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IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything that appears here, in this story, only exists in my mind, anything that resembles reality is coincidence or fortuitous. . .

( hopefully there will be many of these 💓, or not, who knows 😭 )

Scarlet - The Magic Leopard Catsuit

Part 2

Her whole body seemed to ooze vitality, sensuality and sexual desire. Suddenly she started to smell something strange coming from her body. Scarlet was surprised, and instinctively brought a paw to her sex, from which came that scent... imperceptible if it weren't for the suit. From the false lips at her crotch hidden under the fur, fluids full of pheromones began to flow. Barely brushing her nose, Scalet was mesmerized by the strange but intoxicating scent of this fluid. And as she smelled it, as if hypnotized, she was oblivious to the cats that began to watch her silently from one of the staircases.

"What is...? Why does it smell...?" she began to say, feeling a pleasant warmth spreading through her body, with each inhalation.

Then suddenly, she noticed the silent spectators on one of the stairs. Her protective instinct told her that she had better find a way out and leave. So, she made to put the rest of the pieces into the box, but before putting back the mask or the collar... she thought that it would be better to use the box for her dirty clothes, and that, in order not to stain the other two pieces, it would be better to put them on.

She opened the box with the cat contact lenses and carefully put one in each eye, so as not to scratch her eyes with her sharp feline nails. Unlike other contact lenses she had worn, these seemed to put them on by themselves and create a symbiotic bond. As if they were part of her.

After this, with clumsy hands, due to the gloves, Scarlet managed to fasten the collar, feeling in a more and more special way, the more she tightened it around her neck. Without realizing it, when she had closed the buckle, she had started to purr, and felt more sexy and naughty, the more she fiddled with her newly grown claws with the bell or felt the letters of the collar under the pads of her gloves covering her fingertips.

Suddenly she began to feel light and a little dizzy. A strange happiness now spread through her, at the same time as that strange warmth, from her stomach. And then, as if the mask itself called to her, her new feline eyes rested on it, and she caught it between two of her claws. Even though she was going to do it, something in her, now screamed at her to do it. Demanded her to completely enclose herself in that female leopard suit.

A female leopard in heat.

So strong was this impulse that, for an instant Scarlet stood still, fearful, asking herself, if she wasn't making a mistake. She could keep the mask in the box, she was already wearing the costume of her dreams, it was already hers. No one would claim it from her. She could wear it as many times as she wanted.

Ignoring the last vestige of reasoning, Scarlet abandoned herself to her fate. She twisted the mask around, placed the wedging piece inside her mouth, which would not let her speak as a human until she removed it again. Now anything she tried to say would come out as a "Meow". Then she pulled at the edges, and began to enclose her head. Like the costume, the mask was tight, she felt the tight feeling, spread all over her head, at the same time as she put on the hood part of the mask. Unnoticed by her, the surface of the suit, on contact with the inside of the mask, became sticky, and the two parts began to merge.

The magic of the suit was amplified by the second. And Scarlet's body and mind began to change even more. Overcome by this strange feeling she closed her eyes.

Then the new feline opened her eyes again, purring. She was no longer Scarlet, though she still had her eccentric memories. She was overwhelmed by everything that she felt now and what she had stopped feeling. Of her tail swaying with every feline, perfect, sensual step she took, wiggling her fertile hips.

She no longer wanted to know anything about influencers, human needs and what humans really had houses for or those things filling them... She didn't need to wear clothes anymore, because her new skin was the only thing she needed.

Well, she really needed something else... her natural instinct claimed her, making her feel so lonely and empty, and having an urge to not be alone, and stop being empty.... She knew that, if she quenched that urge that night, before dawn, she could feel it again every day, at dusk. But only if she managed to mate.

Then a noise made the new feline turn around. The fur on her back bristled as she saw a huge dark panther-colored dark silhouette, among the cats on the stairs. They both looked at each other. Their eyes glowing brighter and brighter, in the growing darkness of dusk.

Suddenly she calmed down, purred, and moved quickly and sensually towards the unoccupied staircase that led to the upper floor, her tail raised, letting her fragrance, full of pheromones, permeate the air. Before hurrying up the stairs she took one last look towards the other staircase. To her delight and further arousal, the male was right behind her...

...a sensual muffled snort was heard when the male caught the new female in an upstairs bedroom, before Scarlet stopped being Scarlet...

The End


As the catsuit was from YourSin, it released its wearer after 72 sex filled hours. The male, James, a Were-Panther, turned out to be the owner of the house who had pretended to be in financial troubles. He did not do much gardening, giving the cats a good place to live. He and Scarlet soon found that they where a good match, especially in cat form, and decided to stay together.

He had noticed her snooping around the place and had set a trap for her, knowing from her blog how adventurous she was. He had long been looking for a suitable mate, and had decided Scarlet would be a good choice. On her blog she had mentioned that particular Cat-Suit and her desire to someday own one. She had also talked about a fotoshoot in an old mansion, giving him the idea for the trap.

After some more adventures as a leopard, one day the suit would not come off. They found out that Scarlet was pregnant, so she had turned into a cat totally, with the suit bonding to her. Just like it had said on the box. During the pregnancy she became infected from the inside and the magic of the suit transformed her further into a Were-Leopard, but always in feline form. Some time later she had a litter of four kittens. Only then was she able to turn back to a semi-human form for a short time each day, as she had to suckle her kittens as a feline female.

When the kittens where off their mother's milk and onto other food, Scarlet could change into her full human form as a Were-Leopard for the first time in months. She felt very strange at first and only after a while did she begin to feel comfortable in her old form.




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