking like an inflatable doll would never turn her on, let alone so much. What’s more, at times she would come up with bold ideas of when to use the suit, maybe even calling on the weirdo of her boss in his office.

Beky then picked up the next item and rounded Shara’s waist with the corset and started closing it. With each pull of the laces it became tighter and tighter. Shara had the impression that the whole suit did so too. As Beky stretched the laces, Shara watched her waist shrink up to a total of 4 inches. Then the shopkeeper stopped and asked her if she felt that it was too tight or if she wanted her to tighten it even more. Shara let herself be overwhelmed by the feeling of that garment, as she admired the figure of an hourglass she was beginning to show. Even though it was considerably squeezing her, she wanted more, not only a hint at the hourglass figure, she wanted to have the figure for real. She urged Beky to keep on tightening.

After tightening the corset and reducing Shara’s waist by 7 inches, the corset now closed completely around her waist. Beky then tied up the laces, placed the embellishment piece to hide them and immediately fastened the metal closures, which would prevent opening the corset. The corset, black with white stripes and and a white rear, now gave Shara the look she was after. Then the shopkeeper opened the neck-brace and took the front part and held it to its place on the front of Shara’s neck. It was exactly the same semi-transparent pink color as the suit with a black trim on the edges.

"Now look forward, stretch your neck and don’t move", Beky said, showing her something solid plastic with a metallic shine, the rear part. That thing made Shara start to doubt that this really was a good idea. "This Neck-Corset or Neck-Brace, will greatly restrict your head movements, and it will also greatly limit your periferial-vision. In addition, this model comes with a special closing mechanism. This detail is highly desired among true lovers of fetish clothing. But you have to be careful, it’s normal that you might hit something the first times you turn around or walk across the room, because of the limited vision." As she connected the two pieces together, Beky went on, "the neck-brace will also prevent the zipper from being opened." The joints of the neck-brace disappeared instantly.

Shara found she liked that complement of the suit, it was so sensual, so erotic and gave it a touch so. . . submissive. But at the same time it also felt dangerous, making her seem to need help and therefore even more seductive. She looked at herself in the mirror as the shopkeeper began to lock the neck-brace. The first thing that caught her attention was again the words “Sex Toy” on the throat part. That came as a ring to the finger of the set, giving even greater truth to the slogan of the suit. Besides, the mask of the suit, which did not allow her to close her mouth properly and even less talk, gave her an even more “SexDoll” look. That reflection, which revealed her current appearance, made her feel very warm and aroused. Sometime later the words faded.

Shara felt, as she tried to adjust her neck-brace, that she could not move or turn her head. Now she would have to rotate her torso at her waist or turn around completely to see what was beyond the sides of her field of vision strait ahead.

"That’s it", Beky said after the click of the lock sounded. "How do you feel? Everything all right? Move around a bit and let me know if the neck-brace or the corset bothers you and you want me to loosen it up a bit."

While moving around, Shara was amazed at how talented the girl was at making fetish clothing. The suit didn’t just look good or rather bad, it also felt perfect. The corset compressed her, but without leading to annoyance or pain, and the neck-brace held her head firmly, but with a feeling of delicacy. She tried to move her head again, but that neck-corset was as restraining as it was elegant. She couldn’t help but bring her hand to the closing mechanism on the back, showing a little anxiety. The lock was something she was barely able to feel, it was a small discreet opening that was hidden behind the decorative strings on the back.

"Calm down, honey", the shopkeeper told her, giving her two sets of keys, "the locks are shock-proof, they can’t be broken and can only be opened with their unique set of keys. No keys from any other garment can open them. When you get home, I sincerely recommend that you put one set in a safe place and while using these supplements always keep the other at hand."

With an excited “mmmpf”, Shara then turned around to give Beky the keys back, to keep them safe, while she continued to help dress her. Then the shopkeeper asked her to sit down and put on those sexy but almost impossible-to-walk-in shoes. Shara “mpfed” for a moment when she wanted to answer her, not getting the idea that with that tube in her mouth she could hardly say anything understandable. After she sat down Beky held out a pair of black stockings, saying she just had to wear them with the suit and then helped Shara put them on.

