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She's about to blow! The ship that is.

Happy holidays to all who celebrate since the next update will be just after Christmas... it will also be the last Panspermia update with 3 pages to wrap it up!




I was about to say this is near its end

Supercake Studio

Have you ever thought of making these available in like a print-on-demand form? A lot of these comics - especially this one - are really interesting stories in their own right, and beautifully drawn, and it makes me regret they have no permanent physical existence in the world. I want to put it on my shelf with Mirka Andolfo and other sexually charged body horror stuff.


I was honestly unsure if they’d make it out alive. I was fully expecting Erin to die back when she was giving birth. Nice that they got out.

Max Johnson

I wonder what happens to Erin.

Tom the Fanboy

Page 2 Panel 1. That ominous negative space of the looming creature. MAGNIFICENT!


“Bungee Cord powers, activate!”