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Lady with the gun gets to make the definitions around here




Where’s buff lady when you need her?


Side note/tangent to the Whacky Candy side, I am curious how would Whitt or some of the store girls handle one of those multi ton customers going insane/violent in their greedy lust to devour literally the entire store’s stock in one sitting.


In Erin’s case, maybe she should let Fayes take it all and while she’s too enormous and helpless, flee down a small escape door Fayes can’t fit through. Or maybe knowing Erin’s bad luck, Fayes is going to cram her in between her breasts to keep an eye on her till she can put more aliens into Erin.

Max Johnson

I feel like one way or another, the alien will go back into Erin.


This is The Worst threesome I’ve ever seen.

Tom the Fanboy

Damn that fourth panel is almost enough to make you forget the context of this page.

Adam McKinney Souza

Oh god it’s so much more brutal than I expected