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Yeahhhh Cat definitely has developed some problem behaviours in confinement. She will need a quiet foster home where she can be the only cat-pumpkin-woman.

Cat can take some of her mellowcreme fluff out to reduce mass and her body will eventually regrow and even things out. It's not as pleasant a process as juicing but hey, anything to keep mobile!

Some general things, I finally cleaned up my welcome mat pinned post. Panspermia Ch 4 I want to add to the vault soon but I also want to make a cover for it without interrupting DBP posts and finding the time has been tricky.




Somehow her biting chunks of herself out is not the worst thing Katie has seen. There's probably a whole wing of ladies too far gone they literally ate other ladies/loompettes/themselves to death


So, I know that the WC universe is meant to be darker and this goes back to the dangers of working second shift and all but... idk, I feel like the series is getting kinda... bleak? The art is good and I know there's a story here but it feels like I'm reading a bit of a horror story? Idk, lately when I read new pages I'm not filled with excitement as much as kinda cringing because something like someone taking bites out of themselves is kinda... off putting. again, your series and all. But idk, it's been making me feel kinda... icky I guess while reading. So I guess I'm wondering if the direction is going to be more bleak and body horror-y going forward.


Ohh looks their body already become food itself! Also Opik would give me tips for making a comic like yours? The way your world building is amazing!


If the only way to reduce her mass is taking chucks off, now I'm very curious how marshmallow women get “harvested.” Do they get chucks pulled out of them, then it just regrows for the next time?


That's totally fair. Honestly through the course of Panspermia I realized the darker stories are just what I prefer and I've always seen expansion as a form of body horror. Cat's behaviour was intended more as a comedic deranged kind of thing. I'll say at least, Katie will get a respite soon, and this chapter ends with a positive for her and a couple other characters.


I understand that POV, but 0pik literally ran Panspermia as the main comic for the last few years, this pales in comparison to that gruesome series.


You gotta make comics to get good at comics! There's so many elements to writing and compositing them visually, and a lot of different ways to tackle them. Look for tutorials online and make comics while trying to learn specific elements. Eventually you commit everything and can roll with all the moving parts as you go.


Lettering is a REALLY important part that gets overlooked a lot. Good lettering is unnoticeable. Bad lettering can make a beautiful comic look like scrap. Blambot has some good resources for this, and excellent fonts aimed at indie creators!


I mean, I won't deny that you write good horror stories. In fact, I really think you know how to nail that kind of horrific, oppressive tone; it's not easy to create an atmosphere of dread like that. At the same time though, I've personally got less interest in horror with this sort of thing. Again, not a slight on you. So I was just curious if the tone was going to get darker or not; comedy is subjective of course, so it's entirely possible it just doesn't land for me personally. I guess I just wasn't sure if the intention was for this series to become more akin to a kind of bubblegum horror, in the sense that its tone is darker but it's depicted as bright and colorful.


I mean as someone that re-read of most the Whacky Candy themed comics, this current tone isn't too far off than whats been made in the past. Hell, the only stories that had good endings were What-A-Melon and the christmas thing. The rest have had a darker theme of losing control and facing a terrible truth that there might be no going back.


I'd say page 11 was the darkest point and I don't intend to get darker than that. There's two more pages to this bit with Cat where (spoiler) Katie has a Heel Realisation moment. Things will start looking up after that! If you stick with the series, I hope it will make the darkness worth it.


Also if it helps, recall that Katie shows up at the fairgrounds at the end of What-a-Melon! Maybe that will give her a chance for something.


I mean, I'm not going to say you can't go darker. I guess for me, it's a lot of expectations versus reality? Like my vibe was that it was kinda silly with darker undertones. Which is fine! But over time I started to wonder if the direction it was going was closer to horror. The through line of the comics I felt was that it had an energy and silliness to it with darker undertones, so I was wondering if you were going to make it closer to your other series and have it be more straight horror. I actually kind of like the vibes, but I also wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into is all.


Oh thanks! So far i make 2 comic! Tho i feel need to improve more. Thanks Opik! Will search and learn with the one you mention.


I mean we've seen her hair pulled off like it was nothing, so it would be interesting what a full harvest would look like for a non fruit producer (Marshmallow, Soda Gas, Pastry)


It's a totally valid concern. I'll admit, it did end up darker than even I expected and I'm trying to swing back to more silliness while keeping the arc I want for Katie. It will get a bit introspective but I promise there will be a good ending to this chapter! I want to make happy endings hard-earned.


I certainly think you're good at it. Your writing is very good, my only concern was whether or not the overall tone for the series going forward was shifting. I was mostly concerned that I'd misjudged what I was getting into, basically. Or maybe missed something that indicated the plotline was moving more towards your other comic in style or tone.


There can't be enough Carla Spin offs haha. Would be fun to see her adjusting to her day to day life in the factory

Changed This For Privacy

I'm curious as to why the Loompettes are even doing any of this. Do they need the magic people candy to power their ship? Are they feeding someone or something aboard the ship? Is the ship just a space station, and the Loompettes are from Earth? I genuinely find it intriguing.


Chocolate woman: “DID YOU JUST EAT MY ARM?” Carla: “Sorry, but you’re just too delicious and I’m soooo hungry”

Patrick Nightwind (Bender097)

Oh man Cat is eating her self only to reform it get possibly bigger? Katie is going to kick some furry kitty ass. I love the fact she has to be coned, real feline instincts on display. The fact that Katie is so strong really has me thinking as a berry the juice gave her some super strength? I’m most curious as to how she’s become so strong yet so wide and plump. Digging each page that you do 0pik!💖


Opik! Do you think we’ll ever see the loompette king and queen from dangers of working second shift?

Tom the Fanboy

I imagine there comes a point where it feels more like exfoliating or sheep sheering (despite the imagery of a butcher)


Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time, a long time


I know I’m late to this but does the regeneration mean that one lady eating the other cause the eaten one to regrow inside the the belly of whoever ate her?