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Alas, anger flows down the chain of command... give Katie ONE moment to get frustration out, then there's a whole fairground to play in~

Turns out whatever agents they use to get people to binge on the chocolate is also pretty good for making people believe just about anything.

And the last note... I never want to draw that many loompettes in one panel again!




"And whatever you do, DO NOT LOSE ANY OF THEM! Last time I lost track of some them and next thing you know there are 9 ladies the size of a city block!, took me a whole week to clean that up!"


So the chocolate acts as a form of mind control drug 🤔 allowing you to project anything word wise onto the individual. Don't let Facebook, Amazon, Google and especially Apple get their hands on this. Also amazing work I always look forward to it every week 🙌


"Mr. Musk....how exactly does creating an army immobile fat women addicted to chocolate help the world?" "Don't know, don't care. Did it because I could and to stick it to that jerk Bezos with his army of she-hulks!"

Julian Reight

One of those female Oompa Loompa‘s looked very suspicious and I’m talking about the one that was near Katy. That was opening the chocolate bar.


Gosh, I relate/feel for Katie and the whole anger running downhill sentiment- there is always somebody pissed way up the chain of command and it inevitably trickles all the way down, lol. Makes sense they use the candy to alter/shape people's memories to cover things up. Is the "4 eyes" Whitt is referring to Katie's boyfriend last seen skulking about the fair? I guess the only other time she interacted with him was during that car chase where he crashed? Wonder how Katie would react to seeing him...

Julian Reight

What page was Katie’s boyfriend skulking around the fair


Does Whit not know the guy is Katie's boyfriend? Sloppy bg check on her part.


Probably not they weren't together during pick dont eat, and she's only ever interacted with him in the soda storyline


Page looks good! Slowly starting to realize why the 2 groups of Loompettes left the factory to have fun at the fair, both Katie and Whitt have no respect for the shorties.


Lutinettes!? I will now be reading Whitt’s lines in a thick, barely decipherable French accent. Ho hoooo!

Zachary Ryan

Man I haven’t been this excited for pages since the original Whacky Candy. Can’t wait to see Katie filling out her uniform a bit more.


Or maybe he read the sci-fi novel Consider her Ways John Wyndham on one of his binges, it's a dystopian story about a world where men have died out so to keep the species going they take certain women and make them uber fat preggo machines to pump out babies, and had an idea for Mars




haha "lutinette" is the name for them in-universe! Loompette doesn't feel quite official enough for me (tho obvi it's what I call them too) and I like that lutin has a similar sound while being more real-world-y


I'm glad people are so hype! I was worried about these few pages since they aren't as expansion-y


Today I learned! It's a fitting name for sure. "Pixie" evokes the sweet/sugary/mischievous nature of the little bugger quite well.


They're clearly setting stuff up, so its all good- gotta line up the dominoes before you knock them down