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Carla's on her own, ripe for another loompette to start fattening!




I have a feeling the rivers gonna end up damned


Flashing back to that cargo ship getting stuck awhile back…

Julian Reight

Ah I see what your going to do now, your going to use some of your old art with this comic https://www.deviantart.com/0pik-0ort/art/Syrup-Room-485842852 https://www.deviantart.com/0pik-0ort/art/Smores-Room-559438092


Whittman: *facepalm* Someone explain to me how Carla fell in and still managed to lower the river by 9 feet? Loompettes: *nervous sweating* Carla: *looming overhead with how huge she's grown* Am I in trouble? Whittman: on the contrary Sweetie, we're promoting you to our exclusive Creosote Club Membership

Mason Dunne

Okay, Carla with a chocolate shell or ganache engorged Carla?


Carla so massive she dams the whole river after the ground collapses under her bulk and she falls and causes a fat woman riot because she’s still drinking it all up