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Okay, I have two stories and a third. . . which I'll save for later. The next 6 months will be very intense, and I want to get organized now, to give me time to make the images.

Let's start with the synopsis:

1.- Dronesuit.

A girl who's angry because, Dr Krauser and Dr Sussan, she's going to cancel her research. Since he doesn't want his research to fall into the hands of the corporation, he decides to put on the suit he had developed, to leave an alien being (or so they think) and escape with it on.

What could go wrong?

2.- Artefacts - Damnation of Zoe

Zoe, a jobless nerd, decides to go to her village museum to apply for a vacancy. The museum, full of rare objects, was the home and studio of a famous magician (The Great Zarina Romanov), now missing for years.

While waiting in a room with red and black velvet walls, antique furniture, curious, she touches a fetish orb and sees herself in a parallel reality dressed in a very provocative way, the air is charged with an exotic fragrance, the room now had other furniture taken from a bondage story. . .

She will touch the orb again, to return to her reality?




Both look amazing, however if the drone can clone itself and implant that onto other females then I'm all for that.