Beky, before putting the shoes on Shara’s feet, covered one of them inside with a thick, viscous, paint-like gel. While she was doing this, she commented that it was the latest trend in accessories, helping to walk more comfortably with shoes of this type, since the gel cushions and better fits the foot. With Beky's help Shara stepped into the left one of the balletheels, having to use some force to get her toes into the tip of the shoe. With a cloth the shopkeeper wiped away the liquid that came out of the shoe, so as not to leave any stains on the suit. Then she adjusted the posture and tightened the buckles.

Shara soon found out that this was true when she had her first foot inside her shoe. Now her foot looked like that of a ballet dancer, completely stretched. She then saw the details of the straps, they had the same look and effect as if they were real ballet shoes. Except for the tight ankle bracelet of the shoe. Thanks to the gel, she felt comfortable inside the shoe, despite the unnatural posture that was forced on her by those ballet-heels.

Shara released a muffled grunt from under the mask and quickly held out the other foot to Beky, for helping her to put the other one on as well. While the young shopkeeper repeated the process of pouring that gel into the shoe, adjusting it to her foot, and closing the buckles, Shara admired her foot already shoed, seeing it was sexually perfect. And just thinking about how difficult it would be to be able to walk with them, would give her the excuse and motivation to wear them over and over again.

Shara's mind started rambling as she watched the girl put the other shoe on to her right foot. Beky looked super attractive in that pink cheongsam dress that showed her every curve, and then she looked at herself in the mirror, realizing that her body was now even more visible and it was something she was really enjoying. Especially because of the attention she was receiving, as if she were one of those movie Mistresses, whom a maid in a dress of. . . she looked once again at the scandalously provocative young shopkeeper, who was helping her to get dressed.

"You fit the suit much better than I had imagined", Beky said after putting on the second ballet-heel and helping Shara to stand up, "If you allow me, seeing you like this, I have a proposition to make. If you accept, the whole ensemble would come for free." Why do I think she’s even more interested in the suit than ever before, Beky's thoughts went on. She now helped Shara put on two fingerless gloves to finally complete the DollSuit.

A “mpf” came from Shara who was looking at the reflection of Beky, who was now holding a blonde wig, with a ballet bun tail hairstyle. Beky knew that now she had the full interest of her client, meanwhile she greased the inside of the wig with an adherent so that it would not slip off once worn. The more she looked at her new client, the more she realized what an enviable body she had. She was absolutely certain that she would not easily find any other client who would also fit the suit like that. . . and then she came up with a perverse idea. . .

"Well, honey, you have a financial problem and I have an urgent issue", Beky began to say , "I need a model with your natural qualities and who also likes to wear my suits and feels comfortable with them."

Then Beky told her, that she needed a special model and offered to give her the whole set for free in exchange for two photo shoots. One Session she could do right now for the new "Your Sins" catalogue of the store and the online shop, guaranteeing that no one would recognize her thanks to the mask of the suit. Shara listened attentively and somewhat hesitantly to that offer. It was clear that she was interested, not only did she look very good in that set, but she loved being inside it. She wanted to take it home and make the most of her new taste of being a Doll, encapsulated inside that latex suit, which made her very excited right now.

"Can I give you a moment to think about it, my Sexdoll?", Beky said, removing something from the back of the hood before putting on the wig and holding it tight to Shara’s head so that it would stick to the surface of the suit. "Now we need to give it some time for the wig to secure properly", she continued. Shara admired herself in the mirror, not recognizing her former self, while Beky was watching.

"MMMMMMPPPPPPFFFFFFF", Shara exclaimed, bobbing her head up and down, as much as was possible because of the neck-brace. With that Beky left the dressing room.

Alone again in the dressing room, Shara made some movements with her hips to test the comfort of the suit. Yes, it was quite tight, but not uncomfortable, she even would almost say it was perfect as it was right now. Her hands scanned the surface of the suit up to her breasts and noticed that the cups of the suit were holding them perfectly. Not only that, but even now they seemed as uplifted as if she still were a teenager. She checked the fabric for reinforcements, but found nothing but latex and her own flesh underneath.

“It’s just perfect”, she thought, “I can’t believe it myself that I’m the one inside that doll. My fans will go crazy. . . ”

to be continued...



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