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IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything that appears here, in this story, only exists in my mind, anything that resembles reality is coincidence or fortuitous. . .

( hopefully there will be many of these 💓, or not, who knows 😭 )

Scarlet - The Magic Leopard Catsuit - part 1

Part 1

The abandoned house was going to be auctioned and so Scarlet snuck into the old mansion as best she as could, through a basement window, which apparently had had a lock broken. She wanted to know before anyone else and before the auction, the state of that old house, abandoned for years. Scarlet wanted to make a bid to buy the house. It would be a perfect place to spend the next Christmas, take pictures for her internet profile, posing in all its corners. And maybe sell it later, when she had made the most profit out of it.

This little adventure was starting off on the wrong foot, because she was not dressed properly to sneak into the house. She was wearing her tight red dress, which highlighted her feminine curves, and the short, tight skirt part let her show off her long legs, which shone with a touch of gold, thanks to the oily shiny effect of the black stockings. The high heels were not the right footwear either, for traversing all the wild vegetation that had grown on the grounds of the house.

Having fallen onto the basement floor, with the ground awash in something brown, slimy and reeking of rusty metal and rotten fish, she tried to get onto her feet. Scarlet, looking disgusted, shook her hands, while trying to control the nausea caused by the smell. At the same time, she looked at the way out of the place.

In a corner that seemed to hide a corridor, she saw an old barrel, made of rotten wood and with iron rivets almost nonexistent due to rust. She deduced that whatever had been in that barrel was now covering the floor.

While she got up, cursing about how her clothes had been left and walked a few steps until she saw a door that led to the staircase, which took her to what looked like a library. One of those that gave envy, completely filled with countless books, shelves made entirely of carved wood, with beautifully decorated walls and next to it two other staircases, also completely made of wood. Strangely there was no dust on anything.

To her surprise, everything looked as if until a few moments ago someone had been living in that house. On the other hand, the number of cats around the place said otherwise. Surprisingly, though, the place didn't smell of cats, nor showed their positions.

There was one strange thing she saw on a table that caught Scarlet's attention. It was an unopened YourSin box. Curious, she approached the box and looked at it, studying it. That box seemed to be waiting for her. It was unopened, with the seal intact, there was no dust on it, nor was the cardboard dirty or deteriorated. Whatever the reason, it seemed like the owners had had to leave in a hurry, leaving everything behind.

Unable to resist Scarlet opened the box, hoping to find something inside it, with which to replace her dirty clothes. With an expression of surprise, her mouth forming a silent 'OH', she pulled out with an increasingly trembling pulse the contents of the box.

"OH MY GODS!" she said feeling how her heart was accelerating and its rhythm was getting stronger and stronger, while she began to bite her lip nervously. "It's a Leopard... I have the exclusive model of the catsuit I always wanted. YYYYEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH!"

Scarlet looked anxiously inside the box, hoping to find more good stuff. She sighed in gratitude when she saw the mask that belonged to the catsuit. Also an exquisite glass bottle, filled with the lubricating and aphrodisiac lotion. There was also a small box with cat's eye contact lenses. And a red leather collar, with a shiny bell, on which it said "Breed Me". Scarlet couldn't believe her good luck.

"What am I waiting for?" she said to herself, when the stench of rust and rotten fish reminded her that her clothes were stained with that basement goo. She undressed and threw behind herself her dirty clothes, with which she had intended to take advantage of the intrusion to take some pictures.

Without reading the instructions for use or the directions on the bottle, she carelessly poured a good amount of the lubricant into the suit. Then, she pulled the opening of the hood wide, the only opening to dress the suit, and slid one leg first into its proper recess. Scarlet struggled a bit with the suit's built-in rigid boot, shaped like a feline's paw. The inside was filled with something that felt like gel. Her foot was forced to stretch, and Scarlet realized, she would have to tiptoe in that suit. As if she were wearing invisible heels, to look more like a feline woman.

Soon she had tucked both of her legs into the suit and managed to get her feet snugly into the suit's footwear. Now Scarlet trembled with excitement as she began to climb into the suit. When she had slipped her first foot in, she had noticed the famous toys built into the suit. Now she was anxious to find out if all the talk about these hollow gel toys was true. The first one entered her, almost immediately. Scarlet's sex seemed to be waiting to meet that guest. It filled her in an incredible and unprecedented way.

The second toy, however, had a slightly harder time convincing Scarlet's rear end to let it in. She had to help a little. Unlike the first one, this one was not as malleable, its texture was stiffer. And its surface was full of little bumps. So she had to start pushing and loosening it in little by little. Luckily the aphrodisiac oil helped to speed up the penetration a little and Scarlet ended up enjoying it much more than she imagined, getting the second dildo into her ass.

"I love it," she said to herself, feeling both dildos filling her like she had never felt them before. "It will be quite an adventure to go home tonight, wearing this outfit.

It was the putting on the waist part of the suit that she didn't like at first. As she pulled the suit up her abdomen, the waist of the suit, began to squeeze her tighter and tighter. As if she was wearing a self-closing corset that wanted to squeeze her waist to the max. But, on the other hand, it fed her vanity and pride. When Scarlet was about to cover her breasts, she saw what an enviable waist she had. She wished she had a mirror nearby and could see her hourglass silhouette.

The next tug led to Scarlet covering her chest, settling her breasts, each in its respective cup, and suddenly noticing a sucking, and that something began to attach to her nipples. It was nothing annoying or uncomfortable. Rather, she cried out in shock, but it was as if two mouths were sucking, licking and nibbling on her nipples, just the way she liked it done to make her horny.

Now it was her turn, the critical moment, to slip her arms inside the opening. The suit was already tight enough and covering her up to her chest that it made her sweat. If it weren't for the fact that she knew the suit was almost indestructible, she would have been afraid to try to stretch the suit any further.

Like a contortionist, she pushed her first arm inside, finding her way into the sleeve with some difficulty. This caused some tugging at her nipples as she tried to correct the trajectory and stretch the suit. But finally, Scarlet managed to slip her two hands through the tight sleeves into the tight gloves, shaped like wild paws with nails more beast-like than those of an elegant woman like her.

The sensation and experience was definitely more than luxurious. When Scarlet pulled up the hood the whole suit reacted. It became very tight, she became very wet, everything became very exciting. Every imperfection in her silhouette was replaced by a sexualized feline figure. Her hips and ass appeared wider and rounder. Her waist was flat and irresistibly narrow. Her breasts looked bigger, perkier, harder, and once again declared war on gravity.

The fur on the surface looked so natural, so authentic, so shiny. And the lubricated latex inside, at first so cool, but at the same time comfortable, was now getting warmer, making her sweat, causing it to hug her body better. Yes, the suit squeezed her like prison device, its relentless embrace was her cruel jailer, but Scarlet was delighted at how comfortable it was despite how tight it was, how it molded her with its tight embrace, and feeling like she was stepping on clouds of gel.

"Fuck yes!" she said in wonder. "This is how I should always feel!"

to be continued...




Amazing story love all the little details was also wondering are we getting a new part to the evelin story?


Yes, there will be more, the grand finale, although it will take some time, I can't say when, but it will be a few months.