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IMPORTANT NOTE: Everything that appears here, in this story, only exists in my mind, anything that resembles reality is coincidence or fortuitous. . .

( hopefully there will be many of these 💓, or not, who knows 😭 )


Part 8 - Changes

Walking back down the hallway, the way they had come, Daniel's gaze, little by little, became blurry. He felt hotter and hotter. Under the sexualy active layer of the suit, his skin began to perspire, and sweat was beginning to accumulate between the suit and his skin. His body felt so strange and yet so good, it was unnerving yet addictive. He felt his body grow hot under the soft, luscious material. The fabric, sliding over the increasingly present layer of sweat, gave him pure pleasure. His breathing became somewhat accelerated and began to become deeper and heavier. He thought at one point about taking off his suit, worried about what the suit might be doing to him. But the feeling of pleasure overcame his sanity.

In a similar way, this also happened to Paolo, who suddenly had, from time to time, a sudden change of voice, it becoming high-pitched and sounding unmanly. Soon after the same thing began to happen to Daniel, and those changes became more frequent and longer. At first they were both worried, but after a while, they found it funny, and without understanding why, they liked hearing themselves with that voice more and more, although neither of them would admit it.

Those suits were changing them, without them being able to tell, because of the chemicals with which the suits were lubricated entered their bodies. And whatever had infected them via their suits was spreading rapidly through their bodies, thanks to the bloodstream, corrupting their nervous systems, altering the chemistry of their minds. They both only noticed that they were somewhat disoriented, or felt some minor side effects, harmless in appearance. But at the same time, they felt good. And so they also didn't realize that their bodies had begun to change.

"I feel like my face is kind of weird," said Daniel. "Like anesthetized, and the suit is now very tight around my waist... and I have a strange pressure in my chest..."

"Yes," said Paolo having almost completely lost his original voice, sounding almost totally feminine, leaning against a wall because of the delicious heat he felt and the lack of air. "It's the same for me, but at least now it doesn't squeeze my parts, now it feels so perfect... Fuck why do I feel so hot now...?"

"And my ass..." Daniel added without really listening to Paolo. "It's like it's... swollen?"

"I feel it like that too," Paolo admitted panting. "But I don't know why... I want to feel it more..."

Paolo then kept silent to catch his breath. But also not to have to admit, that whatever the suit did to him, he wanted more... To feel the suit squeezing his body with every movement, gesture or breath, it was the best he had ever felt in his life.

Unconsciously his hand started to explore his crotch in his arousal. As he watched Daniel move forward, he was mesmerized by the figure the suit gave him, especially, his ass. To his surprise, he discovered, instead of caressing a bulge, his fingers slipped between two dilated lips that formed a camel toe. Paolo no longer had his friend and his two companions. Instinctively he/she pressed his/her hand tighter against his/her new sex, as she/he began to bite her/his lip. And in her head echoed "This feels so much better".

For his part, Daniel had kept walking, looking for a way out or at least to find Susana. He tried to think when was the last time he saw her or where, but because of everything he was feeling at that moment, it prevented him from remembering or thinking lucidly. He was only able to think of taking one step after another, continuing down the corridor, going back the way they had come. However, he could no longer be sure he was walking down the same corridor they had come from.

He didn't know how long he had been walking when Daniel realized he was alone. Paolo was not walking behind him anymore. Now besides being disoriented he was alone. He shouted several times to receive no answer. Discovering that his voice had changed completely and permanently. It no longer sounded like his own. It was unusually high-pitched and sounded similar to the voice Susanna used to make when she jokingly made herself sound sensual and provocative. And what made it even worse was that strange heat, which reminded him of when he suddenly became horny, for no apparent reason, and without any stimulation.

It was then that he really became aware that something was wrong with his body. Omitting all those sensations that prevented him from noticing or seeing the obvious. His body was anxious about something. And because he felt a strong tingling in his nipples and a great pressure in his pectorals. The butterfly cocktail in his stomach would not go away. Daniel tried to soothe his itchy nipples by rubbing them with his hands, when he suddenly realized that his/her hands were encircling tender, big, beautiful breasts. And what was more overwhelming, he/she could feel the relief of those hands soothing the hunger of these breasts to be massaged, but at the same time making his/her sexual desire grow.

"Thank goodness I found you..." she/he heard a voice that startled her/him and accelerated her/his heart beat, pumping even faster which further transformed her/him all over her body. For an instant she thought it was Susana, and Daniela pulled her hands away from her breasts, but when she turned around, she saw another girl.

"Who are you and why do you look so much like...?" Daniela asked puzzled, coming to think that it could be someone else who had been trapped inside the ship.

Daniela looked at the girl who came down the same corridor she had come from, and she looked at her with a sexual desire in her eyes. The girl resembled Susana in many features, as well in looks as in stature. Although the color of her hair did not match and her feminine attributes were more prominent. Daniela looked at the other girl without being able to gesture or say a word.

With that green suit and on those heels, she was the most sensual and irresistible thing she had ever seen.

"Daniel," said the girl with red cheeks and with the most attractive voice Daniela had ever heard. She was wearing a green suit similar to Paolo's, but the girl's was extending above her neck, surrounding her head, and covering her hair, forming a beautiful hood. Because of the tight suit the girls face was sweaty from the heat produced by the ongoing changes. "Please, help me..."

"How do you know my...? You...?" Daniela's eyes then snapped open in surprise. "Paolo?!"

The girl's face turned even redder, looking like she was going to start crying. As Paola nodded a fire began to grow in her new sex.

to be continued...




I need one of those suits in red :3